I loved this thread on the old forums because of how interesting y'all
are! So here it is, back again. a list of twenty five things about
yourself. I will start!
1. I met my love on Aetolia
(Neithan/Alistaire), and he is due to be livin' in Ohio in less than
twenty days now. Also, we are getting married.
2. I live in Ohio. I will be twenty five in July. I am a pasty Irish white that's prone to burning and freckling.
I work at my local community college at the Testing Center, proctoring
tests for those who didn't bother to go to class, are from different
colleges and happened to be close to ours during a testing time, Pearson
VUE testers (EMT and the like) among random others.
4. Ohio is plagued by deer. I hate them when they are on my road or threatening to be on my road. Otherwise I tolerate them.
I don't care if people hunt, I just don't approve of sport hunting when
they don't use the entire animal. If you go a killin' make sure it's
for sustenance for yourself or others.
6.. My tire blew up
(literally, one of the plugs and the valve blew themselves out of my
tire). The front two were so bald that I had to sign a waiver a month
ago when I got my oil changed stating WalMart told me about it. I guess
they were right! Mom and Grandma bought me a tire each for Christmas Go
Go Gadget Safety!
7. That tire episode heralded my phone's car
charger exploding when I tried to plug it in, being late to work by an
hour, having to unlock lockers for testers the entire day because our
keys keep getting stolen, a nose bleed, and being summoned for Jury
8. All of the aforementioned bullshit turned out fine
though. New Tires and the very next day. HOBBIT! I think Peter Jackson
is brilliant and their sets are nothing short of masterful.
9. Kili from the Hobbit is Mitchell the Vampire in BBC America's Being Human. Why is this about me? I thought he was cute.
10. I am pagan.
11. I like (love) (Christina Hendrick's) boobs.
12. It has been decided that we are going to do the Time Warp as our first dance song (if they make us dance at all) at our wedding.
I am an avid reader. I am currently chewing through the Death Gate
Cycle and have a new Black Dagger Brotherhood series book to read
after. Also in the middle of Game of Thrones.
14. I have a serious thing for new technology. I loves it, preciouss.
I bought a 17.3 inch NEseries Gateway laptop with Windows 8. So far,
the operating system is similar enough to not cause trauma, but
different enough to still call for an acclimation period.
Neithan and I are the proud owners of the King of Kitties, Leonidas. He
is the Eater of Toes and the Reaper of Passing Heads from the Top of the
Fridge. Also he is the Prime Minister of Mooching Food and Demanding
17. I fully endorse getting your mental issues in check. Go talk about them to your doctors. I did and it is wonderful.
18. I don't know how I would get anywhere without GPS. My directional skill is deplorable.
19. I love to draw, doodle, craft, sew, paint, create, and make.
20. I have taken it upon myself to decorate the Testing Center desks for every holiday imaginable.
21. I know what my third and likely my fourth and fifth tattoos are and where they are going.
22. I am steadily working on losing fifty pounds for health and non-jiggling.
23. I own far too many clothes. Does this stop me from buying more? Not very likely.
24. I honestly love making my house pretty, clean, and well-cared for too. I also like to cook. I am still learning the cooking trade though, so results may vary.
My musical tastes are entirely random. Country, some rap, rock of
almost any genre, metal (symphonic, melodic, nerdy, pirate, pagan, folk,
so on and so on and so on), musical numbers, glee music, A Capella,
whatever Trans Siberian Orchestra is.
1. My name is Casey Kelley and I’ll be 27 in a few days. I’m white, female, and live in the Jacksonville, Florida area.
2. I met my husband (Ansnom/Albert/Lucilla) through Aetolia. In March, we will have been married for five years.
3. I was in the Navy, and I like to tell stories about it –way- too much. My biggest regret is having to get out.
4. I have bipolar affective disorder and because of this, I ended up on suicide watch in the hospital for three days in 2008. This is fairly common knowledge, since I’ve found that talking about it makes me feel less of a pariah for having it. I’ve reached the point in medication that I’ve started going to counseling, because even if my meds are perfect, they alone won’t fix me – I’ve got to fix the bad habits I’ve accumulated to be able to be healthy.
5. I also have rheumatoid arthritis. Basically, my body hates me. I’ve finally got it more or less under control, but the drug I take is so strong that it interacts badly with my mood medication, AND I can’t get pregnant on it. The latter is not an immediate concern, but I would one day like to spawn with Ansnom.
6. I am an American in my 20s, and therefore I live with my parents (thanks, economy!). Me, Ansnom, my mother, my father, and my older brother all live together. Though everyone does their very best to keep out of each other’s faces, it’s a difficult situation.
7. I have the best parents on the face of the planet. As much as I hate to admit this and sound like a five year old, my mother is probably my best friend. She goes way out of her way physically, emotionally, and financially to try to take care of me. My dad’s pretty cool too. He goes way out of his way to embarrass and otherwise traumatize me.
8. I’m in college now, working on my Associate’s degree. I’m hoping to graduate at the end of the summer, barring any of my classes exploding. I also “work” four hours a day, three days a week (or will be, when the semester starts back up) up in the front office. No, I don’t get a tuition break for this.
