Is there any chance we could get more augment options? +xp, +gold drops, +mob damage, etc
Haven points are kinda meh if you spend credits on a house. I know there are always ideas being thrown out about them, so here's another - let us use haven points on houses. Maybe charge double/triple if there's a concern it's too cheap. I think this would actually motivate MORE spending: people would buy bashing artis/buffs, buy credits to turn into gold to get that one last haven point for an extra house thing they want, or flat out spend credits on an extra feature since that cool house is now there. It would also make bashing more appealing, since there'd always be this cool thing you could be working for with your points. I guess this is how havens work for some people, but for those of us who prefer houses, that motivation just isn't there:
Room Room Name Brief Description Base Room Area -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31005 MOIREANHAVEN1 Nowhere MOIREANHAVEN1 havens 51858 moireanhaven2 Within the unformed MOIREANHAVEN1 havens -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used Points: 100 Remaining Points: 164
Could we have an AB FORGING TEMPLATES created that walks through what the templates are? Alternatively, have them moved to their own clearly marked category in AB FORGING? It's something that I find myself explaining often, and HELP TEMPLATES lists to builder/mobile things which creates further confusion.
Idea #2907 Section: unassigned Support: 2 2011/12/09 08:57:44: The bank should take its fees from the remaining balance in the account it's drawn from unless the fees surpass the amount remaining in the account. It'd be a lot easier to just withdraw 50000 gold and have it be 50000 gold, than trying to mentally factor out how much two percent in bank fees is.
This would be really helpful, as it's fustrating to not have enough money as to remove 50,000 you need to withdraw 50102
Idea #2837 Section: unassigned Support: 1 2011/11/12 12:14:37: Shop Taxes: Autopay from bank accounts. CITY PAY SHOP TAXES AUTO - incentive to actually use banks!
Stipulation, only as you remain active, and the bank charge a fee (2%? for convenience)
Idea #3342 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2012/11/10 21:14:18: It would be cool if orbs showed how many uses left in addition to how many months they have remaining.
Edit: for spelling
Idea #3343 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2012/11/11 05:26:02: SHOPINCALL - works like INCALL but puts all cacheables from your inventory into the shop cache. Works only in stockrooms.
SHOPINCALL exists, though it's crashed me a few times.
My own! - Also, a way to delete our ideas would be super grand, like we can delete bugs.
Idea #2197 Section: Economy Support: 2 2011/02/05 18:19:15: WARES ? Such as, WARES FOOD (if food is in the shelf name, bring up that entire shelf), or WARES COOKING (bring up all cooked goods.
Idea #2796 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2011/10/29 17:59:41: for WEAPONLIST to also show what is in weapon belts, but notate it similar to how KEYLIST does (In belt2341d8adsf) - newline, weapons.
Idea #2863 Section: unassigned Support: 2 2011/11/24 01:46:09: A way to TRYOUT or somesuch different statpacks. Example, TRYOUT DEXTROUS - 'your new stats would be 4800 health, 4900 mana, 22630 endurance', etc. TRYOUT DEXTROUS STRIKE 'With your current armaments, you would: With a steady hand, you batter a test dummy with a Basilican mace. Damage done: 325. You thrust a tower shield into a test dummy, striking it fiercly. Damage done: 420, blunt. Balance used: 3.75 or whatever it was be (same flavour as emlist and emshow emote to see it without doing it, to better inform reincarnating options).
Idea #2995 Section: Guild Support: 2 2012/01/16 22:41:40: A way for GUILD ENEMYing to actually mean something and be useful, at least in terms of guild security. The ideas so far are a) A passive damage-toll on enemies in the guild hall, be it physical damage, some kind of hindrance, etc. the second is An actively-initiated hall defense (So we can all be Professor McGonagal - protect our school, etc) that would require balance and equilibrium to use, investable power (damage, enemy-splitting, a safe-room, etc).
Idea #3235 Section: unassigned Support: 5 2012/06/18 17:32:12: A toggle for forged goods that notes if it's mechanically useable, or simply a prop item? This would remove/shittify weapon stats so that it is unable/mechanically enforced to be unfeasible for combat, to allow some flexibility with ceremonial or RP things and keep combat combat.
Idea #3317 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2012/10/13 04:39:55: CITY LASTLOGIN for city council and CL please, to keep track of waking times of ministers, aides and each other.
Idea #3593 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/06/25 08:08:51: Can we please have a way to see your voteweight/average hours in our SCOREs, rather than having to click vote links just for that (even if we've already voted?).
Idea #3637 Section: unassigned Support: 1 2013/07/28 00:03:16: Similar to the cloaking gem, could we get a 'magic word' to turn on or off whether or not Elusion is hiding us, so that we can be searchable while still being able to see others with the hood?
Idea #3771 Section: unassigned Support: 2 2014/02/05 21:40:28: Could we get a max-coal-load for forges so that idiots like myself don't accidentally put in 900 coal and fire it? Maybe top out at 50 coal at a time?
Idea #3827 Section: unassigned Support: 2 2014/04/08 20:07:34: For the crafting process, it would be great if official rejections (From Becue or administration) had their own distinct stamp or colour so that it is evident if rejections are Official or other players' opinions.
Idea #4036 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/20 01:11:22: We can make awesome books with Woodcrafting, but these become pointless once a book is put into a library. Copying books will copy the content, but not the design of the book it was written in. It would be really great if either a) Library copies kept that initial design - b) if we could TRANSCRIBE (book1) TO (book2) [IN (language)] - for easy copying of books to keep that fancy craftyness, or c) for libraries to be able to have their own unique design that copied books are transcribed into.
