Technically it's 9/10ths of a gallon. BUT WE'RE DERAILING.
We're also up to like 4.50ish per gallon.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
Damn, Ezalor. High gas prices ON TOP of being Canadian? That really sucks.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
A tattoos talent? In the vein of like, henna/woad tattoos where they last a short, short time frame. (Maybe like 5 months max in 'tolia, 'cause of the time frame that'd actually last for in rl time.)
Though I suppose you could do temp tattoos like mentioned above and then do permanent ones, too. Though I think you should be able to wear more than one tattoo. 's generally not a huge issue now, 'cause the only way to get tattoos mostly is through gods, but yeah!
that'd be cool except for the different colour in your examined desc, IMO
Kiyotanspectacular vernacularSummit of the Falconmount
1. Fix Quicken so that it acts like Shaman's Rejuvenate. Daru really don't need two separate abilities to start fires, and since there are two classes that can exterminate, there ought to be more than one class that can counteract it.
2. Alternatively, sell artifacts that give you the power to exterminate and rejuvenate.
Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
I don't really get the point of forest fires these days. Exterminate stopped groves being dropped, so that had a point, though the only time I've seen it used in combat was when I (after like 10 tries to figure it out) dropped it during that INSANE 3 hour, 20+ person fight over the troops in Northern Ithmia. I don't think it even did anything useful then. :P Does that even do anything anymore with the new shaman revamps?
As for forest fires, have they been changed? From what I remember, they don't really DO anything since everyone has their own personal herb numbers now and there are like a bazillion times more people able to pick, anyways.
It would be nice if their effects were just changed to something less super-minor-griefy and into something a lot more fun that actually temporarily changes things. I remember when Rivas and I once tried using forest fires and quicken and even a Sentinel bonfire during my "North Tribes" phase to burn down that shack in the southern Mamashi. Some god must have been spying, because the room name and description got changed to show the house as charred rubble. It was freaking awesome, and I think a way to temporarily force changes on the landscape would be way more fun for everyone (unless there some actual point to them?).
Kiyotanspectacular vernacularSummit of the Falconmount
There isn't a point to forest fires, really. They cause damage so long as a room is ablaze, and kill the plants therein, but Razmael has confirmed that all you have to do is replant one room, and the regrowth will spread from there over time. So it's a minor inconvenience at best--unless it's a Haven-style, world-torching, pain-in-the-unicorns fiasco.
Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
In Australia it is $1.58 a litre, that is $5.87 a gallon in Australia, so.... that is $6.09c a gallon US!
Don't complain. In Sweden the current price tag on gas is about $2.5 / liter (around $9.5 / gallon) Unless it's gone down since I filled my car up last autumn, but I doubt it's below $2. <.<
An ability in Horsemanship that allows you to pull an ally up onto your mount. Would not only help for younger players that dont have gallop and are trying to follow more experienced players, but can also add in some nice RPing.
An ability in Horsemanship that allows you to pull an ally up onto your mount. Would not only help for younger players that dont have gallop and are trying to follow more experienced players, but can also add in some nice RPing.
While I like the idea and would welcome it, it'd need to come at some kind of malice. Perhaps while dual-mounted you move at a slower pace. Nothing horrible but just noticeable enough that there is a difference so as to encourage horse-buying and transcending Horsemanship.
Then again it might not be necessary but those are my thoughts.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
It'd be funny if their ability to stay balanced on top of your mount was based on their ability in horsemanship. If it was too low, the person who's along for the ride falls off because you rode too quickly/carelessly. Bahaha.
The value of mending salves would skyrocket.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
Kiyotanspectacular vernacularSummit of the Falconmount
Aetolia needs the equivalent of WoW's motorcycle with side-car.
Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
Mmkay, so I'm sure everyone hates when they're trying to hunt someone down and they happen to be in one of those rooms that has 99 others with the exact same name.
Can we either:
A. Have an in game map config option where the room displays something like Amid the dunes(1), Amid the dunes(2) etc. This'd help people be able to easily distinguish one room from another.
B. Allow the Clarion Eyeglass artifact to display the Aetolian Vnum for the room when you farsight them,
C. Create a new artifact for any detection ability that produces a specific room name (Mind Sense, Scry, etc.) Allow the artifact to function the way the solution B would in that it tacks the Aetolian vnum onto it as well.
Though, I'm always a man who enjoys solutions without the necessity of artifacts. So solution A is preferred.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
Kiyotanspectacular vernacularSummit of the Falconmount
D. Hire better builders who don't use repetitive room names!
Some may say we've lost our way, but I believe we've not gone far enough.
I feel it a bit lame if you want a statpack change that you have to purchase a full reincarnate crystal. At endgame you never think of racial reincarnations anymore as is, so it is like wasting 50 credits for nothing. So here are my proposals.
- New artifact purchase at 50 creds for statpack change.
OR (and my personal favorite)
- Statpack change purchase via Racial skills. Costs 1 skillpoint. Can be purchased multiple times. Would be useful for those that commit to it, or those that want the easy route and go for the crystal .
Make it cost like 5 or 10 haven points. It would still be SOMETHING to spend those points on. I'm buying myself silly stuff like slaughterhouse and enchanting room (even though I don't have Magi class) just to spend the points I have languishing around. That would be a good investment to let people bash a bunch for, while still being expensive enough that the artifacts would retain value.
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
If you want to change your statpack more than once, 'sup Adaptation artifact. Kind of expensive at 750cr, but you can switch your statpack whenever you change class if you have more than one class. Useful if you have two different classes that make use of different stats for optimization. If you just want to change statpack once, well...that's what the Crystal is for, and it's a two-in-one deal. Far as I know, the other one-time use artifacts are around the same price.