9. Speaking of work, I have the best job ever. I do, literally, almost nothing. My responsibilities are to make sure the printers are full of paper (and unjam them when Dr. Beverly decides to print FOUR MILLION COPIES of his tests); make copies of all of Dr. MacNichol’s paperwork, because evidently she’s incapable of doing it herself (I really don’t mind doing it though, honestly); water the plants in the office; pick up and sort the mail; answer the phone (and transfer most of the calls to Counseling). I also do my homework, read my kindle, talk with my coworkers, and watch the baby panda on the webcam at the San Diego Zoo.
10. Back to school, I’ve put in my application to go to the University of Florida. I’m very nervous about this, since I’ve got a mediocre GPA (2.84 as of this semester) and UF is one of the top five schools in the nation. I put in my application as soon as they opened them for my major (English) and semester, and they’ve noted that they’ve received my transcripts, so all I can do now is wait. Likely, I won’t hear anything back until like February, but that hasn’t stopped me from daily checking my account.
11. I’m not sure what I want to be if I grow up. Everyone I’ve talked to says go to get the degree that interests you, not the logical one, and that you’ll usually find your way along the course of time. My backup plan is to teach school, though it’s not really what I want to do. Teaching college might not be bad, teaching people who actually WANT to be there. I’ve considered law, but as of currently I’m too intimidated by the thought of law school. In any case, I have several years.
12. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Everything about it entrances me, -especially- Christmas lights. They’re probably my favorite thing on the face of the planet. Patio lights even make me happy, because they’re –almost- the same thing, and they’re around all year. I love putting up the Christmas tree, even though it’s a pain, and I convinced Ansnom to help me set up the Lionel train around it this year. Every year I make him take me driving through neighborhoods to look at all of the lights, and this year as an early birthday present, we went to St. Augustine and did a carriage ride through Nights of Lights (they light up the entire historic district with, literally, two million lights). The only thing I don’t like (besides Ansnom’s complaining about the music) is that I have cats, so I can’t put tinsel on the tree.
13. In that sort of train of thought, I’m actually not Christian. I’m some breed of pagan, and though I hate using the word Wiccan because of the connotation, it’s probably the closest to my beliefs. I just learned a little about deism, and I need to do more research to say yes, but that seems in line with my beliefs as well. I take full credit for converting Mariena (not really).
14. I joined the Order of the Eastern Star (associated with the Masons) because a friend of mine more or less told me to. She showed up to my initiation in March, and then the meeting on Thursday, so I’m a bit put out about her getting me to join with all of these strangers who are twice my age or better and then ditching me, but I’m glad I did join. They are all really nice, and at the very least it gets me out of the house a couple of times a month.
15. I’ve lost 50 pounds. I’ve said this all over the forums, so I won’t go on further about it.
16. I love music; I thrive on it, can’t live without it. I was the DJ at a skating rink for years in High School, which is what started my addiction. Unlike most people who say they listen to everything, I actually –do-. There is very, very little that I don’t like: things that scream at me, gangster rap, ‘classic rock’ (the Born to be Wild-esque stuff). I like country, indie, dance, trance, techno, alternative, pop, most R&B, classical (baroque, etc), rock opera, ska, punk, and I’m sure a hundred others I can’t think of immediately.
17. On the flip side, I all but hate TV. There are some shows that I like, but I’m not the kind of person who can just sit and what TV for hours on end – I’d rather have music on. TV shows I do love (off the top of my head) are JAG (all time favorite), NCIS, Game of Thrones, and Duck Dynasty (you need to watch this show if you’ve never seen it). My favorite movie of all time is the Lion King. I can quote the entire thing.
18. I’m taking a creative writing course this upcoming semester in hopes that it’ll get me back into writing. My medication has, as is common, taken away a lot of my creativity. You can tell how it’s changed and I’ve adjusted to it based on if I spend all of my time bashing or RPing (things have been better lately). Despite being able to RP, writing on my own is still coming difficultly to me; maybe this class will kickstart it again, now that I’m more or less balanced.
19. I’m incredibly competitive, and judge myself based on the accomplishments of others. This is why I constantly strive for positions of leadership, why I avoid joining organizations with Xavin if I can help it, and why it bothers me so much that I failed at Feral Will.
20. Despite having Arbre in a place/personality that I love of her, I’ve discovered that I need to make some changes to her if I, the player, am going to continue having fun with the game. Guildhopping a bit until finding my Shammies helped, but the biggest one has been making Arbre more social and getting rid of her holier-than-thou attitude. It was so much fun to play, but it left me with few people to RP with.
21. I’m really bad at video games, despite how much I –adore- Zelda. Ansnom’s managed to find a handful of other games I like, but he’s constantly having to help me with them or looking up a walkthrough.
22. I get sick –really- easily. If anyone within a 30 mile radius of me is sick, I’ll catch it and it’ll be ten times worse. I used to share food and drink with my friend in the Navy, and walking back from class one day, he mentioned his throat hurt. I freaked out, yelling at him about knowing this and still sharing my drink. Six hours later, I sent him a (truthful) text message saying, “I’m in the hospital,” and then turned my phone off.