Actually, going through this, a lot of stuff was implemented or is now outdated, so ignoring those, here are some of them:
Idea #190 Section: City Support: 1 2009/04/01 10:56:44: any way revlog can be sorted by ministry that funds go in/out of? Ie, 2009/03/30 03:55:47 - War: You have paid out 96980 gold for conscript wages.
Idea #199 Section: City Support: 1 2009/04/06 05:19:50: allow candidates the option to STANDDOWN from an election, rendering themselves off the ballot of active candidates and not counting, towards the victory, votes placed on them. Perhaps still count the votes for the total display at the end of the election
Idea #774 Section: Misc Support: 0 2009/11/28 03:12:16: any chance it can be made for blackjack/roulette tables to be positionable objects? Ie, position chair at table will work
Idea #797 Section: Tradeskill Support: 0 2009/12/02 00:19:17: is there any way we can set prices on brewed items based on the shortname set in design formulas? Eg, for a few glasses of design f169, I could do price grog 250 shelf 3
Idea #1457 Section: Tradeskill Support: 2 2010/05/28 05:48:39: any chance we can get a generic fish item for the cooking shop, like we have beef and chicken?
Idea #1562 Section: Misc Support: 0 2010/06/29 01:03:29: (for somewhere down the road) finish up the Maghuir stuff. There's a lot of potential here for creepy RP and a cool forestal event, but if there is a quest here, nobody knows it/it might be bugged, so that poor little elemental girl is stuck chained up forever.
Idea #1573 Section: Misc Support: 0 2010/06/30 23:44:22: during special promo days, maybe when we type DATE it can show what promo is going on
Idea #1621 Section: Guild Support: 3 2010/07/11 07:03:40: any chance projects can be made into an assignable guild priv? Right now, it looks like they are a GR 3 priv
Idea #2837 Section: unassigned Support: 2 2011/11/12 12:14:37: Shop Taxes: Autopay from bank accounts. CITY PAY SHOP TAXES AUTO - incentive to actually use banks!
Idea #2840 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2011/11/13 06:19:06: add an additional column to CWHO to display the guild, if any, of citizens
Idea #2841 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2011/11/13 08:42:24: Player-initiated public arena events. ARENAQUEUE event: eg, ARENAQUEUE SURVIVOR. Allows people to sign up for a general event in the Delos arena. If five people queue, the event will be initiated and people can sign up etc etc.
Idea #2842 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2011/11/13 11:30:20: if you are currently extracting a focus, have that appear on defences. Currently it's very hard to track if you lose control in the spam of combat
Idea #2865 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2011/11/24 09:46:15: for great hunts, mobs that are crit-immune such as Kroz or Elds are worth extra points, perhaps 10 pts each
Idea #2893 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2011/12/04 16:29:09: MULTICLASSING - You original class will always work, even if you leave your guild. Any additional classes can only be made active if you are in a guild, house or city which "supports" that class. For your guild/house/city to support a class, they have to have a treaty with the originating guild. By using the treaty system, it should be somewhat easy to code (add in a new treaty option), and the decisions and politics are still in the hands of players, rather than some admin decree.
Idea #3023 Section: Order Support: 6 2012/01/24 13:44:55: new order shrine power: CONGREGATIONBOON. Basically the same as booning the order, but boons the congregation. Very helpful for Orders with less active Gods, or for order members who are very hands on with the congregation
Idea #3042 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2012/02/04 04:59:19: CONFIG COLOR: Add in a color config for global emotes. Currently they show in the default text color, which can make them easy to miss if you are in combat or bashing or there is just a lot of spam
Idea #3079 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2012/03/03 03:21:38: QUIZZES! There is already a built in quiz system. Allow players to host their own - one person just types HOST QUIZ. If 5 people ATTEND QUIZ it will automatically begin, and the hosting player is the quizmaster!
Idea #3109 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2012/03/19 07:48:46: REFINING: New refning skill (or maybe for one of the trees?) that lets you see when the last lesser was tapped. Good utility skill that players would find helpful
Idea #3132 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2012/03/31 07:28:33: let making arrows from fletchcraft benefit from the woodcrafting knife pretty please?
Idea #3168 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2012/04/21 01:59:56: let us ROCK while sitting in a rockingchair
Idea #3485 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/03/14 06:38:18: Weapons: Let flails count as large bludgeons for Carnifex hammer attacks. This would be really just a cosmetic change giving us a new option for flavor, since flails really are already a blunt damage weapon
Idea #3516 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/04/26 16:43:11: It would be very useful if we could see changes made to guard layouts and guard return and so forth noted in the city's millog
Idea #3530 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/05/03 10:50:40: config color recovery - let you set a config color for balance/eq recovery. Would be good for newbies
Idea #3531 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/05/03 11:58:12: Allow us to make characters/words/lines bold in player-created documents/files.
Idea #3547 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/05/11 15:14:53: CONFIG COLOR: Add an option to config color "CONFIG COLOR SURPRISE ME" which calls up the rainbow bomb of insane colors. (I think I was drunk for that one ^)
Idea #3559 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/05/23 02:53:02: DOMINATION: a simple command BREAK ALL PACTS to break all of your current pacts
Idea #3561 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/05/25 23:15:16: ARENA: please put the classpick syntax in HELP ARENA and HELP DUEL
Idea #3591 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/06/25 06:50:37: Research: Any chance we could get a LAST QUOTA CONTRIBUTIONS display, as the quota contributions is completely cleared out and reset when the new quota is delivered, giving us no way to see who contributed what once the quota rolls over
Idea #3613 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/07/15 10:16:55: add a section for house-related commands similar to guild related commands under HELP BASECOMMANDS
Idea #3614 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/07/15 10:21:35: add PATH FIND VERMIN to the HELP VERMIN scroll, letting kids know they can type that to get there easily!
