@Ingram I mean that's just how it is. This person plays Aetolia for PK and doesn't want to RP. Imagine if you couldn't get the ability to emote unless you played by my Aetolia and were forced to PK to get it. I imagine you'd quickly hop to another game too. No need to be an ass about it.
If that were the case, this wouldn't be the game for me. Sometimes a game doesn't suit the style of game you want to play. That's not a tragedy, and all games should not be forced to be all things to all players.
That said, I do agree with the general idea of making the combat-necessary skills available generally and having guild-specific perks that allow the "neutral" guilds to maintain their RP. Sounds great to me.
@Ingram I mean that's just how it is. This person plays Aetolia for PK and doesn't want to RP. Imagine if you couldn't get the ability to emote unless you played by my Aetolia and were forced to PK to get it. I imagine you'd quickly hop to another game too. No need to be an ass about it.
It's more like not being able to use a handful of premotes than not being able to emote period. He could PK'd with any other class. And I can premote with anything else.
I'm okay with having a disagreement there. An individual is not entitled to X class. As long as the guild/person you asked has a legit reason to deny class, I don't think they should be required to go out of their way to find an excuse to accomodate you anyway in spite of their (guild) RP.
Yeah, I'm not saying screw the role you're playing to accommodate someone. I'm saying that as a player, see if your role can accommodate it. At least think about it. Try. Not jump immediately to say 'nope'. There is a huge range of decisions that our characters can make in this game. It is much rarer to be painted in a corner than to have options. If this sort of player accommodation were the prevalent attitude instead, I'm pretty sure these guilds wouldn't have the reputation they have today. Something is amiss if it has become a rampant and recurring thing.
I mean I get it. There's a specific type of RP and you're entitled to that. That doesn't make the outsider complaints any less valid though and there's no need to be a jerk dismissing the opposition as entitled whiners and whatever. There are two sides to the argument and neither is any less valid than the other, dismissing it as whining just because it isn't something you personally don't engage in or experience is pretty meh.
From a PKer's point of view class is very important. We spend thousands of credits just to get the skills and specific artifacts for a specific class because we want to use that class. Being completely denied kills desire and interest in the game. It's like if you needed access to some RP ability but you could only get it from a group of players who only gave it out if you beat them all in a PK tournament. Obviously less extreme of an example than that since there's a valid RP behind keeping the skills close to the chest and not really vice versa, but just framing it so you can understand why some people are so put off by it and how they feel.
To you it might be "just another class" but to a PKer class is the most important thing in the game. Consider it like you only being able to use premotes then and not any custom emotes. Sure you can still RP and do fine but you're unable to do what you actually want to do.
I originally dismissed denying class as just people being unicorns for the sake of being unicorns. I can see now that there's RP and whatnot behind it, and while for me PK and mechanics will always >> RP I can understand for some people this isn't the case. You guys should try to consider seeing it from the other side of the coin too.
Tbqh, as long as I wasn't on my daru with her setallofyouheathenartificersonfire attitude, I'm pretty sure I could easily get Syssin class if I wanted it. I say this, because I've done it before, and will probably do it again before I'm done playing Aetolia.
This person plays Aetolia for PK and doesn't want to RP.
...yeah. The difference in your example here, is that Aetolia is an RPG. It may not be RP-enforced but....
I get why the admin couldn't take this stance, but frankly with that kind of entitlement I'd as soon say 'good riddance'.
^This is my sentiment on that, really. Because the two aren't divorced. PK is RP--and if you refuse to -also- RP in a non-PK capacity, your entire purpose is just to be a griefing unicorn because there's no reasoning to your character at all.
Agree with Elie there. Not the game for them anyway, if that's their attitude. If I hate games with guns, I'm not going to choose to go play Borderlands. If I'm not interested in RP but want PK, I'd go play WoW, not an RP MUD.
ETA: To clarify really quick, these are generic yous/yours not personal ones.
I'm also not sure how true this is, or should be, but I wanted to put it out there for consideration.
My take is that running an organisation puts a greater onus on you to make the gameplay experience fun for everyone, whether it is taking care of your org member needs, or engaging with the opposing side for responsible interaction. You come closer to being a facilitator of the game like the gods are, except you facilitate it from the point of view of a certain organisation.