Make it cost like 5 or 10 haven points. It would still be SOMETHING to spend those points on. I'm buying myself silly stuff like slaughterhouse and enchanting room (even though I don't have Magi class) just to spend the points I have languishing around. That would be a good investment to let people bash a bunch for, while still being expensive enough that the artifacts would retain value.
I like the sound of this. Make use of all dem extra Haven points lying around. Would definitely have to be more than 1 skillpoint though, Moirean's idea of 5 sounds reasonable enough. At the lowest price point (200k gold per haven point) 5 haven points = 200+ credits worth of gold.
If you want to change your statpack more than once, 'sup Adaptation artifact. Kind of expensive at 750cr, but you can switch your statpack whenever you change class if you have more than one class. Useful if you have two different classes that make use of different stats for optimization. If you just want to change statpack once, well...that's what the Crystal is for, and it's a two-in-one deal. Far as I know, the other one-time use artifacts are around the same price.
Thing is it seems kind of cruel that if we want to take up another class, we need to keep in mind that we will have to buy the 750cr artifact for flexibility in statpacks. As it stands, if you want to take another class, you best take a class that you believe would fit in well with your current statpack, else you'll have to purchase 1 crystal for the new class, then another if you decide to turn back..and so on and so forth.
The entire concept of a limited statpack seems to counter to concept of "multi-classing". Perhaps as another idea from the Statpack-change purchase via skill/haven points, it could be made that when you gain a new class, you gain an extra 1 reincarnation that comes with it in a bundle. Sort of like a concept of a "new fresh page in a book" deal.
Edit: Of course so as to help against people that would try to take advantage of it, the player would need to select the new statpack as soon as they become an apprentice in the new class.
I think of it as just be grateful we're even allowed to multiclass, otherwise you lose 450 credits every time you want to switch classes. Multiclassing was already doing us a favour!
Do keep in mind that IRE likes making money, too. Multiclass, and the ability to change statpack, are designed to make them $$ and give us the option of being more things.
I disagree. I think repetitive names can have combat advantage if you use them cleverly.
I agree. I also think it actually adds to the feel of the game's environment in those regions. I often wish weather and environment had more of an impact to the game.
@Illidan: If you're in a large desert that's mostly nondescript, it should be difficult to find your bearings and those of your target. I dislike the notion of making the players more powerful than they currently are in that aspect. We're already pretty godly as is.
@Calipso, why not get a gem of adaptation or whatever? I think the trek to endgame or even the transition from Tekal to endgame holds an ample amount of time to choose your statpack wisely. You even get an additional free reincarnation if you've used up the original one that you receive after novicehood! If you change your mind later, I see no wrong in having to purchase a crystal (100cr) or see that price as being too steep.
If anything, I'd like to see endgame reincarnation receive a buff. Something akin to: for 24 hours of playing time, you can reincarnate as much as you want between lvl 99 and 100.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
PhoeneciaThe Merchant of EsterportSomewhere in Attica
If you want to change your statpack more than once, 'sup Adaptation artifact. Kind of expensive at 750cr, but you can switch your statpack whenever you change class if you have more than one class. Useful if you have two different classes that make use of different stats for optimization. If you just want to change statpack once, well...that's what the Crystal is for, and it's a two-in-one deal. Far as I know, the other one-time use artifacts are around the same price.
Thing is it seems kind of cruel that if we want to take up another class, we need to keep in mind that we will have to buy the 750cr artifact for flexibility in statpacks. As it stands, if you want to take another class, you best take a class that you believe would fit in well with your current statpack, else you'll have to purchase 1 crystal for the new class, then another if you decide to turn back..and so on and so forth.
The entire concept of a limited statpack seems to counter to concept of "multi-classing". Perhaps as another idea from the Statpack-change purchase via skill/haven points, it could be made that when you gain a new class, you gain an extra 1 reincarnation that comes with it in a bundle. Sort of like a concept of a "new fresh page in a book" deal.
Edit: Of course so as to help against people that would try to take advantage of it, the player would need to select the new statpack as soon as they become an apprentice in the new class.
That's...kind of the point of the Adaptation arti power? If you multiclass for RP stuff, then the statpack issue doesn't matter as much. If you're multiclassing for PK utility or things like that and want to be optimized when your current statpack is NOT optimized for a particular class, you're pretty much accepting that you're going to be getting Adaptation since it doesn't make sense to be buying rebirth crystals every time you want to change class back and forth.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Though I suppose you could do temp tattoos like mentioned above and then do permanent ones, too. Though I think you should be able to wear more than one tattoo. 's generally not a huge issue now, 'cause the only way to get tattoos mostly is through gods, but yeah!
An ability in Horsemanship that allows you to pull an ally up onto your mount. Would not only help for younger players that dont have gallop and are trying to follow more experienced players, but can also add in some nice RPing.
- New artifact purchase at 50 creds for statpack change.
OR (and my personal favorite)
- Statpack change purchase via Racial skills. Costs 1 skillpoint. Can be purchased multiple times. Would be useful for those that commit to it, or those that want the easy route and go for the crystal
The entire concept of a limited statpack seems to counter to concept of "multi-classing". Perhaps as another idea from the Statpack-change purchase via skill/haven points, it could be made that when you gain a new class, you gain an extra 1 reincarnation that comes with it in a bundle. Sort of like a concept of a "new fresh page in a book" deal.
Edit: Of course so as to help against people that would try to take advantage of it, the player would need to select the new statpack as soon as they become an apprentice in the new class.