Idea #3642 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/07/30 22:34:03: Projects: for project searching, there is already a function to search project GROUPS using *blah* - any chance we could get this expanded for searching via project name? Eg PROJECTS NAME *blah* would pull up any project with blah in the name and PROJECTS STATUS *BLAH* would pull up any projects with blah in the status.
Idea #3660 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/08/29 01:50:31: have the swarm reward ylem akin to the rowan box when it is killed
Idea #3665 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/08/31 00:41:19: ECONSTATUS - is there any way some more info can be added to this? Maybe month guard upkeep fees, funds in the bank (ie from when you appropriate bank)
Idea #3679 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/09/15 23:21:06: Emotes: There is no boom emote. There should be a boom emote.
Idea #3683 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/09/18 04:32:33: War: Since the war system is disabled, would it be possible for the war minister to promote/demote members in the militia to let cities use the war ministry as a sort of training scheme/combat recognition program?
Idea #3703 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/10/16 07:20:40: MXP: Can GHELP/CHELP/etc open up their own window as well when clicked on them in the flash client, like normal HELPs do? That would be super nice
Idea #3712 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/10/29 11:09:26: Is there any way that actively tapping a lesser, minor or attacking an eld in an unstable zone give an instant aura? This will avoid confusion over if someone is there to fight/get ylem or is just running through, and will avoid situations where people rant about being open pk or not because they are trying to game the mechanics ("you summoned me and started hitting me after I tapped the minor but before the aura settled in"), which really isn't the intent behind the aura. If someone taps a focus point, they should be open PK instantly since they are the one doing the active extraction, especially if you're using something like brazier or empress on them, since you can't see remotely when that aura kicks in.
Idea #3719 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2013/11/05 08:52:46: cooking: Please let us DESIGN # REMOVE # COMPONENT to let us remove individual components from a design, instead of having to use CLEARCOMPONENTS to clear out everything
Idea #3794 Section: unassigned Support: 2 2014/03/07 05:55:50: Emote idea: Can we get an emote called COMRADE - With a jaunty salute and a tip of his hat, name cries out a hearty hail of "Comrade!" in greeting to .
Idea #3836 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/04/19 03:31:26: not sure if this is intentional, but you can win skill increase via wheel when you are trans everything so it's entirely wasted - could it maybe give lessons instead?
Idea #3850 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/05/03 17:53:47: It would be awesome if typing II displayed enchants on items
Idea #3864 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/05/07 02:09:06: There should be an annoying Imp vox. >_>
Idea #3882 Section: unassigned Support: 2 2014/05/17 17:34:07: is there any chance the Carnifex polearm bedrock style could be revisited in its appearance? The current description describes the "butt" of the weapon and, while this is technically a correct term, it's also a butt. Not haft, handle, pole - butt. Two of them, actually, since SSL is a 2-hit attack. Every 2.5 seconds. That's 48 butts a minute. Nearly three thousand butts an hour. I don't think I'm ready for this jelly.
Idea #3883 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/05/18 03:55:04: would it be possible to increase the default stock amounts for certain foods, since nowadays we mostly buy them to stock in caches? The Delos market food comms all only sell like 50 max, and chicken/beef/pork/etc in the craft offices only restock up to 150. 500+ would really be ideal, otherwise one person can just buy out everything without even trying
Idea #3884 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/05/18 05:40:21: It would be really cool if PROBE used on set pieces listed what other items are needed to make the set, instead of us having to check HELP CRYPTIC CHESTS
Idea #3885 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/05/19 12:55:44: for style scrolls - BOMBastic! Have fireworks shoot out and explosive sounds! Boomtastic
Idea #3890 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/05/24 05:34:56: Could CONSUME HEART ignore phoenix hearts and just target necromancy hearts?
Idea #3900 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/05/29 11:09:16: The entire sect arena is indoors. This means tactics like pre-loading shield breaks as an Indo or ducking in/out to set up resins as a Sentinel simply can't work - is there any chance one or two rooms can be made outdoors?
Idea #3908 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/06/06 19:51:37: for the cache break down could cooking ingredients get their own section of other? Maybe even more specialized into meats, fruits, veggies, etc
Idea #3916 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/06/12 20:38:24: can compendium read also let us read by chapter number, eg compendium read 1, instead of compendium read tiyen
Idea #3926 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/06/25 03:18:54: shapeshifting: can we please get a command MADNESS to see current madness level? Perhaps also a display in stat. I don't see the need to have it in prompt as it's not something that changes every few seconds.
Idea #3927 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/06/26 00:08:54: could the syntax displayed when you type AUCTION also include a line for bidding syntax?
Idea #3929 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/06/27 08:06:23: It would be nice if there was a command called ETELLS ON/OFF to listen/ignore tells from those you have enemied. Also, ATELLS ON/OFF would let allied players send you tells even if you have tells off.
Idea #3930 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/06/27 11:09:18: Can the syntax to mark all changelogs as read be added to the CHANGELOG HELP little menu?
Idea #3937 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/01 19:48:06: Could we get a helpfile or command that would be the spot to look for the current monthly promo and associated syntax/information? It would be way easier than checking announce posts to verify syntax/info AND it would be a very easy way for returning players/people just popping in to check out what the monthly promo is.
Idea #3940 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/03 11:33:52: could compendium pages be added for higher level/newer areas, such as Xaanahl, Volcano, Grotto and Caldera?
