Multi-class Flavor Skills
(Disclaimer: First time I've posted a new topic. If it looks awful. I'm sorry
Ideas for Multi-classing to become more flavorful. I.e. Small
incorporations across class, so it doesn’t seem like just a button is
pushed to switch, but more of a full mindset and focus.
propose that the other classes you have (depending on skill in each)
you would gain ‘universal’ skills, that would be useable regardless of
which class you are in, adding to the overall flow of the game. Nothing
combat breaking, primarily RP based.
I would go further and say you could only pick -1- flavor per class as an option as well. apparently forgot to do one for my -main- class, Templars too. Silly me.
(Feel free for input for the classes I don't have. Carnifex, Consanguine, Bloodborn, Shaman, Indorani, Cabalist, Teradrim Sentaari (Just needs Kaido flavor)
Trans Battlefury: Your mastery of your chosen weapon carries over in other classes. I.e. You are proficient in that weapon at all times. (Not mastery bonuses, however.)
Trans Bladefire: FURY - Useable once per day, you will gain a visible rage. Your attacks will hit for 5% more against mobs, but will take 15% more damage. Lasts for 2 minutes.
Trans Righteousness: AURA REPLENISH - Useable once per month (1 RL Day) You may surround yourself with an aura that regenerates endurance and willpower. Fades after 30 seconds.
Not 100% on these ones. Our skills don't lend much for flavor that I can ascertain, really.
Instead of adding transcendant skills to each skillset, just have 'inherent' skills that you can use in any class.
Lycan/Bear: Ability to MUTATE in any class. No combat buffs given.
Luminary: ANGEL CALL - Summon your angel to your side. Provides no benefits to combat, but can be interacted with for RP purposes. ANGEL FADE would function the same to dismiss. While summoned, the angel will restore devotion at half rate (since you apparently don't regenerate it out of class).
Trans Tekura: Ability to demonstrate/grade Katas in any class. DEMONSTRATE JAKATA.
Ascendril/Sciomancer: Ability to summon a weird in any class. Channels not needed (Acts like minipet with the exception that you can order it to emote, will not fight for you). Also able to fold/refine facets when switched to other classes.
Syssin: Ability to SIGN and understand SIGNS regardless of class.
Shaman: Ability to summon a spirit pet in any class. Provides no benefits to combat, but can be interacted with for RP purposes.
Sentinels: Ability to build a campfire in any class. It could be used for cooking but would provide no other benefit if you are outside the Sentinel class.