
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    Bashing low level areas may not turn out a lot of gold, but even Lower Xaanhal drops around 4-5kish a run? Then there's plenty of quests out there that people of any level can do that have a pretty nice turn out. Add that to the fact that equipment and curatives are so dirt cheap they're almost free, and suddenly you stop worrying about gold. A chest might seem expensive because it has a lot of numbers, but in reality it's not.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    edited March 2015
    The game does have too much gold. It's largely due to the fact that there isn't much to spend on after you've covered your needs.

    The biggest and most profitable gold rewards come from quests and bashing. Quests aren't all that common knowledge for some strange reason but you can make a solid hourly killing if people did them.
    • City of Djeir: There's a quest or two that'll give you 1,000 gold each.
    • Torturers's Caverns: There's another quest or two that'll give you 1,000 gold.
    • Western Itzatl Rainforest: There's at least one quest set that'll yield 1,600 gold if done completely.
    • Vilimo Fields: There's at least 1 quest that'll earn you just under 1,000.
    • Lich Gardens: Holds 2 quests iirc. I've only managed to figure out one and that gives you 1,000 gold.
    • Three Rock: Host to a horde of gold quests. While some are strictly Spirean, there are others in the area that'll net you a decent take and a low cooldown.
    • Mamashi Tunnels
    • Itzatl Rainforest
    • Alaqsii Inlet
    These are just a few areas of the top of my head that'll make you some coin if you know how to do the quests. I'd label the exact methods but alas against forum rules to post them here but with some poking around IG and greeting mobs, they're not too difficult to figure out. (For some you might need to read the mob's room description to get the proper hint iirc). If my calculations are correct for all the quests I've got written down on my computer, you can make about... 15-20k an hour or so. And that's not counting the ones I don't know or the daily quests. It's just time consuming to do them all and another down-side is that you have to compete with other players that know them as there are people who are pretty dedicated to doing the quests or sometimes people kill the quest mobs as part of other quests. But luckily, a good chunk of them have low cooldowns.

    And then we have to take in account gold drops from bashing. @Ezalor, @Borscin, and more made a killing during the Great Hunts from dedicated bashing. If I recall correctly, Ezalor made like 15 million gold... I forgot the amount of time it took (I want to say a month of dedicated bashing).

    Edit: And then there's the fact that if your city has the ylem perk (all do at this point if I'm not mistaken), you can earn 30k each aetolian year (12 RL days or so) max in interest from your bank if you have the appropriate funds in them.

    I'm all for adding more gold content in the game but we desperately need more gold sinks too to balance out the available income. Even noobies can make a killing in Kalebb alone if they cycle through the quests (unless they nerfed it.) from lvl 1-20.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    Kalebb is still a freaking gold mine. If it wasn't for the help seconds rule I'd do nothing but make alts all day. >.>
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    If you figure out the correct order you can get about 5k killing the named mobs in fengard and turning their corpses into another named mob. Key is killing them in correct order so you can turn a body into them before claiming their corpse too
  • There are always newer quests, too, if people figure them out. I know that the snakepit and Bastion of Illdon both have quests that can earn some gold. You can go to a great many of areas and find quests, it's just a matter of looking and digging into an area.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    Make PROMOTE guild ability for GM and Secretaries where the recipient jumps immediately to the next guild rank. Useable once per aetolian year on a person not by the person.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    I asked for that in the guild meeting, specifically for GR1-GR3, though it would be handy higher than that. Shaman progression goes to GR4, and I bump secretaries up to GR10 automatically, so that takes some time.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Ours goes to gr5, and we're finishing gr5-10 and 10-15. Secs to 10, though with Rashar and Edain I tossed in an orgreq and that got handled pretty quickly, saved the excruciating weeks of a tink at a time.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    To pitch in on the gold-earning things to do: if you say you only know two ways, with them being luck while hunting and turning in mobs, you haven't even really tried questing. Bow that administration has added the helpful system with guiding your questions around mobs, you're in more luck than those who played before that implementation. Just greet mobs and see what happens.

    I know I can run around and get more than 30k in less than an hour if I want to, so there is gold to be gained out there. And before anyone asks, no, I will not show you all of them just because you ask. It took me effort to figure them out. Do your own work!