23. I’m mean without intending to be. I have a rough sense of humor, and offend people easily. Sometimes I’ll go a couple of days being REALLY nice to Xavin just because I realize I’ve been horrid and he’s supposed to be my bestie. This does nothing to comfort him, I think, only makes him paranoid.
24. I’m a cat person. I’ve discovered that the magic number is two, and I prefer boys to girls, but if I could have ten thousand cats and them not piss everywhere, I would. We make jokes about giving Frodo to a Chinese place and getting free food for life (sorry for the racism there, I’m not sincere!) and my brother the other day goes, “you’d cry,” and I pouted and slumped away. I love my FroFro.
25. I’m scare of everything, specifically dead people, zombies, and needles in my eyes. That last one is a new discovery. I’m not a fan of needles, they freak me out, and I don’t like anything touching my eyes, like I could never wear contacts. I walked through the room while Momma was watching TV and the guy says, “I’m gonna have to stick this needle in your eye, it might sting a little,” and by the time I made it to my bedroom I was freaking out and half-crying.
1. My name is Ryan and I currently live in St. Paul, MN. Over the last 27 (I think it's 27...) years I've lived in many different places and travelled most of the way across the globe (Switzerland to Thailand is the last leg that I need to have been "around the globe") and yet I've some how managed to end up back in Minnesota. And I like it.
2. I do not know how old i am. As silly as that sounds, just when I think I know, my wife informs me that I'm off by 2 years. The direction is never the same, and it's +/- 2 years. Pretty much my birthday is the only day I actually know how old I am.
3. I wanted to be a nuclear physicsts. I have since abandoned those dreams thanks to the Fukushima incident setting back all of the progress nuclear power had made in the last 20-30 years.
4. Now I want to be a medical physicsts. I think I've finally got my head in order to pursue that dream. Fingers crossed for Fall of 2013, if not, Fall of 2014 for sure.
5. I will eat anything once.
6. I can sleep almost anywhere in almost any position under almost any circumstances. I love to sleep. Even if it isn't necessarily the most comfortable thing.
7. I currently work for Union Pacific Railroad as an Operations Manager. I've got the overnight shift, 1900 to 0700. There is a reason the railroad has to pay it's employees as much money as they do, because it's very stressful and really, really sucky. Also, guys/gals fresh out of high school start making more money than I do, with better benefits. I don't care to stick around to maybe make the "big bucks".
8. I have a sword. It may not be the armory that other people boast, but it is my sword, made for me. It has been worn/used in several ceremonies, including my wedding and a couple of Navy retirements. Also, I kind of suck at sword drill. I suck a lot worse at rifle drill. I prefer to just look pretty.
9. I used to play Achaea. Up until about 3 weeks ago. Then I finally had enough with the lulzpk and overabundance of jerkwads, <censored>, <censored>, <censored>, and <censored> that I needed a change. I had dabbled in Aetolia earlier, but now I'm pretty sure I'm here to stay.
10. I've been playing text-based games since I was 9. So I guess that's roughly 2/3rds of my life. It's been partly off and on. The majority of it was spent playing Gemstone III/IV. Now I have a wife that plays Achaea and a little Aetolia. It is awesome.
11. My wife and I have a daschund/beagle mix. She is spoiled rotten and thinks she rules the world. She's also ridiculously cute and you can't help but let her walk all over you.
12. I collect baseball cards. I decided I needed a hobby about 1.5 years ago outside of my gaming, and picked this back up from my childhood. I focus on my favorite team, the Minnesota Twins, and particularily cards of our HoF pitcher, Bert Blyleven. My goal is to collect at a copy of every one of his ~750 cards produced to date, as well as future cards. I'm at about 10%.
13. I'm a bit of the black sheep in my family. My younger sister is currently going to medical school. My brother works in banking. My older sister is an Olympic bronze medalist. I'm pretty much competing against my brother to stay off the bottom of the ladder.
13. a) My sister is a two-time Olympian. She competed in Beijing in 2008 in the Women's Double Sculls. In London, she rowed in the Womens Quadruple Sculls, and her team were the first Americans to medal in the event since 1972. If I recall correctly, 1972 was the first year the Women's Quadruple Sculls was introduced, but it was a coxed race (i.e. the boat had a coxswain). In 1976, the coxswain was dropped. So technically they are the only Americans to medal in that particular event. Pretty cool tidbit of random trivia.
14. I am a strong supporter of the recognition of mental illness early and continued, quality treatment that isn't necessarily medicate the bajeezes out of everyone. NAMI is my charity of choice.
15. I am extremely proud of earning a commission in the United States Navy and the subsequent tour of duty. Being on a ship is awesome, and I feel very much at home on the open ocean.
16. I'm a bit of an amateur astronomer. I've done some data collection with CCD photometry on variable stars. This is virtually impossible to do now in the middle of a major metropolitan area.
