Thank you so much for your serious consideration of an attempt to bring up ideas. I'll let them be in the future.Tetchta said a funny
if commands_over_the_last_ten_minutes == 0 then send("RP REMOVE") AFK = True elseif AFK == True then send("RP ADD") AFK = False endand sneakily patch it into Sunder while nobody's looking. That'll end this entire debate!
I mean I think arguably anybody logged in is agreeing to RP,This, right here, is actually a peeve. Just because I'm online doesn't mean I'm going to RP with -anyone-. There are plenty of things I can and will do alone and wish to do so alone. Assuming because someone is online they are agreeing to RP is a number of phrases I'd get auto-modded for using.
'Assume I am available for rp even though I'm busy taking care of other things and don't really have time to interact with people right now'You can just say "I'm busy, piss off" to people who slide into your dm's so-to-speak
The EDH community here scared me away, but I have a deck somewhere I think. Will trade credits for Sol Ring?you and me, 1v1 EDH to decide the fate of any classlead report. >:(
My pet peeve is getting called a nobody. :-(Ayastia said:Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, uses RP add or for the RPWHO list. Great feature unused.