Idea #3943 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/04 07:19:25: is there any chance the class CD message for class list (You may not change your class again for 15 minute(s).) could be put at the TOP of the readout? Having to type more and spam through it all is annoying
Idea #3944 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/04 09:24:31: with the next enchantment changes, it would be very useful if we could more easily see which items have spells on them and which don't. IE, if we type II RING, rings with an icewall enchant would show (icewall) after the name
Idea #3945 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/04 09:25:53: with the next enchantment changes, it would be very useful if we could reference the enchanted items more easily. Right now you can do WEAR/REMOVE ICEWALL, but II ICEWALL doesn't show what icewall enchants you are holding. Being able to type II would be really useful
Idea #3964 Section: unassigned Support: 2 2014/07/17 03:32:23: Mannequins as a furniture or woodcrafted item. Let us ADD [item] TO MANNEQUIN and have it function basically like a display case, but for outfits/accessories we want to show off in our shops.
Idea #3965 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/17 03:54:56: can the syntax for SWAP please be added to the syntax that pops up when you type SHELF without an argument
Idea #3966 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/17 12:19:02: maybe the cook or butcher here in tcanna could pay for the corpses of the animals since non-sentient NPCs don't drop gold
Idea #3972 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/18 08:48:45: any chance with the new audit display we can do AUDIT CRIT or AUDIT EXPERIENCE or whatnot to see a break down?
Idea #3976 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/20 04:11:17: it would be cool if WARES in a shop would also pull up tag keywords for templates. Eg, if I tagged design123 with scholar, WARES SCHOLAR would display that template
Idea #3988 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/07/27 02:22:42: New channel (or two) for leaders (city councils, GMs, ministers). Perhaps one IC and one OOC, so leaders could communicate with each other about both IC world-wide stuff (like big events, etc), and an OOC one to coordinate issues or share ideas/answer questions/etc
Idea #3996 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/02 02:06:16: it would be super great if I could check/give out city credits without having to physically be in the city. Same for other city commands, I guess, but the credits one is the most frustrating
Idea #4001 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/05 07:43:38: is there any way we can get a config to not see the spammy double description thing when we swap them?
Idea #4006 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/07 21:05:23: can we please get a second way to reference the venom elixlist (maybe VENOM_ELIXIR or whatnot), as WARES VENOM or II VENOM and get and drop and all that also interact with venoms in general
Idea #4008 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/09 00:33:08: idea for newbies - after newbies do PATH FIND GUILD and arrive at their guild entrance, maybe they can get a HINT explaining what the special entrance for their guild is. Would persist until out of novicehood
Idea #4009 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/09 02:05:44: it would be nice if city comm shops could have a few different price schemes, like one for citizens, one for outsiders and one for people aided to ministries. Maybe even do something snazzy like price policies, but for the comm shop. That would be really useful, as it would let us apply discounts to guilds, government clans, the entire city, etc
Idea #4015 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/11 01:27:30: It would be nice to have a command to see what buildings you personally own. BUILDING LIST CASTLES only shows player-owned houses in the city. I swear there is a command for it, but I can't find it
Idea #4023 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/14 06:17:51: is there any way the crier can be given multiple messages to shout, which he then cycles through?
Idea #4025 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/15 06:15:32: It'd be nifty and probably quite helpful if the SEE ALSO sections of the help scrolls (eg look at HELP CRAGS for an example) were MXP linked
Idea #4027 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/16 11:24:33: dagger being referenced as knife is kinda an irritating QoL change, as now carving knives need to be referenced by number. Is there any chance carving knives (and maybe all crafting boons) can be changed to work without having to wield them, or could carving knives get a secondary alias, like carve or carveknife or something?
Idea #4031 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/18 04:29:48: it would be really helpful for restocking enchantments (and shopping) if WARES ENCHANTMENTS just brought up every enchanted item
Idea #4032 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/18 08:41:12: could KEYSIGIL and FISTSIGIL be added as aliases for easier item manipulation?
Idea #4037 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/21 11:58:21: HELP LANDMARKS should maybe refer people back to AB LANDMARKS or mention the ability to memorize, as that's a really useful feature
Idea #4038 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/22 20:28:44: could a reference about inline envenoming be added to attacks it works with? (eg savagery spinning, etc)
Idea #4040 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/23 15:33:44: could Xaanhal be added back to placs that give points? With a 2 hour CD and other places like Spiral and Tcanna open, Xaanhal isn't going to really make a difference in who wins, but it seems an unnecessary penalization for people just bashing for participation points
Idea #4045 Section: unassigned Support: 0 2014/08/24 05:03:42: mass messaging is useful, but the cap of ten means you can't message your entire city council at once. It would be nice if the cap were raised to 15 or 20. Alternatively (or in addition) it would be really convenient if you could message your entire guild leadership (GMSG) or city leadership (CMSG - ministers and council, CAMSG - ministers, council, aides).
To touch on something that was mentioned during the Townhall (and I don't know if this will be a popular thing or not) but in regards to making Orders have more meaning even when the Divine in question is perhaps not as active:
Make it possible to "preach" to NPC and sway them to your religion. Some mobs would have their loyalty set to absolute, such as priests and certain other important mobs, while others would be possible to persuade with time and effort.
This could then be tied in to various things later on, like factions and stuff. The could also be a scale of difficulty depending on who you preach for and who they already have faith in.
Just an idea, but perhaps something to build on.
AngweI'm the dog that ate yr birthday cakeBedford, VA
Next idea: As a Development person, could room credits be perhaps credited back by half in the event of changes or adjustments, I know they do this in Achaea, with half room and half door credits to be utilised in demolition and rebuilding.
