
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    Meyvitch said:

    Apt hunting. Finding an apt I can afford. Discovering there's no parking, closets, or w/d in the building. My bathroom would be absolutely my own--but it's across the hall. There's a unit right to the left in the hall between the apt and bathroom. I can only imagine what occurs in the middle of the night when bathroom dash needed, or how many times the prev tenant flashed the other unit owner.


    BTW, is it legal for a tenant app to include requiring getting a SSO, DOB, and driver's license? This feels wrong to me. But absolutely necessary for background check/credit check.

    Pretty sure it is legal. They usually do credit checks, that's why they take that info.

  • I rage at how often I overhear people referring to other characters, and even worse their players, as "it" to show a disliking for the person.

    Come on guys. Really? Let's have a modicum of respect for the fact that there are other actual people behind the keyboards here, and while that person may not directly hear you insult them, it's just altogether a rude habit to develop. 

    I get that every community is going to have its groups that don't like each other, but that used as an insult is just plain degrading to the person playing. 

  • AshmerAshmer Barefoot Adventurer Life
    Slyphe said:
    I rage at how often I overhear people referring to other characters, and even worse their players, as "it" to show a disliking for the person.

    Come on guys. Really? Let's have a modicum of respect for the fact that there are other actual people behind the keyboards here, and while that person may not directly hear you insult them, it's just altogether a rude habit to develop. 

    I get that every community is going to have its groups that don't like each other, but that used as an insult is just plain degrading to the person playing. 
    This. O god this. I have literally stopped people and requested they stop doing that in conversation, mostly people think it's harmless, I've found.

    the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine

    open hand or closed fist would be fine

    blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine

  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited February 2014
    Oh. As someone totally guilty of that, it's not really a malicious thing, just an IC-OOC blending where all lifers are (fondly?) referred to as it. Even citizens of BL, before going Undead, are (fondly?) called it until they undergo the Undeath ritual (OOCly of course).

    My lifer alt gets called it all the time when I am logged onto him too. Not saying it's the kindest thing to perpetuate, but it definitely doesn't have malicious intent.
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    I can't register two games I bought from Stardock on Steam :< (though I'd only ever play one seeing as I have a better version of the other)

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Sins of a solar empire rebellion?
  • Depression and my lack of interested in Aetolia lately. I log in and I just become Bleh to the whole thing. Thinking it might be time for a small break of just signing in to check things and do RL stuff so I don't do something stupid IG.
  • edited February 2014
    There's about 11 inches of snow outside right now with 6-8 more expected yet. 


    Spoiler because naughty word.

  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Sticky keys! I have a tendency to hold down shift as I think about a sentence I'm about to start! AAUAHG NO SHUT UP.
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    Holy unnatural rush of people, Batman. I'm closing in on 50 people having used our Testing Center today and it's not even noon yet.

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms

    Glad I'm in the city, snow's less of an issue. My parents are snowed in out in the boonies. 
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    I'm working outside in Sayre PA, ill take the snow compared to -17f of yesterday
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    Jensen said:
    Sins of a solar empire rebellion?
    Trinity actually. Someone bought Rebellion for me on Steam a while back. I wanted to register Trinity and Demigod on Steam, but seems I can't :\.

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • edited February 2014
    I'm so mentally and emotionally, and even somewhat physically, exhausted. Between preparing for a move in April, trying to balance my finances to where I can get everything I need in order (and still try and work in IronCon, if it doesn't get canceled), dealing with school, working, and having a serious crisis in my relationship. Finally feeling like I'm just about off the crazy train from previously mentioned bc, at least. I've been trying to find the time and energy to play Aetolia, but its been difficult. 

    I just wanna be done. Just. Done. And I don't even know what I'm going to do anymore. I don't know what I want anymore. I dislike big changes and transitions in life for this reason. I won't say I regret anything, though I probably could have definitely made better choices, or that I wouldn't have wanted it, because it has been beneficial in its own way. But not without all the scrapes, bumps and bruises along the way. Some of them, I'm sure, will be lasting.
  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    Slyphe said:
    I rage at how often I overhear people referring to other characters, and even worse their players, as "it" to show a disliking for the person.

    Come on guys. Really? Let's have a modicum of respect for the fact that there are other actual people behind the keyboards here, and while that person may not directly hear you insult them, it's just altogether a rude habit to develop. 

    I get that every community is going to have its groups that don't like each other, but that used as an insult is just plain degrading to the person playing. 
    I haven't done this in quite some time, but in the past Daskalos has referred to Undead as 'its' on the basis that 'he or she is not alive, and therefore, is genderless rotting flesh'. Also, the Wheel turns people into Its - if it's as offensive as it is, why does the Wheel do it? It's funny when the wheel does it but rude when someone says that? 



