Giovelli Rederan. Rich, dangerously good looking, and murderous of course.
A man who's seen his fair share of brawls in his day, Giovelli is a man of quite simple - yet elegant - taste. Throughout his life he's managed to acquire boatloads of coin through less than morally-correct means but as of late has run into a bit of a roadblock: what could he possibly do to entertain himself these days? He's done the whole murdering and pillaging spiel, he's seen and fought creatures that could reasonably rip your average person to shreds... what else could there be?
And then it dawned upon him. He would be the first person to open and maintain a life-threatening attraction filled with grisly carnage for adventurers of all sorts to test their mettle - for a chunk of change of course. He gets to watch all the glorious fights he could possibly imagine equating to lifelong entertainment, and the adventurers get to test themselves in battle.
Welcome to what he likes to refer to as Giovelli's Hideout, a place wherein players can pay a bit of coin to enter and face a plethora of challenges along-side or against their friends and foes. Be warned: Giovelli's Hideout isn't for those unwilling to risk life and limb in their pursuits - death inside will be quite real, and the ill-prepared combatant will find that running out of a salve or herb, unlike in the arena, will more than likely lead to their untimely demise.
After what seems like an eternity, Giovelli's Hideout has been successfully completed! It's our goal that further down the road this place will house a plethora of different games for people to be playing with varying themes, but one common overarching concept - real danger.
For now; however, we've got one game ready - Giovelli's Safari Adventures. You can find out more specifics about the game itself by finding Giovelli within the game, but essentially the premise is simple: spin a wheel to choose an animal, push a button to choose how many you'll be fighting, and fight until you finish off that wave! Each successful completion will up the potential amount of creatures spawned. Participation is rewarded though, as every creature you kill will give you 100 gold!
This is something I've been working on for quiiiiite a while now that admittedly got pushed to the side, but with the help of
@Omei I -believe- we got everything polished off and functional. As always, if you find any bugs (I'm looking at you
@Moirean) please bug them and if you can, message me the corresponding bug number.
Feel free to leave feedback here!
Let me just say that watching people fight the elephants is one of the most hilarious things ever.
Good job to @Phoenecia and @Neytiri for helping me pick out issues that have cropped up unintentionally!
Additional thanks to @Damariel for a fantastic eye when it comes to spotting my codederps.
That and the frogs. Oh those wonderful frogs.
i am rapture coder
But yay! Good work gentlemen.
(..and ladies, there were probably ladies involved too.)
- Maybe include class comps on leaderboards (or individual leaderboards per class). That breakdown would be really cool to see.
- Don't combine eq knock AND stun AND paralysis, as after a point you can't do anything. Not fun.
- Simple targetting gets all borky. This is more of a long-standing problem, where if a new aggro mob enters it'll target that one first instead of the one you have nearly dead, but it's really really noticable and deadly here.
- New skill idea: TAUNT: pulls a mob's aggro onto you. This would be a great way for one person to handle tanking while another heals or does damage.
- New skill idea: TERRORIZE: fears a mob into an adjacent room.
- New skill idea: THREATEN: makes a mob think twice about chasing you. Slows their speed of chasing you (ie they won't come in for another 20 seconds or whatever).
- Random idea: sell boosts/buffs to help with the waves (super health crystals, animal traps, etc)
- Random idea: rewards! Give tokens or something for each round you last (more for more rounds) and let us cash those in for minipets/mounts/artivials, etc
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
To address a few issues:
- Scaling to group size
Right now Giovelli's pretty unique in that it's one of the few-existing things that encourage small groups to go forth together like this, and so it's kind of nice to maintain this originality by encouraging groups.
That said, @Omei will be looking into splitting up the leaderboard output into sections based on how many people were in your group for the recognition there.
- Stun/eq knock together
I've gone ahead and removed both of these and replaced it with a touch of bleeding for flavor.
- Class comparisons on leaderboards
I... don't personally know how feasible/easy this is to manage, since Omei's handling the work with this one. Maybe? I'm going to be (hopefully) implementing a command similar to ES that'll show the current status of any events going on. It might be doable to have something like DEATHSTATS/KILLSTATS created but for this, with some careful variable placement!
- Targeting
This is a good deal above what I'm capable of toying with!
- Skill additions
See above, though I do enjoy the idea and will potentially be using it for a future game! I like the idea of having to guide around/manipulate whatever it is you're fighting.
- Selling buffs to be used in the arena
I love this idea, but as it stands there's a current cap on the rounds of 10. If these would be introduced, I might need to up that a bit just to be safe, but likely doable and a good goldsink.
