There was a slight expression of interest in a web I was in a few days ago about some DnD and whatnot.
While I've never DMed or anything, I'm happy to give it a whirl, as well as try my hand at writing up an adventure/campaign...thing. I'm also not 100% sure on the logistics, given differing timezones etc etc.
Basically, I'm curious as to whether this is something that people are interested in. If there's enough people keen, I'm happy to give it all ago.
Questions, expressions of interest, comments. Go!
Now with 253% more Madness.
Cute-Kelli by
I can't imagine trying to coordinate across US, Europe, and Aus.
3.5 Edition, most likely.
It'd be actual DnD. Though, it would be stuff I've invented myself.
Edit - That is to say, the story/adventure and so forth
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Like I said though, suggestions are welcome.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
1) 3.5 Edition. (Mostly because I have all the resources for that particular edition at hand)
2) The plan is to start players/characters at level 1. So no fancy prestige classes to begin with. Though there should be space to expand into them as things progress.
3) As far as races, it's my intention to stick with what's in the Players Handbook. That said, if you're interested in something a bit different, you're welcome to pitch the idea to me. I'll consider it, at the very least. Though no promises as to whether I'll say yes.
4) It'll be about another week or so before I've finished writing/preparing the actual body of the starting adventure/campaign thing. Last few days have been fairly hectic workwise, and I expect the next few to be the same, or worse.
Once I've got it ready, I'll make another announcement here, asking for players, and we'll see about nailing down a time and day, based on availabilities.
It's looking like is going to be the way we go, but if someone has a better idea, I'm willing to hear it.
Anymore questions, or whatever. Feel free to throw them up here!
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
I am up for whatever, though. I'm probably going to be a Psion or a Wizard of some sort ;P
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.