
  • Are cryptic chests Chalices ever going to be fixed? I keep getting them and have to sell them for 15 credits instead of tradining them in for 20 :( ..
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • Nalor said:

    Are cryptic chests Chalices ever going to be fixed? I keep getting them and have to sell them for 15 credits instead of tradining them in for 20 :( ..

    They should have been fixed a while back. If you are still having issues, issue yourself with the #s so it can be looked into.
  • Can we make it so when we PROBE STARCHART.... we can see what stars we are aligned to? Or what positives/negatives we're getting?
    (Oasis): Benedicto says, "There was like 0.5 seconds between "Oh hey, they're in area. That was quick." and "OMFG THEY'RE IN THE AREA STAHP STAHP!""

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    edited January 2015
    Can we have a way to neutralize tether - maybe through certimene or someone (and have it put all class skills save neutral into the dormant state?)?

    Unless I'm missing another change that enables this, having people have to wait to join a city in order to join a guild is becoming really frustrating. Forcing citizenship to join a guild that is.
  • @Areka people can join guilds.. Just cant switch to the class to learn it til person has joined the correct city to reset the tether..
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Not last I tried. It gives a message about being in the wrong tether to join.
  • When Nalor went Indorani I could join but couldn't learn anything til he joined Spinsereach as joining spinesreach I got jumped while basically worst of then a novice...
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    edited January 2015
    Wasn't able to with Arahali - they had to join a city first to change their tether. It's happened more often than I like, and forcing citizenship gives me badfeels.

    It also bypasses the previous admin rulings of where you can't force people into citizenship, we have to allow them to be a citizen of at least nowhere.
  • As a kludge, induct/insta-boot again. They don't lose anything on citizenship gain/loss, and it'd look weird in the logs - but it should work. 'less I misunderstand!

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Using a city that way seems poor design and gives me badfeels.
  • OleisOleis Producer Emeritus Administrator, Immortal
    This was actually something I intended to resolve with the class changes. I don't have my notes on hand to see what stopped me, but there was something. I'll talk with Raz and brainstorm a solution.
    You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
    "^," Slyphe agrees with you.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Basically there needs to be SOME sort of stop-gap to prevent people from just switching back and forth between both sides classes as a rogue.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Just let joining a guild switch tether then.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    I'd rather see a gold fee and an aetolian year cool down. Have an npc in Delos do it
  • Can we move farsight -back- the two lessons ago it was. It's super annoying to suddenly be two lessons shy of it for no apparent reason whatsoever on multiple character. >.>
  • This is taken from Malok's last post in Sanguis and combined with Aldric's idea, kinda.

    I imagine this might be some type of coding nightmare but would it be possible to allow flavor RP skills to be used regardless of what class you are currently in so long as you actually possess the skills? Like, I'm tri trans Syssin, tri trans Prae, but I can use listen and sign while in Prae, wolf form or bat form in Syssin, etc? This way I can do that super leet RP thing that I never do about vampires regardless of what class I'm in, and the life side classes get the cool bonus's too and aren't left out. I mean this strictly for skills that have no -realistic- combat useage. I mean sure you can go batform and fly as a Carnifex if you want to waste ~4 seconds of balance first and transform into a bat, disable your ability to cure, and then fly just to be instantly tentacled or not be dumb and just get the racial that allows you to do it without screwing yourself.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • NalorNalor UK
    edited January 2015
    Not to burst your bubble or anything.. But endgame skills have listen etc.. So if @Draiman‌ Ideal gets refused.. Can we get MORE Endgame skills? As anyone over like 125 has haven points.. as not everyone want a huge haven..
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • You're not bursting my bubble at all. You're taking the example as the literal. What I'm suggesting encompasses -all- flavor skills that are tied to classes directly. I don't know any outside of Prae or Syssin really, so I used them as examples.
    "You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.

  • Signing would be awesome as a racial/general skill if you have Syssin. I only say that as it would be extremely convenient for me and other people as Gwenith's daughter uses signs instead of speaking.

  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    would suck for every non guilded syssin, but since we get ssign I'm cool with making it racial
  • We should be able to end our shouts with other punctuations beyond a comma. Colons, specifically, come to mind.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    edited January 2015
    You offer up a blackeld, a crimsoneld, a flameeld, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, a xorani, an azureeld, an ironeld, and an ironeld to Chakrasul, Goddess of Badassery.

    The length of this is crazy. Can we -please- have it set back to how it was? Or at -least- have a toggle for it?

    Edit: Or have it be like..

    You offer up a blackeld, a crimsoneld, a flameld, 52 a xorani, an azureeld, 2 an ironeld to Chakrasul, Goddess of Badassery.

    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    And let us do it off balance with the dagger again. :(
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    edited January 2015
    It doesn't do it to some gods. Been globing on assorted alts, and noticed that Chak's combine into one line, Dhar's and Omei's both individual it. I bashed the Dhar char, and then the Chak char, and then the Omei char, so it's not a recent change.

    Off-balance offering would be awesome in general.

    ETA: Maybe it's the shrine type? Or something. This was day before yesterday for my chak offering.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    It's probably a pk thing so people have the chance to recover their bodies.
  • Areka said:

    Can we have a way to neutralize tether - maybe through certimene or someone (and have it put all class skills save neutral into the dormant state?)?

    Unless I'm missing another change that enables this, having people have to wait to join a city in order to join a guild is becoming really frustrating. Forcing citizenship to join a guild that is.

    Arbre said:

    Not last I tried. It gives a message about being in the wrong tether to join.

    @Areka, @Arbre:
    A bit of time has passed on these things, however there is a possible fix to this. If the person has a neutral class such as monk, syssin or shapeshifting. From what I can tell, when someone is in one of those classes their tether is effectively nullifed and allows for them to be inducted into either city or guild without much issue.

    Of course, this is likely an unintended loophole, but I've instructed a few folks side hopping that wanted to join Spines or a darkie guild to try that and it has worked on both accounts. Also, it's clearly not ideal, especially if the character has none of these classes, but if you don't want to wait for admin support, it is an option.

  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    It's still forcing orgs/classes/rp on people to get around a mechanical issue, no different than joining a city to quit it. That's the problem.
  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    Areka said:

    It's still forcing orgs/classes/rp on people to get around a mechanical issue, no different than joining a city to quit it. That's the problem.

    She said IF THEY HAVE. IF THEY ALREADY HAVE IT isn't forcing anything on anyone, dude. C'mon.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Yes yes, sorry, just woke up.
  • SerriceSerrice the Black Fox
    It's Australia.
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