-and- to kick a dead horse
Let me cache bombcrafting gears please....(pretty please)
I suggested this as an artifact / room upgrade a while ago, I've a ton of ideas for applying it (fair grounds, docks that change activity by season, gardens, looking out windows, snow vs spring for forested areas, the fields in ihill for what state the grains are in)
A: Saves the "attires" that you've got set up. B: A command that removes ERRYTHING that you're wearing C: A command that resets what you're wearing to the attires you saved
Haven points are kinda meh if you spend credits on a house. I know there are always ideas being thrown out about them, so here's another - let us use haven points on houses. Maybe charge double/triple if there's a concern it's too cheap. I think this would actually motivate MORE spending: people would buy bashing artis/buffs, buy credits to turn into gold to get that one last haven point for an extra house thing they want, or flat out spend credits on an extra feature since that cool house is now there. It would also make bashing more appealing, since there'd always be this cool thing you could be working for with your points. I guess this is how havens work for some people, but for those of us who prefer houses, that motivation just isn't there:
Room Room Name Brief Description Base Room Area
51858 moireanhaven2 Within the unformed MOIREANHAVEN1 havens
Used Points: 100 Remaining Points: 164
Used Points: 107 Remaining Points: 173
Being able to trade in artifacts and getting membership credits, at either the regular 2/3rd rate, or 1/2 rate.
2011/12/09 08:57:44: The bank should take its fees from the remaining balance in the account it's drawn from unless the fees surpass the amount remaining in the account. It'd be a lot easier to just withdraw 50000 gold and have it be 50000 gold, than trying to mentally factor out how much two percent in bank fees is.
This would be really helpful, as it's fustrating to not have enough money as to remove 50,000 you need to withdraw 50102
Idea #2837 Section: unassigned Support: 1
2011/11/12 12:14:37: Shop Taxes: Autopay from bank accounts. CITY PAY SHOP TAXES AUTO - incentive to actually use banks!
Stipulation, only as you remain active, and the bank charge a fee (2%? for convenience)
Idea #3342 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2012/11/10 21:14:18: It would be cool if orbs showed how many uses left in addition to how many months they have remaining.
Edit: for spelling
Idea #3343 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2012/11/11 05:26:02: SHOPINCALL - works like INCALL but puts all cacheables from your inventory into the shop cache. Works only in stockrooms.
Edit2: To add idea 3343
My own! - Also, a way to delete our ideas would be super grand, like we can delete bugs.
Idea #2197 Section: Economy Support: 2
2011/02/05 18:19:15: WARES ? Such as, WARES FOOD (if food is in the shelf name, bring up that entire shelf), or WARES COOKING (bring up all cooked goods.
Idea #2796 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2011/10/29 17:59:41: for WEAPONLIST to also show what is in weapon belts, but notate it similar to how KEYLIST does (In belt2341d8adsf) - newline, weapons.
Idea #2863 Section: unassigned Support: 2
2011/11/24 01:46:09: A way to TRYOUT or somesuch different statpacks. Example, TRYOUT DEXTROUS - 'your new stats would be 4800 health, 4900 mana, 22630 endurance', etc. TRYOUT DEXTROUS STRIKE 'With your current armaments, you would: With a steady hand, you batter a test dummy with a Basilican mace. Damage done: 325. You thrust a tower shield into a test dummy, striking it fiercly. Damage done: 420, blunt. Balance used: 3.75 or whatever it was be (same flavour as emlist and emshow emote to see it without doing it, to better inform reincarnating options).
Idea #2995 Section: Guild Support: 2
2012/01/16 22:41:40: A way for GUILD ENEMYing to actually mean something and be useful, at least in terms of guild security. The ideas so far are a) A passive damage-toll on enemies in the guild hall, be it physical damage, some kind of hindrance, etc. the second is
Idea #3235 Section: unassigned Support: 5
2012/06/18 17:32:12: A toggle for forged goods that notes if it's mechanically useable, or simply a prop item? This would remove/shittify weapon stats so that it is unable/mechanically enforced to be unfeasible for combat, to allow some flexibility with ceremonial or RP things and keep combat combat.
Idea #3317 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2012/10/13 04:39:55: CITY LASTLOGIN for city council and CL please, to keep track of waking times of ministers, aides and each other.
Idea #3593 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/06/25 08:08:51: Can we please have a way to see your voteweight/average hours in our SCOREs, rather than having to click vote links just for that (even if we've already voted?).
Idea #3637 Section: unassigned Support: 1
2013/07/28 00:03:16: Similar to the cloaking gem, could we get a 'magic word' to turn on or off whether or not Elusion is hiding us, so that we can be searchable while still being able to see others with the hood?
Idea #3771 Section: unassigned Support: 2
2014/02/05 21:40:28: Could we get a max-coal-load for forges so that idiots like myself don't accidentally put in 900 coal and fire it? Maybe top out at 50 coal at a time?
Idea #3827 Section: unassigned Support: 2
2014/04/08 20:07:34: For the crafting process, it would be great if official rejections (From Becue or administration) had their own distinct stamp or colour so that it is evident if rejections are Official or other players' opinions.
Idea #4036 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/20 01:11:22: We can make awesome books with Woodcrafting, but these become pointless once a book is put into a library. Copying books will copy the content, but not the design of the book it was written in. It would be really great if either a) Library copies kept that initial design - b) if we could TRANSCRIBE (book1) TO (book2) [IN (language)] - for easy copying of books to keep that fancy craftyness, or c) for libraries to be able to have their own unique design that copied books are transcribed into.