That means a greater duty to the game and its players at large.
Your job as a leader of an org is to make the game fun for your org. If that. Nobody else is your problem, unless they want to join your org. That is the only way to hold leadership and stay sane, and I will maintain that to the end - it's also why I refuse to touch org leadership.
Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM
You're a vindictive lil unicorn ---------------------------
Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM
oh wait, toz is famous
Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM
You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
--------------------------- Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."
Ictinus — 11/01/2021
Block Toz
lim — Today at 10:38 PM
you disgust me
(Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."
@Ezalor Basically, my response to PK and nothing else is @Erzsebet's sentiment.
I'm pretty sure there's three other MUDs by IRE with equatable combat systems. Doesn't Ach have three Syssin-esque guilds for all sides? Just want to PK, there you go, and you won't find all this RP nonsense gunking up the works. Aet's always been a highlight because of the RP quality.
@Toz And I'm pretty damn confident Faerah's doing that. The people IN the Syssin, playing the guild and giving it a sincere go are enjoying it and having fun. I know she's breaking her back to keep things moving forward, improving, so on. The guild has come miles ahead from where it was at say... beginning of this year or so.
As someone who engages in both sides (though obviously I favour PK more) I'll just say your idea that the game should cater heavily towards RPers and that PKers don't deserve to have their concerns heard is an extremely narrow-minded and elitist mindset. "Go to another game" is a terrible solution especially for the subset of the population that buys the most credits and brings in the most $$$ for Aetolia. But I'll bow out of this conversation because obviously none of you who think that way will change your minds and I've said pretty much everything I want to say without turning it into a flame war.
Your job as a leader of an org is to make the game fun for your org. If that. Nobody else is your problem, unless they want to join your org. That is the only way to hold leadership and stay sane, and I will maintain that to the end - it's also why I refuse to touch org leadership.
I need more than one agree button. This. SO much so this.
There are times this overlaps with engaging outside organizations, but in general, one's job is to make sure the players in -your- neck of the woods are having fun. Which is why some orgs try for treaties with guilds that have clauses re: class sharing.
@Ezalor Nonono, don't do that and try to change my point. That's not what I was claiming. I was commenting on people who ONLY PK, as indicated by how I preceded my post with "Basically, my response to PK and nothing else". PK should be giving consideration, catering, it IS apart of the game but as an extension and brother of RP. I'm saying the idea of housing down here, and solely focusing on PK, is dumb considering the nature of Aetolia and what it's been focused around, lauded for. If you don't RP and expect things with RP attributes on them to just be handed to you, effectively on an OOC standpoint from anyone else who's IC, then tough shit.
I'm not saying that people who prefer to -mostly- PK should gtfo, PK certainly has its place, as do those who choose to do it--but you yourself are an excellent example of the way it -should- be done.
You RP. You have a definable character who is reasonably fleshed out and has motives and reasons for doing everything that he does. Your PK is an extension of your RP, you don't just play because lolz let's murder people.
It's the latter mentality I'm suggesting should be completely disregarded as a player-type we need to cater to.
I'm actually kinda concerned why Syssin are suddenly the end-all be-all unicorn of the game.
Are they that broken in pvp? Isn't that a bad thing?
Are the venoms that useful and Sentinels that terrible a class?
What's so valuable about a class, beyond that no one wants to give it out to apprentices.
Someone had pointed out at one point that using topguilds to judge interest in a class is reason enough to investigate the need to adjust their combat potential (Bloodborn being the goat in that example). Is that the case here? Shouldn't the goal of the divine be making the 'available' classes more interesting to keep and develop?
To add randomly, I've wanted to be a shapeshifter since forever. I hated the leadership of the bears (for whatever reason, as I can't remember who they even were now), and had obvious problems with the wolves no matter where my character took me. Now I have something completely unique to that frame of time, and I'm loving the hell out of this experience. the shapeshift changes (even if I worry about the combat viability).
I'll be honest. I've only halfway paid attention to this since the moment I heard Syndicate being terrible. Yes, I'm biased. I LOVED the Syndicate. It just wasn't implemented at a time when people enjoy and run with it. Then it got misinterpreted a lot after the fact. Easily one of my favorite things about Aetolia. Forgive my lack of formatting but I dint think the player should always 'win'. Sometimes things don't work out your way and that is OKAY.
