So I'm trying to organize the most cluttered room in my place. Which isn't going all that well since I don't have a lot of storage space. So I decided to go out and get a shelving unit for the closet for more space to put all this crap. So I did. By myself. That was a bad idea. These units are much heavier than I thought.
I rage at 7.5hr days, getting to go home for about a hour and a half and soon, back to work I go for an undetermined amount of time. Long day will be long. And tired Elly will be tired. Work rage is a go!
I'm with El on this one. Worked 7a-5p on Tuesday and then 4a-2pm on Wednesday and now trying to force myself to go to sleep since I have another 7a-5pm to do Thursday.
AngweI'm the dog that ate yr birthday cakeBedford, VA
California catches fire, like, every year. I've been of the opinion that it's barely newsworthy since I was 8. I mean... are they surprised when this happens?
I live in Nevada, not California. And seeing the fire burning in the sky from the other side of the mountains around Las Vegas is kind of crazy looking.
I did get a laugh when ash was falling on the Strip, though. Suck that, tourists!
Looking for work after 3 years of being a caretaker for my partner. Nobody will even call me back. My actual -skills- and area of interest is vastly different then being a caretaker. It is not a thing I wish to ever do for strangers.
A company is opening a new location near my house, with over 500 open positions to fill, all of which are absolutely in line with my real work history and education. They rejected my application out of hand, for who knows why, claiming that my skills didn't match their needs. Which is... completely untrue. It's pretty craptastic to get denied without even a call with that many open positions.
I hate right hard..that our plumbing has gone out for the second time this week. Second time having to have a plumber out, during my work hours, to come check it out. I hope and pray they fix it this time or someone is going to get hurt.
(The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."
(The Front Line): Daskalos says, "<-- artifacts."
@Vharen I had a rage...but your signature brought back fond memories and now the rage is gone.
Don't want to hurt its feelings.
I did get a laugh when ash was falling on the Strip, though. Suck that, tourists!
A company is opening a new location near my house, with over 500 open positions to fill, all of which are absolutely in line with my real work history and education. They rejected my application out of hand, for who knows why, claiming that my skills didn't match their needs. Which is... completely untrue. It's pretty craptastic to get denied without even a call with that many open positions.
Also, I hate that we can't find the base to the other monitor. I want bigger dual monitors, dangit.