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • I think it's less a gender thing, and more 'they're so awful they don't even count as a human being, just an object'. The wheel is just a gender thing.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    The Wheel can turn you genderless?
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    edited February 2014
    Yes. It has made Areka an It as often as it has made her a Man (which is a surprisingly significant number of my spins!).

    I think it's just trying to push what we all already suspect of her. 
  • IosyneIosyne the Lair
    edited February 2014
    I hate these days where it's like every possible thing you could imagine is trying to interfere with you getting some solid work done.

    There is absolutely nothing more frustrating to me than having my focus constantly and persistently interrupted. >:C
  • edited February 2014
    I hate these days where it's like every possible thing you could imagine is trying to interfere with you getting some solid work done.

    There is absolutely nothing more frustrating to me than having my focus constantly and persistently interrupted. >:C

    I'm Sorry!!!

  • edited February 2014
    Audits. Seriously, I'm done with this week. Just. DONE.
  • Hamachi. Oh my God the thing is like a virus. Disable -> literally while I sit there watching, it re-enables itself and sets itself as my primary network, which disconnects me from the internet. Again. Disable the driver, it re-enables that. I had to purge the whole thing, and the memory of the thing, from my computer. Hopefully it STAYS dead.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    The complete lack of games that can properly scratch my itch for some well done Espionage/Spying mechanics :(

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Setne said:
    The complete lack of games that can properly scratch my itch for some well done Espionage/Spying mechanics :(
    Rockstar was building a sandbox open world splintercell metalgear solid hybrid where you had many avenues to pursue targets and objectives GTA style.  But they neither canceled it nor continued it...
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    Jensen said:
    Setne said:
    The complete lack of games that can properly scratch my itch for some well done Espionage/Spying mechanics :(
    Rockstar was building a sandbox open world splintercell metalgear solid hybrid where you had many avenues to pursue targets and objectives GTA style.  But they neither canceled it nor continued it...
    I have one possible game that might do it for me, but it's going to be a while before it's out. I can dip my toes into the water with Civ V, but it's lacking a lot of stuff and there might be a few other games that might tide me over, I just don't have the extra cash to throw at them right now.

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    civ 5 got boring for me after the science victory, sins got boring after a while, CoH2 isnt compatible with my graphics card, Rome 2 doesnt have the replay value that medieval did, I already replayed morrowind recently, rebeat ME2 and 3 on insanity 3 times this year, did two playthroughs of dark souls.....   Just waiting for dark souls 2 to get released 
  • Rage-Ahol.

    I order a Teddy bear + Flowers bundle for Roux for Valentine's Day. It arrives today (no big deal), but they only deliver the flowers, no bear.

    This thing cost $60, and I opted for this particular bundle for the smaller amount of flowers in favor of the large teddy bear. So I give them the benefit of the doubt, and email them asking to re-deliver the bear, or refund me some of my money (seems fair, yeah?) They respond back by issuing a $20 gift their site. Of which the cheapest thing they have is a $30, SMALLER bear, of which I would have to pay shipping on.

    I work as a Supervisor for a Technical Support side of a very large (LARGE) company, and regularly deal with order issues etc. If someone didn't get their stuff, we y'know..get them their stuff, or let them get a refund. We don't just give a partial gift card and say screw off.

    If they don't get me a better response by tomorrow, all hell will rain down in the form of some very angry calls and emails. I've been on the other end, I have prime examples to pull from for angry customer time.
  • SetneSetne The Grand Tyrant
    edited February 2014
    Jensen said:
    civ 5 got boring for me after the science victory, sins got boring after a while, CoH2 isnt compatible with my graphics card, Rome 2 doesnt have the replay value that medieval did, I already replayed morrowind recently, rebeat ME2 and 3 on insanity 3 times this year, did two playthroughs of dark souls.....   Just waiting for dark souls 2 to get released 
    Civ is fun enough depending for me and Sins I play largely when I'm in a conquering mood and love the overall scale of the game. We could do a multiplayer game, I know @Seir has the game, and have a few other people we could play a match with. Don't have the other games though.

    try to find way to transfer old skype chat from previous hd
    find program that I assumed would help
    program only gives basic info and not full log

    Ingram said:
    "Oh my arms are suddenly lubed"
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Ansnom's out of town for the weekend for a funeral,s so I went to my parents' house because I don't do this whole "being alone" thing (even when I'm not crazy).  Because of this, my sister and I are spending time together doing stuff (I'm about to get her into GoT, heh heh heh), so I'll be away from Aetolia for a few days.  My rage is that I'm thankful for this.  I'm so angry at some people as a group and some people as individuals, some who I've always disliked and some who I thought were my friends but have since proven otherwise, and so on.  I did pretty well yesterday, all things considered...  Why does getting away from this game improve my depression?
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Ilurbre @Arbre
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