Voting for Aetolia on helps us get more exposure and therefore more new players, which we all want.
To vote for Aetolia:
- Go to
- You must click the big square that says 'Vote for this site and enter'. Otherwise, your vote doesn't count and doesn't help us.
(You get thanked for it in-game for just going to because that's the only part of the process we can actually track. Once you see the big square, you're on Topmudsites and we have no way of knowing if you actually click the square. But if you don't, it doesn't help us!)
- You can vote every 12 hours. Topmudsites will not tell you if your vote counts or not, however.
- If you have multiple people in your household voting be aware that duplicate votes from the same wifi network won't count.
- Note that voting via a cell signal and vs. a wifi network will both count, which is one way of dealing with the above. They'll both count, every 12 hours.
- Same with votes from different wifi networks. Each wifi network can be used to vote twice per day.
Want to make it really easy to vote from your phone?
- iPhone:
- Go to
- Click the 'share' button (the little square with an arrow pointing up).
- Select 'Add to Home Screen' from the bottom row of options.
- Android:
- Go to
- Click on the three little dots/hamburger menu in the upper right.
- Select 'Add to Home Screen'
- Now when you want to vote, just tap the icon, then tap the 'Vote for this site and enter' square. Boom.
- Remember that your phone can be used to vote twice a day from any wifi network or your cell signal.
Voting on Mudconnector's top list
There's also another list you can vote for us on that's not nearly as useful, but it doesn't hurt for us to be on it either. This is the Mudconnector top list, and you can vote for us here: that in order to vote for TMC, you have to create an account and be logged in to vote. You can see why it's not as useful of a voting list, though once you create an account it's simple enough.
Step 1: Open up your script editor by selecting Toolbox -> Script Editor
Step 2: Click on Timers
Step 3: Click Add Item, (this will create you an item called New Timer)
Step 4: Select New Timer, change the name to Vote Timer
Step 5: In the first of the 4 boxes, input the number 12
Step 6: In the large white box underneath, input this code
Step 7: Select Activate and save item/save profile. You should now see a green check mark next to the timer you just made.
Final step: Go to your the window/tab that was just opened up and select Vote for this Site.
TADA!! You've now voted and you now have a timer that will open the window to let you vote for Aetolia every 12 hours!
EDIT: Please note, that like Razmael said, you HAVE to click on the box that says "Vote for this site" for your vote to register.
Enjoying @Oleis' constant puns about vibrations over the past few days that will likely be continuing indefinitely because he just can't stop and want to say thank you? Click here.
Hating @Oleis' constant puns about vibrations over the past few days that will likely be continuing indefinitely because he just can't stop and want to say please for the love of god just stop? Click here.
Results will be tallied up at the end of the month, then and only then will we discover if the puns will continue.
Please choose wisely.
Keep 'em coming @Oleis, the people have spoken.
Beating Achaea would bring us more pleasure than a vibr- ...
Uh. Vote!
It's okay, we fixed it
It's voting time!
But that's okay, because voting is for nerds.
You know what we're gonna do here people? We're gonna vote until we win. We're going to win so hard we'll be tired of winning. You know why? Our MUD's got the best players. Other MUDs? Terrible!
Achaea winning? Fake news.
Lock Achaea up (in second place).
Omei gives the corpse of a headless cadaver to you.
Omei offers you a quick wink.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Remember remember
Go vote, folks! So @Tiur can continue to make terrible puns with... Basically everything he creates!
He basically has a spreadsheet of puns to use - You can view it here
Oh, my bad, wrong link.
(Offer not exclusive to vampires or darkies, this is your chance to rule all da vamps!)