2009/04/01 10:56:44: any way revlog can be sorted by ministry that funds go in/out of? Ie, 2009/03/30 03:55:47 - War: You have paid out 96980 gold for conscript wages.
Idea #199 Section: City Support: 1
2009/04/06 05:19:50: allow candidates the option to STANDDOWN from an election, rendering themselves off the ballot of active candidates and not counting, towards the victory, votes placed on them. Perhaps still count the votes for the total display at the end of the election
Idea #774 Section: Misc Support: 0
2009/11/28 03:12:16: any chance it can be made for blackjack/roulette tables to be positionable objects? Ie, position chair at table will work
Idea #797 Section: Tradeskill Support: 0
2009/12/02 00:19:17: is there any way we can set prices on brewed items based on the shortname set in design formulas? Eg, for a few glasses of design f169, I could do price grog 250 shelf 3
Idea #1457 Section: Tradeskill Support: 2
2010/05/28 05:48:39: any chance we can get a generic fish item for the cooking shop, like we have beef and chicken?
Idea #1562 Section: Misc Support: 0
2010/06/29 01:03:29: (for somewhere down the road) finish up the Maghuir stuff. There's a lot of potential here for creepy RP and a cool forestal event, but if there is a quest here, nobody knows it/it might be bugged, so that poor little elemental girl is stuck chained up forever.
Idea #1573 Section: Misc Support: 0
2010/06/30 23:44:22: during special promo days, maybe when we type DATE it can show what promo is going on
Idea #1621 Section: Guild Support: 3
2010/07/11 07:03:40: any chance projects can be made into an assignable guild priv? Right now, it looks like they are a GR 3 priv
Idea #2837 Section: unassigned Support: 2
2011/11/12 12:14:37: Shop Taxes: Autopay from bank accounts. CITY PAY SHOP TAXES AUTO - incentive to actually use banks!
Idea #2840 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2011/11/13 06:19:06: add an additional column to CWHO to display the guild, if any, of citizens
Idea #2841 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2011/11/13 08:42:24: Player-initiated public arena events. ARENAQUEUE event: eg, ARENAQUEUE SURVIVOR. Allows people to sign up for a general event in the Delos arena. If five people queue, the event will be initiated and people can sign up etc etc.
Idea #2842 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2011/11/13 11:30:20: if you are currently extracting a focus, have that appear on defences. Currently it's very hard to track if you lose control in the spam of combat
Idea #2865 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2011/11/24 09:46:15: for great hunts, mobs that are crit-immune such as Kroz or Elds are worth extra points, perhaps 10 pts each
Idea #2893 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2011/12/04 16:29:09: MULTICLASSING - You original class will always work, even if you leave your guild. Any additional classes can only be made active if you are in a guild, house or city which "supports" that class. For your guild/house/city to support a class, they have to have a treaty with the originating guild. By using the treaty system, it should be somewhat easy to code (add in a new treaty option), and the decisions and politics are still in the hands of players, rather than some admin decree.
Idea #3023 Section: Order Support: 6
2012/01/24 13:44:55: new order shrine power: CONGREGATIONBOON. Basically the same as booning the order, but boons the congregation. Very helpful for Orders with less active Gods, or for order members who are very hands on with the congregation
Idea #3042 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2012/02/04 04:59:19: CONFIG COLOR: Add in a color config for global emotes. Currently they show in the default text color, which can make them easy to miss if you are in combat or bashing or there is just a lot of spam
Idea #3079 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2012/03/03 03:21:38: QUIZZES! There is already a built in quiz system. Allow players to host their own - one person just types HOST QUIZ. If 5 people ATTEND QUIZ it will automatically begin, and the hosting player is the quizmaster!
Idea #3109 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2012/03/19 07:48:46: REFINING: New refning skill (or maybe for one of the trees?) that lets you see when the last lesser was tapped. Good utility skill that players would find helpful
Idea #3132 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2012/03/31 07:28:33: let making arrows from fletchcraft benefit from the woodcrafting knife pretty please?
Idea #3168 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2012/04/21 01:59:56: let us ROCK while sitting in a rockingchair
Idea #3485 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/03/14 06:38:18: Weapons: Let flails count as large bludgeons for Carnifex hammer attacks. This would be really just a cosmetic change giving us a new option for flavor, since flails really are already a blunt damage weapon
Idea #3516 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/04/26 16:43:11: It would be very useful if we could see changes made to guard layouts and guard return and so forth noted in the city's millog
Idea #3530 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/05/03 10:50:40: config color recovery - let you set a config color for balance/eq recovery. Would be good for newbies
Idea #3531 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/05/03 11:58:12: Allow us to make characters/words/lines bold in player-created documents/files.
Idea #3547 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/05/11 15:14:53: CONFIG COLOR: Add an option to config color "CONFIG COLOR SURPRISE ME" which calls up the rainbow bomb of insane colors.
(I think I was drunk for that one ^)
Idea #3559 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/05/23 02:53:02: DOMINATION: a simple command BREAK ALL PACTS to break all of your current pacts
Idea #3561 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/05/25 23:15:16: ARENA: please put the classpick syntax in HELP ARENA and HELP DUEL
Idea #3591 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/06/25 06:50:37: Research: Any chance we could get a LAST QUOTA CONTRIBUTIONS display, as the quota contributions is completely cleared out and reset when the new quota is delivered, giving us no way to see who contributed what once the quota rolls over
Idea #3613 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/07/15 10:16:55: add a section for house-related commands similar to guild related commands under HELP BASECOMMANDS
Idea #3614 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/07/15 10:21:35: add PATH FIND VERMIN to the HELP VERMIN scroll, letting kids know they can type that to get there easily!