    @Jensen: Fengard will actually yield more like 8k if you have the right order, so look again! :smiley:

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    This was like 3 years ago when I was trying for endgame. I don't hunt fengard anymore
  • A note regarding the mob hints system - it has not been added completely to every mob out there, and even attempting to do so is a massive undertaking as we would need to look at every mob prog in existence to determine what is needed.
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    edited March 2015
    Allow us to "cast ring < vibe >" to only activate a specific vibe. Come on @Keroc, you know you want to.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Not saying that every mob will respond like that, @Obyn. I'm just saying that Questing is a really good way to earn gold and you -can- figure out some of the quests that don't have the hint system too, just by searching and trying.

  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    Give defence lines to whatever elements you're channeling for Scio/Ascendril and/or one general line for all of them if you use Simultaneity or have them all up. Please please please please please.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • In the past when that has been suggested the reason that it was not done is that channels are not defences. However, you can do CHANNELS and see exactly what you are channeling. It will appear like so:

    You have harnessed the power of:

    Now, once you do simultaneity, you shouldn't need to re-channel unless you relax one of them because thorn sigils no longer exist.
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    I am aware of the channels command, but thanks. I mainly want it just so I can add it into my defence script without having to do more work than what I already do for the rest of my defences, and because of the great work of whoever is/was updating/updated those right now it's really just 1 global trigger and a trigger for each def when I check defs. It's just super annoying is all.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • Oh, I totally get the frustration. You could always alias simultaneity and have it balance queue the start of your defense script in the meantime.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Can we make tobacco cacheable?
  • how soon do you think until we can pay credits to alter our channeled defenses messages? I'd not mind being able to have Sakyl's Earthenform be something that appears behind her, and she climbs into the back of when she summons it, and when she exits it, her wings burst from the clay in the back as she pulls herself out....

    yes. I have had Titanfall on the brain lately, but that's not the point, since you enter those mechs from the FRONT.....which makes me hrm at it and contemplate an alteration maybe once to see how that RP would work out..>.>...
  • Arbre said:

    Can we make tobacco cacheable?

    Bug it, please. It should have been, but we can get it fixed.
  • LimLim
    edited March 2015
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Is there any way we can have a token or something that, when used with II (thing) will bring up only that item type and not everything containing that word?

    As an example, I foolishly have vials that are 'a uniform polished wood vial'. Now, when I sew uniforms for guild members, if I "II uniform" to make sure I'm not giving my old uniforms away, I get spammed with vials. I would love to be able to II * uniform and only bring up uniform noun items.
  • Given that I'm one of a very small number of people on Aetolia that seem to like/play/enjoy chess, I know my idea will probably not have much weight. That being said, it'd be nice if maybe with all this redoing/rewriting of code that perhaps some wayward Celani or other person could redo the chess code in Aetolia. If I had to guess it's probably the same exact stuff that has existed since the game opened as a clone of Achaea. Trying to get this chessboard installed and working in Bahir'an Estate has been tedious as best. Also, I have heard complaints from opponents that the colors are too hard to see(I dont have an issue with this, but it seems odd). It would also be nice to see some of the 'missing bits of functionality' listed in the helpfile actually be added to the game, if at all possible.
    "Hell hath no hold on a warrior’s mind, see how the snow has made each of us blind. Vibrant colors spray from new dead, staining the earth such a beautiful red."
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    I've never had issues with the colours / mechanics of chess in-game before? And I used to play all the time on various alts.
  • Let hood work for farseeing people even from your inventory? I don't want to keep mine on 24/7 but writing the code to put it on->sense->remove is a hassle since sometimes I legit want to wear my $600 hat.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    edited March 2015
    Kiyotan chess master.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Eugenides made a very nice script that allowed for us to play Mississippi Stud Poker, which was very fun, but it got us thinking that it should be possible to create something in the game to allow us to play various card games too. This is still quite rudimentary and all possibilities have probably not been considered, but at least it's a general idea! All credit for this idea goes to @Eugenides. I simply penned up all the possible commands and stuff after our talk about it.

    Imagine you place a deck of cards in the room, making it accessible to everyone. Depending on what kind of game you want to play, there would be different options for how to interact with the deck and the cards themselves. You would also need a command to shuffle the deck, which would reset it with all its cards returned.

    Here goes:

    This would allow you to draw the number of random cards from the deck to your hand or directly to the table. You can choose between having the drawn cards face up (open) or face down (closed).
    You draw five random cards from the deck, placing them in your hand.
    PLAYCARD HAND will show you the cards.

    Example 2:
    You draw three cards from the deck and place them face down on the table.
    PLAYCARD TABLE will show you the cards.