(On a phone that hates me)
The advent of multiclass changed the game drastically and the guild system we have in place just doesn't cut it anymore. Guilds need to evolve to reflect the change in their environment or else this problem will continually crop up and fester which is bad for retention. Maybe not so much amongst newer players but most certainly among established/old players.
We have offered possible solutions in the past but it doesn't look like any takes for whatever reason. So the only advice I can think to give is just grit your teeth and bear it and focus on something else more fun in the mean time. Hopefully we'll see change but considering the history and stances we have now? I wouldn't hold my breath on this matter.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
I dunno Haven. I used to be against dispensing it via mechanics, but I'm getting sick of the drama and un-fun it creates, so I've changed my mind about it. Maybe others have as well.
Being a relative newbie (i've played off and on a couple times, this is the first time I've really been completely hooked) I say all guilds should be told to have an RP way for people who aren't enemies to gain class skills. They should have a good bit of freedom on how difficult it is, but I think this should be semi-governed by the admins to ensure it is relatively reasonable.
I think this is the closest this issue is going to get to a compromise, besides Moirean's suggestions which just have an icky feeling to me as I don't like the idea of it being that easy. Though, I think Moirean's suggestion will -have- to happen if something else isn't done or, as suggested, we'll start losing players. When it comes down to it, this is a business and multi-classing creates money which in a perfect world means more cool stuff for the players.
Note: I personally would like to find a good way to RP Mordocai into multi-classing as Syssin because I think they are awesome and I don't want to start another alt. So I may be biased.
I didn't read half of this thread but it still seems to be a repeat, so I'll give it a rundown: 1. Syssin vote on each applicant who wants class and they're usually unanimously denied. 2. We're not changing that. 3. Admin doesn't seem to want to change how class is handed out. 4. Is it fair to others? Maybe, maybe not but like I said in 1 it's what we vote for. 5. This thread is going no where.
Point 1 is not in dispute. If point 2 remains and nothing changes your minds despite what fellow players have said, then so be it. I personally assumed it from the start, but it would have been a relief and pleasant surprise if you guys reconsidered. Which is why the point of the thread is mainly for point 3. Is silence an indication of a preference for the status quo? Who knows. If the admin now say that allowing stringent multiclass policies is good, then we'll (I'll) live with that. But until such time, it remains a mystery to myself and some others why this is so. As far as we (I) can tell, it fosters unhealthy community attitudes of exclusion and schadenfreude, it also makes bad business sense. And that's the main source of frustration in a nutshell.
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
Point 1 is a terrible stance.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Maybe each guild can post their apprenticeship policies? It would be nice to see a comparison.
Here's the Carnifex, from GHELP POLICIES:
Apprenticeship --------------- Apprentices should be noted in the guild logs. Three months maximum will be given for any issues or objections to be noted down in the logs. The Commander has final say and power of veto. Guilds we share a treaty with are an EXCEPTION to this, and members can be apprenticed immediately, at the cost of 2,500 gold, provided they are not an enemy of the guild.
Current treaties: - Indorani - Cabalists
Members of Consanguine Houses are NOT to be apprenticed, unless the House has shown they are fine with our laws. Currently acceptable Houses: - Nebre'seir - Ve'kahi - D'Baen
Note down who you have apprenticed in project 908 and escort them through the Keep to be attuned to the soulstone and to claim their first warhound.
I totally never even charge that silly gold amount. Half the time we give people a weapon, too, cuz we're derpy I guess. XD
We just approve pretty much everyone in Bloodborn, because I really have better things to do than trying to dictate how others should play the game. Over the last two years there was I think one rejection, and even that was a "we'll approve you after you fix X" deal (and the person ended up approved in the end).
Weren't the syssin the same ones who tried to scam a person out of credits soon after multiclassing went live and then crowed about it being "best RP evar" on the forums until they got told to stop being butts by the Admin?
If anyone thinks that all that matters is the enjoyment of them and theirs over literally everyone else in the game I dunno what to tell you. It is apparent that "yours" can be so narrowly defined that even your allies don't count because it feels good to be so exclusive you make Skull and Bones look positively open.
Though congratulations, the 'entitled classbabbies" argument/circlejerk are a perfect catalyst for me to reconsider my interest and continue to stay away from this game.