Idea #3642 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/07/30 22:34:03: Projects: for project searching, there is already a function to search project GROUPS using *blah* - any chance we could get this expanded for searching via project name? Eg PROJECTS NAME *blah* would pull up any project with blah in the name and PROJECTS STATUS *BLAH* would pull up any projects with blah in the status.
Idea #3660 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/08/29 01:50:31: have the swarm reward ylem akin to the rowan box when it is killed
Idea #3665 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/08/31 00:41:19: ECONSTATUS - is there any way some more info can be added to this? Maybe month guard upkeep fees, funds in the bank (ie from when you appropriate bank)
Idea #3679 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/09/15 23:21:06: Emotes: There is no boom emote. There should be a boom emote.
Idea #3683 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/09/18 04:32:33: War: Since the war system is disabled, would it be possible for the war minister to promote/demote members in the militia to let cities use the war ministry as a sort of training scheme/combat recognition program?
Idea #3703 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/10/16 07:20:40: MXP: Can GHELP/CHELP/etc open up their own window as well when clicked on them in the flash client, like normal HELPs do? That would be super nice
Idea #3712 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/10/29 11:09:26: Is there any way that actively tapping a lesser, minor or attacking an eld in an unstable zone give an instant aura? This will avoid confusion over if someone is there to fight/get ylem or is just running through, and will avoid situations where people rant about being open pk or not because they are trying to game the mechanics ("you summoned me and started hitting me after I tapped the minor but before the aura settled in"), which really isn't the intent behind the aura. If someone taps a focus point, they should be open PK instantly since they are the one doing the active extraction, especially if you're using something like brazier or empress on them, since you can't see remotely when that aura kicks in.
Idea #3719 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2013/11/05 08:52:46: cooking: Please let us DESIGN # REMOVE # COMPONENT to let us remove individual components from a design, instead of having to use CLEARCOMPONENTS to clear out everything
Idea #3794 Section: unassigned Support: 2
2014/03/07 05:55:50: Emote idea: Can we get an emote called COMRADE - With a jaunty salute and a tip of his hat, name cries out a hearty hail of "Comrade!" in greeting to .
Idea #3836 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/04/19 03:31:26: not sure if this is intentional, but you can win skill increase via wheel when you are trans everything so it's entirely wasted - could it maybe give lessons instead?
Idea #3850 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/05/03 17:53:47: It would be awesome if typing II displayed enchants on items
Idea #3864 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/05/07 02:09:06: There should be an annoying Imp vox. >_>
Idea #3882 Section: unassigned Support: 2
2014/05/17 17:34:07: is there any chance the Carnifex polearm bedrock style could be revisited in its appearance? The current description describes the "butt" of the weapon and, while this is technically a correct term, it's also a butt. Not haft, handle, pole - butt. Two of them, actually, since SSL is a 2-hit attack. Every 2.5 seconds. That's 48 butts a minute. Nearly three thousand butts an hour. I don't think I'm ready for this jelly.
Idea #3883 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/05/18 03:55:04: would it be possible to increase the default stock amounts for certain foods, since nowadays we mostly buy them to stock in caches? The Delos market food comms all only sell like 50 max, and chicken/beef/pork/etc in the craft offices only restock up to 150. 500+ would really be ideal, otherwise one person can just buy out everything without even trying
Idea #3884 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/05/18 05:40:21: It would be really cool if PROBE used on set pieces listed what other items are needed to make the set, instead of us having to check HELP CRYPTIC CHESTS
Idea #3885 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/05/19 12:55:44: for style scrolls - BOMBastic!
Idea #3890 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/05/24 05:34:56: Could CONSUME HEART ignore phoenix hearts and just target necromancy hearts?
Idea #3900 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/05/29 11:09:16: The entire sect arena is indoors. This means tactics like pre-loading shield breaks as an Indo or ducking in/out to set up resins as a Sentinel simply can't work - is there any chance one or two rooms can be made outdoors?
Idea #3908 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/06/06 19:51:37: for the cache break down could cooking ingredients get their own section of other? Maybe even more specialized into meats, fruits, veggies, etc
Idea #3916 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/06/12 20:38:24: can compendium read also let us read by chapter number, eg compendium read 1, instead of compendium read tiyen
Idea #3926 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/06/25 03:18:54: shapeshifting: can we please get a command MADNESS to see current madness level? Perhaps also a display in stat. I don't see the need to have it in prompt as it's not something that changes every few seconds.
Idea #3927 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/06/26 00:08:54: could the syntax displayed when you type AUCTION also include a line for bidding syntax?
Idea #3929 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/06/27 08:06:23: It would be nice if there was a command called ETELLS ON/OFF to listen/ignore tells from those you have enemied. Also, ATELLS ON/OFF would let allied players send you tells even if you have tells off.
Idea #3930 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/06/27 11:09:18: Can the syntax to mark all changelogs as read be added to the CHANGELOG HELP little menu?
Idea #3937 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/01 19:48:06: Could we get a helpfile or command that would be the spot to look for the current monthly promo and associated syntax/information? It would be way easier than checking announce posts to verify syntax/info AND it would be a very easy way for returning players/people just popping in to check out what the monthly promo is.
Idea #3940 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/03 11:33:52: could compendium pages be added for higher level/newer areas, such as Xaanahl, Volcano, Grotto and Caldera?