17. I genuinely enjoy helping people. I derive a great deal of satisfaction from helping people obtain their goals, whether that is career progression, educational goals, or anything. This is a big, big motivating factor for my impending career change.
18. I met my wife while time travelling. I was a Resident Advisor in college and she lived in my dorm Junior year. I was on rounds during daylights savings fall semester, and she asked me what I was doing and I replied "Time travelling." because the official time had changed from 0159 to 0100 recently, indicating a shift backwards in time. She thought it was amusing and came down to my room after I was off duty to figure out what I was talking about. We went on a date 3 days later at a coffee house and talked for over 4 hours. We were politely asked to leave because the coffee house was closing. I had never and still have not talked to a person in any sort of engaged fashion for 4 hours before/up to this day other than my wife. I pretty much knew at that point I was going to marry her.
19. I am a very vengeful person. If I feel you have sleighted me, I don't adhere to 'an eye for an eye'. Instead, I go for 'even a papercut means I will destroy your entire world'. I will plot ways to hurt you the most until I get bored or sleighted by someone else.
20. I am otherwise a very reasonable, relaxed person. I go with the flow most of the time and tend to let most things roll off my back. Unless you caused them. Then I will end you. But otherwise, no big deal.
21. I do not like to travel. If I do, I prefer to drive if at all plausible. While I do not necessarily mind flying, it is not something that I would chose to do if there are alternatives available. Some people do not get this and I shake my head in their general direction.
22. I love movies. A lot. I love to critique movies. Not so much on the technical aspects, but for accuracy/acting/internal consistency/overall enjoyment and the like.
23. I really enjoy optimization. It is something that I find myself inherently doing. If someone tries to do something and it is slower/less effective, I get very frustrated.
24. As a result of my fascination with optimization, I tend to be very resourceful. I love playing games and having the "Ohhhh, hell yeah!" moment happen when someone asks if anyone has something ridiculous and I tell them I have that and more.
25. The aforementioned fascination and traits lead me to play games not in the typical fashion of trying to "win". I end up making my own victory conditions and play the game to win by my set of victory conditions.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
1.) I'm 26.
2.) I dislike snow and being cold. SO OF COURSE I
3.) Live in Maine, USA.
4.) I like dragons and scifi. I am looking forward to next year's Star Trek movie. Cumberbatch is awesome and I want to see his frankenstein play, but I think I missed it.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
2. I'm very happily married to a wonderful man who I met on Aetolia.
3. I have degrees in Biology and Epidemiology, and I intend to begin working in one of those fields as soon as I can find someone willing to hire me. That said, I still want to be an actress and a writer and a scientist and an Olympic athlete and a singer and an astronaut when I grow up. Afterwards, when I retire, I want to be a travel writer specializing in vineyards and wine from around the world.
4. I won't get to be an astronaut. Like others in this thread, I have a horrible, terribly, nasty, uncurable chronic disease that won't kill me outright, but will make things miserable for me sometimes. Mine's epilepsy.
5. Or it could be lupus, or a brain tumor, or some creepy stuff with my thyroid. Since being diagnosed in 2006, I've been working on getting my medicine sorted out so that I stop having seizures. We finally got to a point early this year where I managed to go about ten and half months without a single one - the longest period of time ever in my personal record. Last month for no apparent reason, I started having seizures again. I've had six since then, and I'm being put through lots of tests and visits with doctors to try and figure out why.
6. In addition to the seizures in the past month, I've had a nearly constant fever, extreme fatigue, and absolutely no other symptoms of anything else. Some days it's been so bad that I can't handle being awake for more than a few hours at a time.
7. Besides all of my own problems, I've had to deal with several other members of my family getting sick all around the same time too. My mother had surgery about three weeks ago, and all three of my surviving grandparents have been in the hospital between Thanksgiving and now. The number of people able to drive compared to the number of people who need to be visited or driven to doctors/hospitals/etc. has been making things extremely tricky.
8. I'm not a big music person. I only listen to the radio if someone else put it on first. When I listen to things on my ipod, chances are it's something I burned off of a CD from middle school (when people actually used CDs for music), or it's something I picked up after seeing the musical.
9. Nine's one of my favorite numbers for some reason.
10. Every now and then, I either skip or seriously delay a meal simply because I can't decide what I want to eat.
11. My husband can be almost as bad as me about making food decisions, especially when we're going out to eat. This is one of the biggest problems with our marriage.
12. I'm not scared of much, but I can and will scream and cry at the sight of a spider, especially if we're both in a car and it jumps on me. This can also be a problem.
13. I had a dog growing up, and I always considered myself more of a dog person than a cat person, but I'm living with two cats and no dogs at the moment. They're cute too, I guess.
14. Lately I feel like a very calm, laid-back sort of person, but it's hard to tell if I'm actually at a point in my life where I'm genuinely emotionally stable, or if I'm just so exhausted physically that I don't have enough energy to have much of an emotional response to anything.
