I watched in horror yesterday as 14,900 foot of pipe was hauled into location. Everything got really dark as those trucks rolled in. I found myself becoming claustrophobic while the pipe was stacked around me, my knees buckled and my back roared in pain in anticipation of having to to pick all of that up the next day. Just as I thought the end was close, one last truck pulled in. Attached to its hitch was the one thing that could save me. I thought it was a myth, a legend. A hydraulic lift, meant to do all the work for me. Suddenly I could breathe again and the clouds parted and a light shined down from the heavens, basking this saviour in their holy rays. I slept like a baby last night, knowing today would be easy.
Fucking thing just broke and they can't fix it.
"You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.
Got to third place with 25k points on slither.io..... Fucking tiny snake kills me because the turning radius when you're large as fuck is absolute CRAP! ARGH!
(Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""
I'm mad that Trump is a serious potential POTUS, I'm mad that Clinton is the only viable option to prevent that. I'm mad that even if by a miracle a third party is elected it would be Gary. Wtf happened, why are my two choices split between gonorrhea and chlamydia.
Because politics is run by big money corporations and the idea that We The People elect the POTUS is no longer a valid idea. The more money a candidate accepts from these big money corporations, the more likely they are to get elected. It also doesn't help that the media itself purposely favors selected candidates based off some money figure also.
(Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""
these four things together have stressed me out enough to make my chest hurt.
My chest hurting is not a good thing for me. I can't overstress myself on bad days because even though I micromanage my diet and try not to overdo it and risk my heart any further..well.. I've got heart disease on both sides of the family. Stress is likely going to cause me a heartattack that'll end my life, just as it has ended a number of my family member's lives. It's why I'm about as cool as a cucumber when dealing with people, and why drama is not something I enjoy or deal with well. I am able to compartmentalize, sure, but compartmentalization still doesn't make me able to deal with drama. Anyways.
In no particular order:
1. Fighting with a piece that fell off of my futon, screwing it back into place because a screw came out. This thing is already put together, it's put together well, since I am not very relaxed about my projects, and I need this to last about as close to forever as a 98 dollar futon can. (A year is the best prediction I've got. That's optimistic) 2. My mobile AC (it's a unit with wheels on it that has a vent hose) has had the hose come off the ring that fits INTO the AC, I managed to fix it with a lot of work, but this fact scared the unicorns out of me, and I'm not excited for it to happen again, which is likely knowing my luck. 3. The same hose also doesn't like my window, I've practically had to tape it into place on the frame that fits into my window. This is the lesser between the two hose issues. 4. OBS has interrupted my stream twice. This means that Twitch has three videos of different lengths. Twitch throws a unicorns-fit every time I export more than 1 video at a time. I have to babysit this unicorns thing whenever that happens to make sure an export failure does not occur. That's upwards 30 mins to an hour of my time, depending on how stupid YT wants to be about processing a video past 95%
my chest is hurting. I'm going back to watching One Punch Man again..
The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."
I'm on my way to Australia and my flight from Dallas to LA gets fucked up and everyone has to de-plane TWICE. So I end up going and having to spend part of the night in DFW while they get a plane to fly out at 2 AM. Fucking christ! On top of that, because of the giant fucking delay, I now have a 19 hour (now 12 hours as I write this post) layover here in fucking LA.
I'm not mad at the mechanics or anything, but its a plane and it can't be helped. I'm mad that I'm not in Australia yet!! On the bright side though, I'd rather get there late than not at all. So... silver lining.
(Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""
Moving. I know it is not uncommon for me to move locations, including city, state, and sometimes country, but that was before I acquired furniture and stuff in general. Or acquired roommates with substantial amounts of stuff. I've moved three times with stuff in the last year, and the next time I'm either paying someone else to do it, or I'm downgrading back to two suitcases worth of stuff. >.> I am currently made of ow. I'm good if I stay completely still. But otherwise, am made of ow.
Also. My apartment has no shower. And did not tell us there was no shower. It's a bath, and it's made for tiny people, of which I am not one. Am considering joining a gym for shower purposes, because my hair is too long to tend to in a bath. ...also because my hair would turn the bath water green, even if I -were- willing to cut it, which I am not.
On the upside, apart from the lack of shower, everything else about the apartment is an upgrade. From location to the roommate situation to the buses. All that is better and/or awesome and good. I'm just going to miss regular showers.
Spiders live in my basement. For the most part, I've accepted that they will probably stay in its dark corners and unfinished parts, and as long as I avoid those parts at night, I won't see them and can pretend they don't exist.
