Well then! I've been playing with some dedication for about two weeks now, and lately I've found the game a little bit lonely. I'd like to think that the problem is my schedule, what with my only free time 5 days a week being between 11:30 PM and 5:00 AM PST. This is something I intend to shift out of, loathe as I am to get *gulp* get up early, provided I can find the... incentive.
I say this, because even at peak times on weekends I am going through hell and a half finding what I consider worthwhile interaction. I'm not sure if this is more characteristic of the Lifer side of things or not, but half of the time my attempts to engage folks on the guild/city channels or walk up and greet them right in the face fall on deaf ears and bounce off blind eyeballs, respectively. On the occasions that I have managed to engage folks or gotten a reply, it's usually been very mechanical and bland; a higher-up making sure that I am finding the facilities and keeping up with guild requirements alright. When I try to prolong the interaction like the attention-starved puppy that I am, asking questions, making IC observations about tasks and information, and commenting on the setting- all without regurgitating my life story and last meal, mind you- someone typically just tosses me the same cookie-cut smile or nod they gave me 5 minutes ago, pats me on the ass, and sends me on my way.
Now, don't get me wrong. I am not without thanks for wealth of help people have offered and provided me, nor am I ungrateful for the enormous amount of effort that must have put into organizing the guild structure, tasks, directories, and other help files. What I would really like, though, is to be where the action is. Not literal, dramatic action, necessarily- I'd be happy to be sent on an errand to gather this-or-that, asked to do chores around the guildhall, practice my skills with a bonafide guildie, or even carry groceries.
As it is, I'm just not feeling immersed, and I'm not sure I've got the gumption to wait it out. I've played my share of MMOs; an evening farming mobs to earn worthless gold and level a character who has no purpose except empty progression and trophy status is not what I am looking for. At this point, I'm considering just shafting IC motivations and shamelessly hopping orgs until I find some place more inviting or give up. Alternatively, if there are other players (especially my fellow newbies!) out there who share my sentiments or similar, maybe we could slap together a list of ourselves and form a little clique of our own?
Thanks for hearing me out.
Some of it requires gumption. Some of it is just a flux of organizations right now - there was recently a pretty hefty Anti-Enorian movement and populations have shifted again, and some folk are simply burnt out. Others, I cannot really comment, as I do not quite have enough data.
I can rattle off a list of people that are usually really good for RP and I have found engaging if that would be of help.
I know I myself am pretty uneven with it. I'm battling major burnout paired with a lack of engaging RP, which is also my own fault.
As for the lifer side, I spent a bit of time there. What I found is that instead of interaction being consistently among the entire org (be it city or guild), it is tended towards smaller RP circles. People that break off into pairs or trios, really. My first few weeks living in Duiran was hard for me, it required a lot of extroverted effort and just making attempt after attempt to emote and drum up regular interaction circles. Eventually I was able to do it, but it helps if your character has some sort of niche thing that they can engage another person in.
I can see how this may be hard for a newbie, but maybe you can come up with something? Also The Lover's Fling tends to be a solid place to get chance interaction, even if you are just standing there betting money on roulette.
Somewhere @eleanor (another team Oz player, who's gennerally at least poping in hen you are) had a thread about interaction, but one of the things that I've started doing is recuiting people for little things, be it 'I lost my (insert thing) have you seen it?' to " Coome on, we're going to the tundra to look forr clues as to where my friends gone!' Consistent little interacttion turns into awesome long term story arcs.