During spar testing, tended to go like this:
- Insidiae is the heaviest aff route. I like this the most, probably because it was easiest to use. Blood poison + Pillar can grab you a lock, if given time to pile on affs to supplement Poison. You might not even need the Pillar, if you get in a good Poison. You can probably also grind down blood levels with Deadbreath + Feed, while using the slowdown to curing to maintain the physical aff needed for you to Feed.
- Phreneses seems to be aimed towards supporting a different blood-drain route, with Spew being comboable with slashes. It's a bit trickier. You could do like asthma+noblind+nodeaf in a single attack while Spew is off cooldown (15s). If you do that while they're off on their curing balances, they have a choice on their next eat: eat to cure asthma and avoid being locked on your the next attack, or eat to cure noblind and avoid mesmerize. If you get a mesmerize in on a no sileris target (Deadbreath before the Spew combo or run a sileris strip minion), you can Feast for a massive blood drain (not sure how it scales, but seemed to be almost 50% blood drain.).
- Rituos seems like a pretty traditional vampire mana drain route. Pile in lots of affs, wear down sip pools, then Seize (basically same as Mindburrow but with better mana damage scaling per aff). Familiar stuff.
Abhorash says, "Ve'kahi has proved that even bastards can earn their place."
All in all, I'm liking the new revamp. If you want actual specifics, contact me IG and I'll tell you what I do. I don't want to spread it out on forums because its something I've worked hard at