Last Friday, this dynamic was altered when my husband casually mentioned that he'd witnessed one of our cats playing with the remains of what appeared to have once been a large spider. He wanted to tell me because he was worried it might be a brown recluse. Thankfully (?) the much larger size of what he described sort of ruled that out in my mind. Maybe a few large spiders that are non-toxic and that the cats will kill when they get too far away from their hiding places isn't the worst thing in the world.
So fast forward to a few hours ago. I was downstairs on the relatively "safe" side of the basement when I noticed that both cats seemed very, very interested in a door to an unfinished storage room that's normally closed. My first thought was that something might have been moving in there, but then I remembered that we'd had a pet sitter this past weekend, and it was possible she'd opened that door while getting stuff for the downstairs litterbox, letting them in during the process. Maybe, just maybe, they had found a spider during that time, and now they wanted to finish off what they started. Fine. I let them go in and watched.
One immediately trotted over to the edge of a box, and I saw what looked like a smooshed spider kind of wedged between it and the floor. Here is where I will mention that it honestly looked exactly like one of the cats had batted a spider into that space, pushed down, and just left it there to die. I got some toilet paper, bent down to scrape it off the floor and box....
And it jumped about six feet into the air, over my head, very much alive.
I took the natural course of action: scream, run out of the room, and slam the door with both cats still in it to see if they might deal with it while I figured out how to be an adult about the whole thing. About 15 seconds on google looking for jumping spiders in my area gave me this result, which seemed to match the undead demon monster I'd seen. Those first few sentences were highly accurate.
Back in the storage room, the cats were apparently not interested in hunting, and I wasn't interested in finding out where that thing landed to see if that guess was right. I got them out of the room, slammed the door again, and am now back to avoiding that room at night. A little more googling has since revealed that certain species of this thing are invading the North American east coast from Asia, and that they can become major household pests. Thanks, Asia. I always thought crickets were cute, like that one from Mulan (who was Chinese.) I had no idea that they had nasty relatives that scare you into thinking THEY are spiders, and then get scared and jump when YOU get too close.
I'm on my way to Australia and my flight from Dallas to LA gets unicorns up and everyone has to de-plane TWICE. So I end up going and having to spend part of the night in DFW while they get a plane to fly out at 2 AM. unicorns christ! On top of that, because of the giant unicorns delay, I now have a 19 hour (now 12 hours as I write this post) layover here in unicorns LA.
I'm not mad at the mechanics or anything, but its a plane and it can't be helped. I'm mad that I'm not in Australia yet!! On the bright side though, I'd rather get there late than not at all. So... silver lining.
Australia is awesome.
However, any delay is calculated in order to give you more time in a country where not every animal/insect/fish wants to try and kill you, and to give you more time to prepare.
Welcome. >:)
Now with 253% more Madness. Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
so. some background. a long time ago, the L key on my laptop keyboard fell out. but the nub managed to stay in place. For a very long time, I just got used to using the nub, and got pretty good with it ( *waggles eyebrows* Laaaaadies) but this evening, it fell out of its position finally, having finally lost its glue I guess? Either way. It forced me to have to spend 15 of my last 20 dollars emergency money on it.. I just hope I can replenish that emergency cash soon...>.>
The rushing sound of waves breaking upon a shore fills your mind as Slyphe imparts to you, "Meltas is a bit..special sometimes..."
However, any delay is calculated in order to give you more time in a country where not every animal/insect/fish wants to try and kill you, and to give you more time to prepare.
Welcome. >:)
Australia is awesome. I got to feed a wild cockatu. I tried to touch it, but the damn thing flew away from me after taking the bread I was using to bribe it. But so far, having a good time!
(Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""
A friend I met through one of my other gaming communities died on Friday. He had gone into the hospital for surgery and it had seemed successful, the doctors had said they would send him home over the weekend, then the next morning he was gone. I'm not going to be able to fly out for his funeral. Just had the most heart-wrenching call with his wife.
Fucking thing just broke and they can't fix it.
My chest hurting is not a good thing for me. I can't overstress myself on bad days because even though I micromanage my diet and try not to overdo it and risk my heart any further..well.. I've got heart disease on both sides of the family. Stress is likely going to cause me a heartattack that'll end my life, just as it has ended a number of my family member's lives. It's why I'm about as cool as a cucumber when dealing with people, and why drama is not something I enjoy or deal with well. I am able to compartmentalize, sure, but compartmentalization still doesn't make me able to deal with drama. Anyways.
