The reason I disagree with this, @xenia - lets say I'm the siomancer and Paz says "I'm going to watch Zaila!" He would find out I visited him and (assuming someone dies from the shifter in … (View Post)
I am a maaaaasive RPer. All I do is RP. I RP and RP and then when I get bored, I RP some more to pass the time. I love directories. They make shopping 100% easier, I find things exist I never knew ex… (View Post)
I wanted art to show off Zaila's scars to myself, and Eleanor was awesome enough to also make Z look shamelessly hot in the process. I did not complain in the least. (View Post)
Sheesh, guys, you just made me blush <3 @Benedicto - You're not the only kelki she knows, sheesh! (in my head-cannon, Bene was the decapitated torso she stood on later.) (View Post)
@Satomi That's effectively what I have always taken HONOURS to be - basically public records plus word of mouth without the mechanical effort required to go to a specific place and look them up. Sinc… (View Post)