15. I get kind of irked when people ask me to try food that I don't like because "this is better than the others you've had before" or "it doesn't really taste like that" or "it's an acquired taste." I know I don't like that food because I've tried it at least once before already and it didn't taste good to me. Why's that so hard to understand? This applies specifically to sushi and beer, but can also be applied to mushrooms, onions, and a few other things.
16. I'm writing a novel. I've been working on it off and on since 2006. I really should finish that.
17. I spent so much time writing, reading, and doing other things like that as a kid and teenager that I surprised everyone, including myself, when I realized that I wanted to study science in college.
18. I love to travel around the world, and I have a huge list of places I want visit and things I want to see. Probably the most intriguing to me, however, is the northern lights.
19. I had an ambulatory EEG going on, and I just had the electrodes removed this morning. I've been picking glue out of my hair all day, and it's still shedding. I look like I have a terrible case of dandruff. I also have very sensitive skin, and the chemicals involved with the electrodes being placed and removed have combined to make my face look and feel terrible. It's really itchy.
20. I am really tired and should sleep, but when I really want to finish something, I do. One of these days, I'll decide I really want to finish my novel too.
21. There's a place near me with a room filled with giant trampolines. I really want to go sometime, but I'd feel awkward asking most of my friends if they want to go with me since those kinds of places are usually filled with kids or families with kids. That said, is there anyone in Northern VA interested in going sometime?
22. I'm not a very material person, so I sometimes have a really hard time answering people who ask what I want for my birthday or holidays. Usually the answer is "socks" because I actually do like the kind with cute designs, or the ones that are all fuzzy, and that sort of thing. When people are actually able to come up with something that I haven't suggested and that still manages to amaze and delight me, I get a super warm and snuggly feeling deep inside. This happened one of the nights of Chanukah when my husband gave me a Harry Potter inspired wand that you can program to any button on a TV remote. Now I can turn it on and off with a dramatic swish, scroll through menus with up and down flicks, and play by pushing the wand forward with a confident thrust of about 10 cm.
23. I was born Jewish (from a Jewish mother), have practiced Judaism my entire life, and identify as a Jew publicly, but I have my own interpretations of what certain things mean that some of the more orthodox Jews disagree with. I also eat cheeseburgers, and they don't like that either.
24. Once upon a time, I heard that magic mushrooms cause hallucinations, and out of all the illegal drugs I heard about that day, that seemed like the best one to try, if I were ever interested in trying one. Since that day, I have had plenty of hallucinations during seizures and completely lost all interest in having any others.
25. I don't care about the meaning of life, but more than almost anything, I want my life to have meaning.
Don't be a tool.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
1. I'm 31 years old this year and I live in Sweden.
2. I've wanted to move to the US for a long time, but I am far too homeward bound to do something like that. I can't even live in another city than the one I grew up in without feeling terrible.
3. Due to debts and other issues, I have a really hard time finding an apartment. Because of that, I live with my mom. It works most of the time, even though we get on eachother's nerves at points.
4. My mom is my best friend and confidant. Noone understands me like she does.
5. We live in a two room apartment with three cats.
6. I am and always will be a cat person, mostly because I think dogs smell and I hate picking up their poo.
7. I have a social phobia with anxiety attacks. I've had it for as long as I can remember, but it got worse in 2009, when I studied in another town.
8. My social phobia has messed up not only my social life, but work and studies as well. In my head, I need to do things perfectly and show how good I am and never make mistakes. This results in me pushing myself too hard for a month or two, before breaking down completely.
9. I have been trying to work on my issues since 2010 and have solved most of them, but there are still issues bubbling up every now and then.
10. Another thing the social phobia messes with me is my inability to find friends in the game. I have a really hard time just walking up to people to start rp. The few times that happens are in my very good and positive days.
11. My characters always end up being very close to me personallity-wise. I can play them all differently to begin with, but sooner or later, my own personality always slips in one way or another.
12. The few ooc friends I have from the game have tried to get me to talk on Skype, but I hate talking on phones and Skype is a phone. <.<
13. I love drawing and I love photography.
14. I especially love photographing macro pics of flowers.
15. I do art commissions, not only to get a small pay for it, but to get inspiration on things to draw.
16. I don't own a nice flashy camera. Mine cost about $70, with memory card included. It works good enough for me.
17. I have very few friends. I probably have more friends through the game than I have irl. This is because I pushed a lot of my friends away when being depressed, or perhaps it's because most of them now have kids and only spend time with other people who have kids. Whichever it is, I currently have two friends who still contact me to spend time with me.
18. I envy all of those who have found their significant other through the game. It must be great to find someone who share your interest in Aetolia and understand it. Lucky bastards. :P
19. I hate riding on a bus without music. Makes me all nervous. I also have this ocd about the stop buttons. They are filthy. If I am forced to touch one, I will rub my fingers against my pants until they go numb to get the dirt off.
20. I am afraid of quite a few things, but not terrified about anything other than spiders that show up out of nowhere.
21. My mom is really easily scared, so at least once a day, I manage to scare her, willingly or not, which always makes me laugh hysterically.
22. When I get nervous, and I mean really, really nervous, I tend to curtsey. I don't know why, but I just bend my knees like a little girl and excuse myself if possible.