Idea #3943 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/04 07:19:25: is there any chance the class CD message for class list (You may not change your class again for 15 minute(s).) could be put at the TOP of the readout? Having to type more and spam through it all is annoying
Idea #3944 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/04 09:24:31: with the next enchantment changes, it would be very useful if we could more easily see which items have spells on them and which don't. IE, if we type II RING, rings with an icewall enchant would show (icewall) after the name
Idea #3945 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/04 09:25:53: with the next enchantment changes, it would be very useful if we could reference the enchanted items more easily. Right now you can do WEAR/REMOVE ICEWALL, but II ICEWALL doesn't show what icewall enchants you are holding. Being able to type II would be really useful
Idea #3964 Section: unassigned Support: 2
2014/07/17 03:32:23: Mannequins as a furniture or woodcrafted item. Let us ADD [item] TO MANNEQUIN and have it function basically like a display case, but for outfits/accessories we want to show off in our shops.
Idea #3965 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/17 03:54:56: can the syntax for SWAP please be added to the syntax that pops up when you type SHELF without an argument
Idea #3966 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/17 12:19:02: maybe the cook or butcher here in tcanna could pay for the corpses of the animals since non-sentient NPCs don't drop gold
Idea #3972 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/18 08:48:45: any chance with the new audit display we can do AUDIT CRIT or AUDIT EXPERIENCE or whatnot to see a break down?
Idea #3976 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/20 04:11:17: it would be cool if WARES in a shop would also pull up tag keywords for templates. Eg, if I tagged design123 with scholar, WARES SCHOLAR would display that template
Idea #3988 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/07/27 02:22:42: New channel (or two) for leaders (city councils, GMs, ministers). Perhaps one IC and one OOC, so leaders could communicate with each other about both IC world-wide stuff (like big events, etc), and an OOC one to coordinate issues or share ideas/answer questions/etc
Idea #3996 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/02 02:06:16: it would be super great if I could check/give out city credits without having to physically be in the city. Same for other city commands, I guess, but the credits one is the most frustrating
Idea #4001 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/05 07:43:38: is there any way we can get a config to not see the spammy double description thing when we swap them?
Idea #4006 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/07 21:05:23: can we please get a second way to reference the venom elixlist (maybe VENOM_ELIXIR or whatnot), as WARES VENOM or II VENOM and get and drop and all that also interact with venoms in general
Idea #4008 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/09 00:33:08: idea for newbies - after newbies do PATH FIND GUILD and arrive at their guild entrance, maybe they can get a HINT explaining what the special entrance for their guild is. Would persist until out of novicehood
Idea #4009 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/09 02:05:44: it would be nice if city comm shops could have a few different price schemes, like one for citizens, one for outsiders and one for people aided to ministries. Maybe even do something snazzy like price policies, but for the comm shop. That would be really useful, as it would let us apply discounts to guilds, government clans, the entire city, etc
Idea #4015 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/11 01:27:30: It would be nice to have a command to see what buildings you personally own. BUILDING LIST CASTLES only shows player-owned houses in the city. I swear there is a command for it, but I can't find it
Idea #4023 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/14 06:17:51: is there any way the crier can be given multiple messages to shout, which he then cycles through?
Idea #4025 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/15 06:15:32: It'd be nifty and probably quite helpful if the SEE ALSO sections of the help scrolls (eg look at HELP CRAGS for an example) were MXP linked
Idea #4027 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/16 11:24:33: dagger being referenced as knife is kinda an irritating QoL change, as now carving knives need to be referenced by number. Is there any chance carving knives (and maybe all crafting boons) can be changed to work without having to wield them, or could carving knives get a secondary alias, like carve or carveknife or something?
Idea #4031 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/18 04:29:48: it would be really helpful for restocking enchantments (and shopping) if WARES ENCHANTMENTS just brought up every enchanted item
Idea #4032 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/18 08:41:12: could KEYSIGIL and FISTSIGIL be added as aliases for easier item manipulation?
Idea #4037 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/21 11:58:21: HELP LANDMARKS should maybe refer people back to AB LANDMARKS or mention the ability to memorize, as that's a really useful feature
Idea #4038 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/22 20:28:44: could a reference about inline envenoming be added to attacks it works with? (eg savagery spinning, etc)
Idea #4040 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/23 15:33:44: could Xaanhal be added back to placs that give points? With a 2 hour CD and other places like Spiral and Tcanna open, Xaanhal isn't going to really make a difference in who wins, but it seems an unnecessary penalization for people just bashing for participation points
Idea #4045 Section: unassigned Support: 0
2014/08/24 05:03:42: mass messaging is useful, but the cap of ten means you can't message your entire city council at once. It would be nice if the cap were raised to 15 or 20. Alternatively (or in addition) it would be really convenient if you could message your entire guild leadership (GMSG) or city leadership (CMSG - ministers and council, CAMSG - ministers, council, aides).
Make it possible to "preach" to NPC and sway them to your religion. Some mobs would have their loyalty set to absolute, such as priests and certain other important mobs, while others would be possible to persuade with time and effort.
This could then be tied in to various things later on, like factions and stuff. The could also be a scale of difficulty depending on who you preach for and who they already have faith in.
Just an idea, but perhaps something to build on.
Allow permission of POST OFFICE as a set room addition, so that we can mail letter from the Havens.
That is all...thank you for your time
That's totally my fault. You used to be able to, and I kept sending my war banner out via my pigeon.
EDIT: I take that back...because I realized I might make the administration mad doing that
As a Development person, could room credits be perhaps credited back by half in the event of changes or adjustments, I know they do this in Achaea, with half room and half door credits to be utilised in demolition and rebuilding.
-and- to kick a dead horse
Let me cache bombcrafting gears please....(pretty please)
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
A: Saves the "attires" that you've got set up.
B: A command that removes ERRYTHING that you're wearing
C: A command that resets what you're wearing to the attires you saved
Or something...