    When a game is done, or if the game needs to be restarted, this would return all the cards to the deck making it ready for a new random draw.

    This allows the players to view their own hand to see what cards they have and which number they are slotted as.
    You hold in your hand:
    1. 2 of Spades
    2. 10 of Diamonds
    3. Ace of Spades
    4. 3 of Clubs

    This allows a player to play out the indicated card from the hand.
    You pick the 3 of Clubs from your hand, placing it face up on the table.

    This will show a list of the played cards on the table. For different ways to view this see PLAYCARD TABLESET.


    This would be the default setting, which will list all the played cards in one single list, with the last played card at the bottom.
    The following cards have been played onto the table:
    1. 6 of Clubs
    2. 8 of Hearts
    3. One facedown card (if the card is flagged as closed)
    This only reveals the last played card on top of the pile, while hiding the rest.
    The topmost card of the pile is the 10 of Hearts
    Players #
    If setting a number of active players, PLAYCARD TABLE will reveal the cards played out by the different players in separate lists. This would be useful for card games where players play their cards in front of themselves. If this feature is not set, PILE is defaulted to on, showing a list of all cards played.
         Example for 2 players:
    Player 1 has played: Player 2 has played:
    1. Ace of Spades 1. 3 of Clubs
    2. 2 of Spades 2. 4 of Clubs
    3. 3 of Spades 3. 5 of Clubs
    4. Jack of Diamonds
    5. Queen of Diamonds
    6. King of Diamonds

    This will change the chosen closed card to open, placing it as face up on the table.

    Depending on the game, players may be required to interact with the pile/stack. This command would let them do so in various ways.
    Trick [select]
    This requires the feature Player # to be set. If only choosing to collect a trick, all cards from the pile will be collected, showing up as one trick of cards in their list on PLAYCARD TABLE. If the select feature is used, it will mark the cards to be collected for the trick and bring only those to the trick in front of the player, leaving the rest of the cards as they are.
    You gather all the cards from the pile and place them as a trick next to you on the table.
         Example 2:
    Table shows: Player 1 has played: Player 2 has played:
    1. 2 of Clubs 1. one trick of 4 cards 1. one trick of 3 cards
    2. 5 of Hearts 2. one trick of 5 cards
    3. Ace of Hearts 3. one trick of 2 cards
    4. 8 of Diamonds
    5. 6 of Spades
    You gather up the 5 of Hearts, the Ace of Hearts and the 6 of Spades, placing the trick in front of you.
         Table shows:         Player 1 has played:      Player 2 has played:
    1. 2 of Clubs 1. one trick of 4 cards 1. one trick of 3 cards
    2. 8 of Diamonds 2. one trick of 5 cards
    3. one trick of 2 cards
    4. one trick of 3 cards
    This gathers all the cards from the table and places them face down in a discard pile.
    You gather all the cards from the pile and put them on top of the discard pile.
    With this option, the player gathers all the cards from the table, adding them to the bottom of their hand.
    You gather all the cards from the pile on the table and add them to your hand.
    Bottom/Top [#]
    If no number is specified, this allows a player to gather the top- or bottommost card from the pile to add it to their hand. If a number is added, it draws that number of cards from either the top or the bottom of the pile.
    You collect the top 1 card to add to your hand.

  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    edited March 2015
    It would be super duper duuuper awesome if the Dhuriv flavor messages were changed to show the short desc of your dhurive.

    So for example, this:
    You use Dhuriv Slash on Varian.
    You carve a long wound across Varian, angling in for a second strike.

    You use Dhuriv Stab on Varian.
    You quickly spin your dhurive, stabbing Varian with your second blade.


    You use Dhuriv Slash on Varian.
    You carve a long wound across Varian with a vicious black dhurive, angling in for a second strike.

    You use Dhuriv Stab on Varian.
    You quickly spin a vicious black dhurive, stabbing Varian with your second blade.

    Make it so that if you buy a rune of transformation for your dhurive you get to show it off to the world with each attack!
    KerrynArbre[Deleted User]AngwePeriluna
  • DraimanDraiman Dr. Drai
    edited March 2015
    Can the sun please quit hitting me while I'm in phase. This is super annoying and spammy as hell.


    Or allow us to conjure darkflood while phased so I don't upset some elitist RPer here with my being a vampire and not wanting to burn in the sun. Make it appear on the same plane we're on so people not in phase won't see it.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    edited March 2015
    You're out of phase with reality, don't see any logical reason the sun would hit through that.
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