So it's there in the title, just looking for the overall opinion here from Aetolia's fighters. As everyone knows, I would hope, Sentinel locks and offense for the most part depend on a large amount of attacks directed to the head to both seal a lock, finish a lock, etcetera through impatience, indifference, epilepsy, confusion. Now, the usual way around this for Sentinels is to catch them in a moment of paresis (or paralysis) to inhibit their ability to parry the head via crossbow or lucky timing. Chaos Orb is not stopped or inhibited by any of these hindering tactics, it's basically a static parry that you can not get around without using an orb sigil. Everyone knows that when fighting a Sentinel, the best possible way to go about it is a non-roaming parry head tactic, as it's a big chunk of our offense.
Just looking for opinion from everyone else, this is in no way a flame or a bash on the class, just looking to get a general consensus on whether people think it is of legitimate concern enough to look into.
Indoran'i is back baby. It's go-... Oh.

I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
Just add a thing to track what limb orb is on.. Granted more coding but will do the trick til its deleted
Hard to replace Orb to something as equally or remotely close to useful though, unfortunately.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
It would be a useful mirror to Truth, provided it didn't hit Phase, due to Illumination getting Lightform to mirror Blackwind. If you were to keep it with a raw-utility theme, you could also give it the ability to Angel Seek, or a mirror to it, and an Alertness-type thing. Turn it into more of an Eyeball than an Orb, but this is just me running with the utility-vision themed replacement for double parry, and completely speculative.
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
Edit: Since someone asked me what "TIL" means, it means "Today I Learned." I didn't know eye sigil and Mistform interacted this way, that's nifty.
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine