
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    I hate barely getting any sleep because I've been ill to my stomach. I am so just..beat. I want to sleep, but I can't.

  • Must be in the water. I've been so incredibly nauseous lately and can't sleep at night. Could he nerves on my part though.

    So sad walking around my store. No sales displays and most vendor items are gone. Like hostess and Little Debbie.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    I'm on the last leg of balancing my medicine out, but it's just as hard as the beginning.  I knew I haven't been interested in Aetolia for awhile (hence me stepping down from everything), but I only really just realized tonight that it might not be sincere disinterest since I'm not interested in doing -anything- anymore.  I'm trying hard to have the give-a-damn about anything I know I -should- be interested in, stuff I did care about a few weeks back, but it's not working.  I have a really hard time remembering things and telling time and days, so it's hard for me to tell what's the changes in medications, and so Justin is taking off of work to go to my psychiatrist appointment with me so that they get more reliable information.  I just want to be normal.
  • StathanStathan Hot springs
    Arbre said:
    I'm on the last leg of balancing my medicine out, but it's just as hard as the beginning.  I knew I haven't been interested in Aetolia for awhile (hence me stepping down from everything), but I only really just realized tonight that it might not be sincere disinterest since I'm not interested in doing -anything- anymore.  I'm trying hard to have the give-a-damn about anything I know I -should- be interested in, stuff I did care about a few weeks back, but it's not working.  I have a really hard time remembering things and telling time and days, so it's hard for me to tell what's the changes in medications, and so Justin is taking off of work to go to my psychiatrist appointment with me so that they get more reliable information.  I just want to be normal.
    Speaking as someone who has gone through that before, you have my condolences. And if I knew of a way to balance that stuff out to be better I'd be the first to let you know. My solution was slowly working myself off of all of my meds and spending a lot of time meditating, doesn't work for everyone.
  • Arbre said:
    I'm on the last leg of balancing my medicine out, but it's just as hard as the beginning.  I knew I haven't been interested in Aetolia for awhile (hence me stepping down from everything), but I only really just realized tonight that it might not be sincere disinterest since I'm not interested in doing -anything- anymore.  I'm trying hard to have the give-a-damn about anything I know I -should- be interested in, stuff I did care about a few weeks back, but it's not working.  I have a really hard time remembering things and telling time and days, so it's hard for me to tell what's the changes in medications, and so Justin is taking off of work to go to my psychiatrist appointment with me so that they get more reliable information.  I just want to be normal.
    You'll get there, lufrbre. I promise. Besides, you have people that care about you and that will help where they can.

  • Who flew all the way out to Montana without her jacket and directions to the hotel? This girl.
  • Hate it when that happens Jasline. I once drove 3 hrs to go visit Dad in Lake Winnesquam, and when I got there I realized I left my suitcase in the hallway at home.
    imageimage "Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
  • It will suck hard for the first two weeks, but after that, it becomes a beautiful thing.

  • I broke my pinky toe last night and it hurts and is so sore :(.
  • I wish planet fitness did aerobic classes, I'd feel like I'm doing more for myself. I tend to get absolutely bored after 70 min and go home. I miss my Mom's Wii fit. I exercised a lot more with it, and I miss chasing the cats.
    imageimage "Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Had an ingrown toenail removed today.
  • The really bad nights that end up keeping me awake in a cold sweat for hours on end. Even though I *know* there's no reason for it, the depression that suffocates me. And the absolute lack of the security net of friends that I was used to having when I went to classes on a regular basis. 
  • Hours got cut at the new job. This does not bode well for our intrepid hero.



    (The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."

  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    Blackberry ginger mojitos were a bad idea. Can I have my rum back?
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    so rather upsetting night...  I left to go into the city for a benefit and just before I left my BFs dog attacked my Cat.  It happened right in front of me and I am not sure I can get that image out of my mind, and I am for sure going to have issues sleeping because of it.  Basically I saw the dogs mouth around the cats stomach area and he was whipping his head back and forth like he was playing with a dirty sock.  This went out for about 2 to 3 minutes and now every where the cat lays I can see small drops of blood.  

    The sad thing is I have no money to take the cat to the vet, nor has the BF offered, and I am seriously praying that she will not die on me.  So far she is responsive and moving around so thats good, but still scary.  I have two cats and this is the one that lays with me all the time when I am in my bed, she does not leave my side even when I am moving throughout the house.
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    That's awful :( - is there a veterinary school near you? They may be able to help more cost-effectively than a vet's office. While I'm sure you have already, keep the cats segregated from the dog for a bit, keep food and water and litterbox in the same room/accessible, etc. Poor thing :(
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    Areka said:
    That's awful :( - is there a veterinary school near you? They may be able to help more cost-effectively than a vet's office. While I'm sure you have already, keep the cats segregated from the dog for a bit, keep food and water and litterbox in the same room/accessible, etc. Poor thing :(
    yeah the dog lives on the first floor of a 2 level house.  The upstairs is where the cats food, water and litter box are kept and the cat that had issues stays on the second floor unless I move go down stairs to eat dinner or be social with the BF.  Other then that the cat stays on the second floor where she knows the dog does not go.  It just while on the first floor sometimes in passing the dog will attack the cat for no reason.
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • edited September 2013
    Having one of the people who was considering my application tell me that he's only looking to hire men for a cook position. When I asked him why that was he said that it's just who he hires. I immediately called the labor board and my biggest beef with this is that people actually find this acceptable! He said that to me thinking I wasn't going to get upset. What's worse is that look he gave me that was like, 'Oh, poor pair of tits can't control her emotions'. I know the labor board won't/can't do anything about it. Plus, there's a lot of ageism here. No, I won't call someone 'sir' because they're older and yes, I correct people who call me 'ma'am'.  I have the right to disagree with them if they say something offensive and ignorant regardless of age. I also rage that I have Christianity being shoved down my throat every few seconds. I've gotten to the point that if anyone mentions god at all, I stop them and I say I don't want to have the conversation. My social work professor keeps making digs at me in class because I'm a liberal and not drinking the koolaid! I...just..ugh. It feels like I walked into a twilight zone where I'm the only sane one and, really, how comforting is that? I haven't met a single other sane person yet and I'm feeling super duper lonely out here because I will NOT compromise my belief system for people who are pants-on-head! That's not happening! Okay, resume what you were doing. 

    "To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman

  • edited September 2013
    Finding out that apparently my gas bill was -not- attached to the utility company I thought it was, and has not been paid since April 2012, and I have a 700 bill and my gas is disconnected.

    This is the -first- time I've seen any notice from them.

    I'm so tired of being an adult. Can I please be 5 again?

    Edit - To be clear, I've never seen a bill, a late notice, nothing. In a year and a half. WTF.
  • If your gas can be turned off at your house/apartment through the meter, you may want to look into this company, it might be a scam.
  • The company is legit.

    What we -think- might have happened is that the person whose -name- it's under has been getting the overdue notices, but is filing bankruptcy so the utility company couldn't shut anything down till that was handled. 
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    I do not like today. I don't know why that is. Today has gone reasonably smooth all day. I just sort of feel like crying and having a panic attack. I am even back on the proper amount of medication. It's a gorgeous day out, too. I also ate properly. I don't know what's going on.

  • Come back from vacation to a sick cat. We now have to give her antibiotics twice per day and this is the cat that can't stand being held for more than two seconds.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Quitting smoking, why for must you make me rage.
    Four days in, really want to curl up in a ball and hide.
  • You should get one of those vaporizer things. All the calm of a cigarette and none of the cancer! I've bought one pack of smokes in the last month since I bought mine, and that was because I ran out of juice and lost my charger all in the same day.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • NeithanNeithan Sunspear, the Principality of Dorne
    Lost a bet today. My punishment? Growing my hair out until next Iron Con.

    This is gonna be a long winter.
  • IvolnIvoln Azvosh Rakar
    It doesn't have to be so bad.

  • Oh, good. Razmael will have a long-hair-friend at last!
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
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