In no particular order:
1. Fighting with a piece that fell off of my futon, screwing it back into place because a screw came out. This thing is already put together, it's put together well, since I am not very relaxed about my projects, and I need this to last about as close to forever as a 98 dollar futon can. (A year is the best prediction I've got. That's optimistic)
2. My mobile AC (it's a unit with wheels on it that has a vent hose) has had the hose come off the ring that fits INTO the AC, I managed to fix it with a lot of work, but this fact scared the unicorns out of me, and I'm not excited for it to happen again, which is likely knowing my luck.
3. The same hose also doesn't like my window, I've practically had to tape it into place on the frame that fits into my window. This is the lesser between the two hose issues.
4. OBS has interrupted my stream twice. This means that Twitch has three videos of different lengths. Twitch throws a unicorns-fit every time I export more than 1 video at a time. I have to babysit this unicorns thing whenever that happens to make sure an export failure does not occur. That's upwards 30 mins to an hour of my time, depending on how stupid YT wants to be about processing a video past 95%
my chest is hurting. I'm going back to watching One Punch Man again..
I'm not mad at the mechanics or anything, but its a plane and it can't be helped. I'm mad that I'm not in Australia yet!! On the bright side though, I'd rather get there late than not at all. So... silver lining.
Also. My apartment has no shower. And did not tell us there was no shower. It's a bath, and it's made for tiny people, of which I am not one.
On the upside, apart from the lack of shower, everything else about the apartment is an upgrade. From location to the roommate situation to the buses. All that is better and/or awesome and good. I'm just going to miss regular showers.
Spiders live in my basement. For the most part, I've accepted that they will probably stay in its dark corners and unfinished parts, and as long as I avoid those parts at night, I won't see them and can pretend they don't exist.
Last Friday, this dynamic was altered when my husband casually mentioned that he'd witnessed one of our cats playing with the remains of what appeared to have once been a large spider. He wanted to tell me because he was worried it might be a brown recluse. Thankfully (?) the much larger size of what he described sort of ruled that out in my mind. Maybe a few large spiders that are non-toxic and that the cats will kill when they get too far away from their hiding places isn't the worst thing in the world.
So fast forward to a few hours ago. I was downstairs on the relatively "safe" side of the basement when I noticed that both cats seemed very, very interested in a door to an unfinished storage room that's normally closed. My first thought was that something might have been moving in there, but then I remembered that we'd had a pet sitter this past weekend, and it was possible she'd opened that door while getting stuff for the downstairs litterbox, letting them in during the process. Maybe, just maybe, they had found a spider during that time, and now they wanted to finish off what they started. Fine. I let them go in and watched.
One immediately trotted over to the edge of a box, and I saw what looked like a smooshed spider kind of wedged between it and the floor. Here is where I will mention that it honestly looked exactly like one of the cats had batted a spider into that space, pushed down, and just left it there to die. I got some toilet paper, bent down to scrape it off the floor and box....
And it jumped about six feet into the air, over my head, very much alive.
I took the natural course of action: scream, run out of the room, and slam the door with both cats still in it to see if they might deal with it while I figured out how to be an adult about the whole thing. About 15 seconds on google looking for jumping spiders in my area gave me this result, which seemed to match the undead demon monster I'd seen. Those first few sentences were highly accurate.
Back in the storage room, the cats were apparently not interested in hunting, and I wasn't interested in finding out where that thing landed to see if that guess was right. I got them out of the room, slammed the door again, and am now back to avoiding that room at night. A little more googling has since revealed that certain species of this thing are invading the North American east coast from Asia, and that they can become major household pests. Thanks, Asia. I always thought crickets were cute, like that one from Mulan (who was Chinese.) I had no idea that they had nasty relatives that scare you into thinking THEY are spiders, and then get scared and jump when YOU get too close.
I guess I don't like crickets now too?
However, any delay is calculated in order to give you more time in a country where not every animal/insect/fish wants to try and kill you, and to give you more time to prepare.
Welcome. >:)
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Thank you, @Sarita!
Levitation works too! (it's an elixir!)...Oh wait..Euphoric is the undead version of levitation..right?
You suck.
- Me
And for the eighth time today, my internet bit it. God, I'm going to implode.
[0;1;31ma token of the Malevolent's esteem[0m[0;37m#111668 has decayed to dust in your absence.
I hated that SO MUCH.
/me updates immediately