23. When I've got a hangover, I never want to show it. That's why I try to throw around fancy words that I would never normally use. My mom always knows when I'm hungover thanks to that.
24. I used to love drinking tequila, but due to a stomach disease, I can't drink licor anymore. I usually always stick to beer.
25. I love cooking and for some time, I wanted to be a professional chef. But after having spent time in a restaurant, I realized I couldn't take the stress. I love experimenting at home though.
2) I'm Australian. Outside of talking to foreigners, I don't identify with this fact.
3) I have a hard time sharing with people. It may be because I don't see myself as more than the sum of my life. It may be because I see myself as less.
4) I have a vague foundation in Computer Science, which I am in the process of legitimizing, and growing upon.
6) I went to a private Christian High School until my mother, who had accrued massive debts (on the scale of a pleasant house in the outer 'burbs) could no longer afford to pay the tuition.
7) At this institution, and subsequent others, I went through the process of being bullied. I like to think that, despite it all, I don't victimize myself any more. I'm somewhat proud of that.
8) I have three little siblings, two of which are twins, one of which is autistic. I struggle with how this defines him as a little person, and I struggle with how life will treat him. I could see no more positive a trait in a person than the ability to look at somebody different and identify with them, and give them the time of day. I do my best to make sure he knows he is loved.
9) I have an older sister who did nothing to raise me; I like to pretend that she did. One night sticks out: my mother had broken up with our step-dad, and was in the process of going through flings. She was doing so across from my bedroom. She isn't a terrible person. She is simply a person. And that I fled to my sister's room, hid in her bed, on hearing animal sounds, is not condemning her. I regret not understanding that at the time. I fondly remember my sister soothing me to sleep.
10) I have a father, like some and unlike others, who saw me on the school holidays. He read to me in a warm bed that smelt like cigarette smoke. It was a den of cheap carpet and Nintendo video-games.
11) I had some wild teenage years by many respect; they did not leave me prepared for real life.
12) I have scavenged, begged and debased myself for substances I'd rather not discuss. I get pangs of disgust remembering how I treated myself, and how others treated me, and I treated them.
14) My greatest fantasy is being a genius in a toddler's body. I am addicted to the idea of being remarkable. I know, truthfully, I am not.
15) I am 21.
16) - in my opinion, part of this has to do with a two year gap after my substance abuse and before my further education. In my head, at the time, I had self-diagnosed agoraphobia. I think, now, that I was afraid of change.
17) My first girlfriend cheated on me- I'm constantly surprised when others don't follow suit.
18) I wake up every morning, go to the mirror, and tell myself that I'm alright. On some days, it works. I wonder how the results would stand up under scientific control.
19) A turning point in my life was failing to get a scholarship to the most prestigious school in Melbourne. I failed on one portion of the exam, creative writing.
20) I work as a Court Monitor in the Supreme and County Courts of Victoria. I am tangentially involved in the legal system; the highlight of my job is hearing interesting cases. On the bad days, I pour myself a whiskey and say it's because all the information I was forced to hear was horrible. A part of me thinks I drink because it didn't really affect me at all.
21) I think these threads are asinine. I didn't read the others, I'll be surprised if somebody reads mine. I don't want a detached list of facts of somebody I'll never speak to; I want to feel connected. Except Karl's, I read his, in fact I got to know him briefly a few years ago. He's a fantastic person.
22) And on that note, I'm enraged by my inability to treat connections with equitable emotion.
23) I chew through friends for various reasons- whether it be through inappropriate relationships, or a lack of fitting in. And I don't make them fast enough to balance it all out. I'm left with an iPhone full of mistakes.
24) I'm entirely, utterly selfish.
25) ...
Ok, Ok, I missed the 25 things part. I'll start over.
1.) I like scifi/fantasy books and dragons. My favorite series are the Dragonriders of Pern, Novik's Temeraire series (Napoleon w/ dragons!!), The Hobbit, and The Talisman by Stephen King.
2.) I live in Maine.
3.) I moved from NH in May '12 for work. The longest job I've had was 8 months. A lot of what I've done since college is volunteer/temp in between jobs. So far I'm 2 &1/2 months into my new job, and my goal is at least a year to get funds for going back to school.
4.) I haven't been on a date in 5 years.
5.) I'm not particularly church-going, but there's this one in West Newbury VT that I like best. Great people. It's 3-4 hours away now. :-(
6.) I like vanilla ice cream. Chocolate doesn't taste like chocolate.
7.) That said, I bought 2 pounds of chocolate truffles at Lindt in freeport, and it's taking all my willpower to keep it set aside for my sister for Christmas, because I'm determined to give her SOMEthing fun as all she asked for was gas cards for Christmas.
8.) Doctor Who fan right here. I still think they should bring John Barrowman back to the show sometime. Or do another season of Torchwood, Miracle Day was suprisingly good.
9.) I like dark chocolate, a lot.
10.) I have been driving the same car for more than 10 years.
11.) I've tried many beers and some liquor but I can't aquire a taste for anything except Malibu coconut rum.
12.) I've been to Japan, but I was too self-conscious of being an American in a foreign country and how badly we can be as tourists that I didn't have as much fun as I could've. It was a school trip, for fine arts credits. Totally worth the expense.
13.) I get lost easily.
14.) My roommate in college used to say she wanted to get me a monkey backpack one sees on toddlers because I was prone to wandering off. I have ADD, and I get curious! So I paid her back with a monkey backpack for the little girl she's going to have in 1 month. I think she and her husband would have been disappointed if I didn't!
15.) I started playing D&D again for the first attempt to do so in 9 years, because it's the only time I get to see my friends up here, because of varying people on call and me working weekends.
16.) I have a writing degree. I want to go back to school to get some sort of technical background to apply it to as a technical writer.
17.) I once grossed out my poetry class in college by writing a poem about Eurysicthon, the guy who pissed off a god and was cursed with hunger. He ate everything in sight and then wound up eating himself to death. Literally. I wrote a poem about it and for fun posted it in Aetolia.
18.) I like to TRY to scare the shit out of little kids on Halloween with my stuffed owl puppet, Poe. He can turn his head and blink. I get so many "Cool! Mom, look, an owl!" from little kids instead. I guess Poe likes the accolades more than being scary.
19.) Hands down, my favorite Christmas movies are now Rudolph and Gift of the Night Fury. (How to train your dragon spinoff. I liked that movie so much I've been keeping up with the kids show.
20.) I like kids programming sometimes. I watched Yugioh for years, and still think season 4 was the best one. Also still watch Pokemon after 16 years. Growing up, Pokemon was the only way my sister and I could be around each other without biting the other one's head off.
21.) I'm a dork and play Aetolia? I'm in good company.
22.) I've only recently gotten into coffee, but can't find a flavor I like besides french vanilla from the coffee machine at work. Oddly delicious.
23.) I prefer to drink milk more than anything else. I can't stand skim milk.
24.) One of my "things before I die" wishes is to go back to Mitaka, Japan to check out the Ghibili museum again. Pictures aren't allowed to be taken inside and I missed the giant on the roof before it got dark. I got Totoro though!
25.) Uhhh...I know squat about cars.
4) Oh god, dat feel. My father was a constant presence before I moved out, but my most fond memory of him was him waking me up when I was four years old, inviting me to reach back into his ridiculous, outdated denim jacket; I felt something plastic, and pulled out a Legend of Zelda miniature, a little scene of a dungeon in cross-section, with Link trying to avoid one of those sliding spike traps (mine was the centermost "trophy"). If I still had that thing, I could sell it for a few hundred dollars.
This is going to be hella personal but I don't mind, so much.
1. My name is Thérèse and I love my name. I was named after the saint known as the Little Flower who died at a young age after a short life of doing little deeds and acts of kindness. Supposedly, it rained rose petals when she died. I love that, too.
2. I am twenty-six but sometimes feel like I should be older considering all the stuff that I went through. However, I like to tell most people that I'm twenty-two. I'm kind of afraid of getting older.
3. I have a well-meaning pair of parents that tried to get me to pass in life even with the issues that I had as a child. If anyone has ever seen the movie, Heavenly Creatures, I was something like Juliet. I had a morbid fascination with dramatics, serial killers, and pretended that I lived in a fantasy world. I feel awful that I didn't realize, back then, how much that hurt and worried my parents but I know that it was because I was so unhappy.
4. Because of the above issue, I spent the entirety of childhood on different prescriptions and going to different councilors. Because of my need for dramatics, I fed into all this attention and the warnings until I really became legit afraid of what 'creature' I was like when I was off everything.
5. I went cold turkey when I was 18 and basically had to relearn what I was like when not medicated since it was like meeting a new person. Suddenly, I had social tact and was aware of my surroundings. The most wonderful memory that I have, post all that nonsense, was my sister asking me 'when did you become so happy?'. She now looks up to me whenever she needs a better outlook on life.
6. I am afraid of committment but that's slowly going away as the need to settle and have children grows.
"To be awkward or unkempt, to talk or move wrongly is to be a dangerous giant, a destroyer of worlds...any accurately improper move can poke through the thin sleeve of immediate reality." - Erving Goffman
2.) I live in California, I have all my life, and I love it here. It's either here or one of the Greek islands for where I eventually opt to settle down - and I do eventually want to settle down, get married, have a family of one kind or another. It may not be a conventional kind of family, owing to my pansexuality, but it's still what I want.
3.) I'm remarkably introverted, and even without depression (which has, until recently, been more or less constant), I don't have a lot of energy; when it comes to obligations, I tend to schedule lots of time around them so I don't overload myself. This tends to inspire feelings of inadequacy in me because I feel like I should be able to take on more.
4.) Did I mention I'm an incredible violin player? And a composer? I've played music for seventeen years and I made it through four semesters of theory, almost completing a music degree before I decided to go into computer science for money.