@Orus: Please don't let this deter you from rejoining our community. Aetolia still has much to offer as a game despite some of its issues.
I wish Kelende and Certimene didn't require you to be completely classless before they'll induct you into a guild. That'd serve as a sufficient alternative I think to what we have now. It'd certainly return the status quo to what it was before the advent of multiclass.
¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
@Oleis said: 'These current rules have weak points for the same reason that new rules will have weak points: some players are jerks. If your preferred solution to that problem is to remove player interaction from the necessary parts of playing Aetolia, then so be it.'
So just as an expression of my personal preference, couched in the same language used by Oleis: If people won't stop being jerks. I would like them to be told not to be jerks. It has worked for telling people to stop being so stringent with GR3, it should work just as well with telling people to stop being so stringent with multiclass. Then, if they won't stop being jerks, yes, as much as I would hate it, my vote is to remove player interaction from this part of Aetolia.
I think this problem is actually more complex than it seems on its face, at least from my view. I see a few different conflicts of interest here:
1. For quite awhile now, Aetolia has been on a trajectory leading it away from SRSBSNS requirements and time investment. On the whole, this seems to be a positive change, except when it leads to bad RP.
2a. Aetolia's RP/PK culture is schizophrenic. There's a small cohort that does both really well, and then there are a bunch of us who are really only interested in one side or the other. As it stands, if changes are introduced to improve one side of the game, inevitably the other side is going to get thrown out of balance, and the current discussion is a manifestation of that. If the game swung to cater to the RPers, they would be responsible for handing out class. If toward the PKers, multiclassing wins the day, and some people will feel their RP has been trashed because of the divergence from tradition.
2b. People place varying levels of importance on RP, and we can see this played out in some of the other IRE games (see also: Achaea). Aetolia is considered a RP-enforced game. Much of the RP quality far exceeds that of most of the other RPIs I've tried, and lots of us who are just interested in a good story flock here for exactly that reason. The PK culture throws a wrench in some of that, because there are people who ain't give a damn about our stories, and that's their right, as grating as that may feel to the rest of us.
3. It ain't free: IRE requires financial support. It's the responsibility of the administration to provide the playerbase with what it wants, and a lot of the game's big sinks enhance PK. This is just an educated guess on my part, but in my experience, I'd be willing to bet that a majority of Aetolia's revenue comes from people spending money on credits and artifacts that advance their PK ability.
4. Some people are jerks, but to be honest with you, I don't think that's the primary problem here. This game polices itself pretty well, on the whole.
I think the only way to cope with all of this is to figure out how to find balance in the game. As others have pointed out, the guild system in its current incarnation ain't gonna cut it. My recommendation would be either to implement special abilities and RP opportunities available exclusively to guild membership (although the cynic in me isn't convinced this won't create more problems down the road), or to untie (some?) classes from guilds and revamp guild structure so they function as collectives of individuals with like-minded ideologies and different spheres of influence in the game. I'm not sure how the latter would look -- the problem isn't simple, and the solution won't be either.
We just approve pretty much everyone in Bloodborn, because I really have better things to do than trying to dictate how others should play the game. Over the last two years there was I think one rejection, and even that was a "we'll approve you after you fix X" deal (and the person ended up approved in the end).
This is how it is in the Luminaries. As long as you're not a guild enemy (7 total) or an enemy of the city we pretty much hand it out.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
I think an easy solution would be having two NPCs, just for syssin and monk. Make both classes available to both sides of the game, since the admin already made it neutral. There is no need for new guilds, and both the Syssin and Sentaari can do whatever their rp dictates. Make NPC sell class for X credits, so people would still try to get it from the guild, but if they are being jerks, then you have an alternative. And it also generates some cash for Aetolia!
Win - Win for everyone.
Except those who want to hog their classes, but I dont really care what they think, because if admin wanted you to not give out class, they'd make the neutral classes tethered.
That said, I do agree with the general idea of making the combat-necessary skills available generally and having guild-specific perks that allow the "neutral" guilds to maintain their RP. Sounds great to me.