- Rewards
The intention of this is really more 'minigame'. It's supposed to be something just to do for fun, and for the competition. It's not intended to replace bashing or questing as a means of getting experience or gold, so this will more than likely not be happening. I am open to looking into an honors line, though.
This is, essentially, more of an experiment than anything! If this proves to be something generally enjoyed, we'll tweak our approach for future games to try and cater to different interests, but for the most part we want them to remain unique but with the same approach as I stated above under the rewards section.
EDIT: Due to its experimental nature, and its status as first of its "kind" so to speak, don't be surprised to see things changing within the next few days/weeks. There'll definitely be some tweaking of the mobs and their attacks to hit that sweet spot we're looking for.
Also, the rewards could be something else. Special clothes, knives, crafting materials, etc. Lot of stuff you guys could give out other than lots of xp or gold.
Would it be possible to get a uh...spectator's stand type of place? If not, maybe a dial or something that ticks up from 1-10 depending on which round is going on inside. And maybe Giovelli could announce which round you're in??
I've been having a lot of fun with this so far Slyphe. I like how it's similar to the Survivor arena-game, just more small unit oriented.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Level 1-5, newbs. Lets the kids play too. Mob examples:
- Peevish Pixies (rarely hit with peace/pacifism)
- Irritable Imps (can web you rarely)
- Prickly Pigs (prone+stun)
- Warrior Wombats (???)
- etc.
Level 6-10, stuff midbies can handle. If you beat level 5, you can START at level 6 the next time so long as you lead the group.
- Vicious Vampires (mesmerize/tfix?, maybe 2 affs occasionally)
- Lecherous Lepers (loki)
- Shaky Shapers (aoe damage? Reflect one if it gets low?)
- Drunken Dwarves (make you drunk? Idk)
- etc.
Level 11-15, same stuff it is now. Same as before.
Level 16-20, I have no idea. But you get the idea!
Also, instead of x mobs that do y, maybe also include the chance for a 'special' mob? Like instead of 20 hyenas coming to loki you to death, a big one shows up instead. Certain progs (not unlike the Valakakaakaiwala whatever (why is Duiran stuff always hard to spell? I want a mob named Bob to try to take over the world) prog that let you writhe to escape him) to make the fight one that can be LEARNED instead of just bashed.
Giovelli's Safari Adventure Leaders
_7 Toz, Ishin and Moirean
_7 Giovelli
Get dunked. Ishin didn't even help, he just d/c'd then screamed and cried when the eagles came out.
...That said, nerf shields OP OP. Expect to see a relatively small chance of shield stripping in the near future by at least one of the animals. Re: Rewards
I'm still not 100% convinced that's the way I want to go with it, but I'll think on it.
As for spectator stands, that's something I'm really trying to figure out how to do, because I'd love that. The dial that tracks the round is something easily doable, as is the ability for Giovelli to announce the round. Those will be in Soon(tm).
For now though, I have to be up for work in 3 hours. I stayed up just long enough to convince myself nothing would break while I sleep, so don't you jerks break anything.
That's how I won, that on loop. Forever. ^
Also, yeah Moi and I have a habit of
cheatingabusingLOCATING LOOPHOLES.i am rapture coder
"eagle271180" a large golden eagle. (covered in blood)
Inner Gate of Spinesreach, yo. :<
H:79% M:83% E:100% W:99% Mad:0% XP:91% [csdb eb] [eas ftr]
H:79% M:83% E:100% W:99% Mad:0% XP:91% [csdb eb] [eas ftr]
<blockquote class="UserQuote">
Oh my god, you beat round seven?
Go big or go home, Bromei
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Other then that this new thing is AWESOME! Minus I broke it but admin came to rescue within a few minutes of my issue
Also 25 elephants ... so uncool!
edited: Hmm you can use starburst? That seems silly... with the way starbursts work and instant inking you can starburst, touch starburst, reink starburst then you hve 2 mins to survive before able to touching it again
- You may now GIOVELLI STATUS to see all the pertinent info there. Who's playing (though it's the same as the board - if you're registered at the beginning, you'll show up on the status whether you die or not as long as one member of the team is still in there), the type of animal you're facing, how many animals remain, and what round you're currently on! This command can be done anywhere!
- The leaderboard has had its number of slots increased to allow a few more people!
- Our beloved elephants will now only slap you out of the room 33% of the time!
And as a bit of a teaser:
- A command similar to arenawatch will be implemented this weekend, hopefully!
- There miiiiiight be some nifty new prizes introduced Soon(tm)!
That said, since I'm so passionate about this project and am enjoying the player response, I've gone ahead and created some 'I LOVE GIOVELLI' shirts that you can purchase here! Exclamation points!