I thought about going topless, but I just don't think AETOLIA COULD HANDLE IT. I remember Kiyotan tried to tell me I should just be like HAIR SO LONG IT COVERS EVERYTHING.
I am trying to do faces again and get more practice with them and the human body as well, though this pic isn't body-related. Creepy work in progress sketch of nameless aetolian, go!
The dude in the first drawing is humankary, yes, and that is Akary in the ukiyo-e one. The characters at the bottom are random brushes because I'm a cheat, but the big ones top right approximate Akary's name in a sideways silly kind of way.
This ^ is why I gave up on drawing. Look at that magnificence. Now look at yours and now back to magnificence. You can never be this magnificent. Drop everything and adore.
So most of my time on Skype is spent explaining to my WoW-friends why I've been offline there so much and what I've been playing instead.
I've gotten three to try the introduction to Aetolia so far, but while they all thought it was cool, it didn't make enough impression (yet!) for them to keep logging on. Possibly because we're all insomniacs and it's hard to be introduced to your guild at 4 a.m.
That said, one of my friends liked my desc enough that he drew this. He defaulted to a more WoW sort of "death knight" armor, but I'm still very happy.
Lin too busy eating steak.
No seriously...
Cannan. Complete with having to be mod edited.
Sometimes, I muck around with moderntolia.
I drew a Didi!
I've gotten three to try the introduction to Aetolia so far, but while they all thought it was cool, it didn't make enough impression (yet!) for them to keep logging on. Possibly because we're all insomniacs and it's hard to be introduced to your guild at 4 a.m.
That said, one of my friends liked my desc enough that he drew this. He defaulted to a more WoW sort of "death knight" armor, but I'm still very happy.