From a PKer's point of view class is very important. We spend thousands of credits just to get the skills and specific artifacts for a specific class because we want to use that class. Being completely denied kills desire and interest in the game. It's like if you needed access to some RP ability but you could only get it from a group of players who only gave it out if you beat them all in a PK tournament. Obviously less extreme of an example than that since there's a valid RP behind keeping the skills close to the chest and not really vice versa, but just framing it so you can understand why some people are so put off by it and how they feel.
To you it might be "just another class" but to a PKer class is the most important thing in the game. Consider it like you only being able to use premotes then and not any custom emotes. Sure you can still RP and do fine but you're unable to do what you actually want to do.
I originally dismissed denying class as just people being unicorns for the sake of being unicorns. I can see now that there's RP and whatnot behind it, and while for me PK and mechanics will always >> RP I can understand for some people this isn't the case. You guys should try to consider seeing it from the other side of the coin too.
Agree with Elie there. Not the game for them anyway, if that's their attitude. If I hate games with guns, I'm not going to choose to go play Borderlands. If I'm not interested in RP but want PK, I'd go play WoW, not an RP MUD.
ETA: To clarify really quick, these are generic yous/yours not personal ones.
My take is that running an organisation puts a greater onus on you to make the gameplay experience fun for everyone, whether it is taking care of your org member needs, or engaging with the opposing side for responsible interaction. You come closer to being a facilitator of the game like the gods are, except you facilitate it from the point of view of a certain organisation.
That means a greater duty to the game and its players at large.
Basically, my response to PK and nothing else is @Erzsebet's sentiment.
I'm pretty sure there's three other MUDs by IRE with equatable combat systems. Doesn't Ach have three Syssin-esque guilds for all sides? Just want to PK, there you go, and you won't find all this RP nonsense gunking up the works. Aet's always been a highlight because of the RP quality.
And I'm pretty damn confident Faerah's doing that. The people IN the Syssin, playing the guild and giving it a sincere go are enjoying it and having fun. I know she's breaking her back to keep things moving forward, improving, so on. The guild has come miles ahead from where it was at say... beginning of this year or so.
There are times this overlaps with engaging outside organizations, but in general, one's job is to make sure the players in -your- neck of the woods are having fun. Which is why some orgs try for treaties with guilds that have clauses re: class sharing.
Nonono, don't do that and try to change my point. That's not what I was claiming. I was commenting on people who ONLY PK, as indicated by how I preceded my post with "Basically, my response to PK and nothing else". PK should be giving consideration, catering, it IS apart of the game but as an extension and brother of RP. I'm saying the idea of housing down here, and solely focusing on PK, is dumb considering the nature of Aetolia and what it's been focused around, lauded for. If you don't RP and expect things with RP attributes on them to just be handed to you, effectively on an OOC standpoint from anyone else who's IC, then tough shit.
I'm not saying that people who prefer to -mostly- PK should gtfo, PK certainly has its place, as do those who choose to do it--but you yourself are an excellent example of the way it -should- be done.
You RP. You have a definable character who is reasonably fleshed out and has motives and reasons for doing everything that he does. Your PK is an extension of your RP, you don't just play because lolz let's murder people.
It's the latter mentality I'm suggesting should be completely disregarded as a player-type we need to cater to.
Are they that broken in pvp? Isn't that a bad thing?
Are the venoms that useful and Sentinels that terrible a class?
What's so valuable about a class, beyond that no one wants to give it out to apprentices.
Someone had pointed out at one point that using topguilds to judge interest in a class is reason enough to investigate the need to adjust their combat potential (Bloodborn being the goat in that example). Is that the case here? Shouldn't the goal of the divine be making the 'available' classes more interesting to keep and develop?
To add randomly, I've wanted to be a shapeshifter since forever. I hated the leadership of the bears (for whatever reason, as I can't remember who they even were now), and had obvious problems with the wolves no matter where my character took me. Now I have something completely unique to that frame of time, and I'm loving the hell out of this experience.
We have offered possible solutions in the past but it doesn't look like any takes for whatever reason. So the only advice I can think to give is just grit your teeth and bear it and focus on something else more fun in the mean time. Hopefully we'll see change but considering the history and stances we have now? I wouldn't hold my breath on this matter.
I think this is the closest this issue is going to get to a compromise, besides Moirean's suggestions which just have an icky feeling to me as I don't like the idea of it being that easy. Though, I think Moirean's suggestion will -have- to happen if something else isn't done or, as suggested, we'll start losing players. When it comes down to it, this is a business and multi-classing creates money which in a perfect world means more cool stuff for the players.
Note: I personally would like to find a good way to RP Mordocai into multi-classing as Syssin because I think they are awesome and I don't want to start another alt. So I may be biased.
1. Syssin vote on each applicant who wants class and they're usually unanimously denied.
2. We're not changing that.
3. Admin doesn't seem to want to change how class is handed out.
4. Is it fair to others? Maybe, maybe not but like I said in 1 it's what we vote for.
5. This thread is going no where.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Check the last page more specifically.
Here's the Carnifex, from GHELP POLICIES: I totally never even charge that silly gold amount. Half the time we give people a weapon, too, cuz we're derpy I guess. XD
Thusfar there's a 99% rate of people never asking again when presented with that arrangement.
If anyone thinks that all that matters is the enjoyment of them and theirs over literally everyone else in the game I dunno what to tell you. It is apparent that "yours" can be so narrowly defined that even your allies don't count because it feels good to be so exclusive you make Skull and Bones look positively open.
Though congratulations, the 'entitled classbabbies" argument/circlejerk are a perfect catalyst for me to reconsider my interest and continue to stay away from this game.
I wish Kelende and Certimene didn't require you to be completely classless before they'll induct you into a guild. That'd serve as a sufficient alternative I think to what we have now. It'd certainly return the status quo to what it was before the advent of multiclass.
I completely forgot about that thread/response.
@Oleis said: 'These current rules have weak points for the same reason that new rules will have weak points: some players are jerks. If your preferred solution to that problem is to remove player interaction from the necessary parts of playing Aetolia, then so be it.'
So just as an expression of my personal preference, couched in the same language used by Oleis: If people won't stop being jerks. I would like them to be told not to be jerks. It has worked for telling people to stop being so stringent with GR3, it should work just as well with telling people to stop being so stringent with multiclass. Then, if they won't stop being jerks, yes, as much as I would hate it, my vote is to remove player interaction from this part of Aetolia.
1. For quite awhile now, Aetolia has been on a trajectory leading it away from SRSBSNS requirements and time investment. On the whole, this seems to be a positive change, except when it leads to bad RP.
2a. Aetolia's RP/PK culture is schizophrenic. There's a small cohort that does both really well, and then there are a bunch of us who are really only interested in one side or the other. As it stands, if changes are introduced to improve one side of the game, inevitably the other side is going to get thrown out of balance, and the current discussion is a manifestation of that. If the game swung to cater to the RPers, they would be responsible for handing out class. If toward the PKers, multiclassing wins the day, and some people will feel their RP has been trashed because of the divergence from tradition.
2b. People place varying levels of importance on RP, and we can see this played out in some of the other IRE games (see also: Achaea). Aetolia is considered a RP-enforced game. Much of the RP quality far exceeds that of most of the other RPIs I've tried, and lots of us who are just interested in a good story flock here for exactly that reason. The PK culture throws a wrench in some of that, because there are people who ain't give a damn about our stories, and that's their right, as grating as that may feel to the rest of us.
3. It ain't free: IRE requires financial support. It's the responsibility of the administration to provide the playerbase with what it wants, and a lot of the game's big sinks enhance PK. This is just an educated guess on my part, but in my experience, I'd be willing to bet that a majority of Aetolia's revenue comes from people spending money on credits and artifacts that advance their PK ability.
4. Some people are jerks, but to be honest with you, I don't think that's the primary problem here. This game polices itself pretty well, on the whole.
I think the only way to cope with all of this is to figure out how to find balance in the game. As others have pointed out, the guild system in its current incarnation ain't gonna cut it. My recommendation would be either to implement special abilities and RP opportunities available exclusively to guild membership (although the cynic in me isn't convinced this won't create more problems down the road), or to untie (some?) classes from guilds and revamp guild structure so they function as collectives of individuals with like-minded ideologies and different spheres of influence in the game. I'm not sure how the latter would look -- the problem isn't simple, and the solution won't be either.
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Win - Win for everyone.
Except those who want to hog their classes, but I dont really care what they think, because if admin wanted you to not give out class, they'd make the neutral classes tethered.