5.) I still live with my folks. If the tour I'm going on with this band in late February works out, however, it is my full intention to move out and find a place of my own. I personally can't wait for that to happen, in spite of loving my parents to death.
6.) Last Monday I was in a rather horrible car crash; the near-death experience seems to have had a double whammy of relieving the depression I've lived with over the past decade, and getting me to finally pull some of my shit together. I emerged physically unharmed, although the van I was in was totaled. No one else got hurt, and property damage was thankfully minimal.
7.) I've decided not to actually play Aetolia anymore, and I'm feeling super good about that decision, although I like a lot of you and I'm going to stay involved with the community.
8.) I've been to California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Washington, D.C., Canada (Vancouver, Toronto), Mexico (a stopover on a cruise), Greece (Athens and the island of Hydra), and I want to go to even more places. I love traveling and how it shakes me out of my mindset.
9.) I don't have a steady job, and I've never managed to swing one; my money is sporadic and comes from playing music gigs and doing musical arrangement and transcribing work. I've been building up my artistic reputation and it's starting to pay off.
10.) I really, really like writing, too, which is probably rather obvious to anyone who's encountered me in-game, but I think it bears mentioning. I'm working on a novel right now.
11.) I've never done any illicit drugs, and I've stayed largely free of a caffeine addiction; my sole vices are alcohol and chocolate.
12.) I've been in community college but school and I don't get along. I'm skipping the next semester to do a tour with the aforementioned band, and I feel like I might have taken a break anyway if that hadn't come up; I just do really badly at focusing on my education.
13.) All of my significant relationships have taken place online. I've gotten to the point where I'm not ashamed of that and I consider it perfectly valid, although it obviously comes with a (rather huge) set of issues.
14.) Terry Pratchett's books. Not just Discworld, but almost everything he's ever written - these are my favorite books, and some of my formative influences not only as a writer, but as a person. I also deeply appreciate Neil Gaiman's work, and I view both of them as perfect, stellar examples of what fantasy writing can and should be.
15.) I went through several years of psychotherapy to help with my depression, and it ended up helping me fix or mitigate most of my issues except the depression. I used to be deeply uncomfortable discussing this fact, which leads me to...
17.) I've worked hard to develop social skills and communication and I feel like it's finally starting to pay off for me and for the people around me. I'm very, very good at breaking interpersonal things down with people, although I've never been especially fond of small talk. Not many introverts are, granted.
18.) Without this game, I would have no one to talk to on a daily basis. All of the real people I know are acquaintances; I'm very picky and choosy about the people I let in, sometimes to a rather exacting degree.
19.) I'm adopted. My birthdad was my adoptive mom's first husband, and before that, my adoptive mom was a nun. The family history and the family tree is a huge, convoluted sort of mess, the full details of which I don't intend to discuss here, but I'm here to confirm that adoption works just fine.
20.) I like immersive games, immersive stories, immersive media. Anything that can take me out of myself and my critical mindset is fine in my book; I am not especially an elitist, and I am perfectly capable of enjoying stuff that lots of other people view as stupid and lowbrow in spite of enjoying critical thought.
21.) I have perfect pitch, and a comprehensive understanding of music theory. This means I no longer love music the way I used to, because I can't passively listen to most music in the background; I automatically start taking it apart and dissecting it in my head. For this reason, when I want background music, I listen to things like jazz, or rap; things that don't have pitches to analyze, or have so many pitches and such convoluted chord structures that I don't have the capacity to break them apart as I'm listening to them. Yes, I do this passively. Yes, it's like a superpower. No, I can't turn it off. I didn't know it was something other people couldn't do until I was eleven or twelve. I've only ever met two other people with perfect pitch. For the uninitiated, it means I can tell what note I'm hearing without outside reference. I can tell you what pitch a car horn is (most of them center around B flat), or a European car alarm (two pitches, G# and A, a semitone away, alternating with C and C# - creating a clear, dissonant contrast that serves to alert people nearby to the problem).
22.) I know quite a bit of random trivia, and most of my knowledge doesn't come from formal education, but just from people giving me things to read and my subsequent efforts to fact-check them and find out the accompanying context. This, just as much as procrastination and laziness, is what hampers my forays into higher education.
23.) Oh, I should mention I was homeschooled until I reached the age of eighteen and went into community college. My 'school' - which was a token framework set up by my parents, and otherwise a freely-directed learning environment where only a few core things were taught to me by them - issued me a diploma so the community college would recognize that I had earned a degree and graduated. Sad to say, I fit most of the cliches that people have about homeschoolers, but there are plenty of homeschoolers that don't. I am by no means a representative example.
24.) I sometimes envy the ability of religious people to have that kind of faith. I've always been too critical, too doubtful, too in need of certainty to blindly trust like that, and I value happiness over pretty much everything else because I spent about a decade being unhappy. Severe depression more or less defined my adolescent years, as did a string of funerals from people close to me dying. I had to help clean out two houses that belonged to people I had known, and both of them were complete packrats to a greater or lesser extent. I wouldn't want to be a teenager again if you paid me.
25.) I have a hard time believing it when people give me compliments, or tell me good things about myself.