First off, I said devalue my effort, not devalue me as a person, nor am I interested in devaluing anyone else as a person. However, you seem to be completely cool here with devaluing other people just because they don't have the same real life situation as you or other people you're championing here. Super judgmental and to be honest, pretty gross. In my own personal case, I've never not been working the entire time I've had Aeryx, except for last month between moving across country. I hang out with my friends pretty often, play Magic, watch UFC, etc, so yes, I made a ton of gold by playing the game, and also still had a real life. And guess what? I play the game for different reasons as you, and I actually found it fun to gain all that gold, as much as everyone wants to troll about 'brr big number go up' etc etc, yes, I enjoy that style of gameplay, and instead of afk botting bashing like a bunch of other people do, I decided to segment off my free time and do all the things I mentioned to gain gold on a regular schedule, so that I could say I did what I did.Konnorn said:Do you think it's fair to devalue my effort because other people didn't make this a priority to themselves? Not trying to attack you here, honest. Just saying, try to consider all angles.Do -you- think it's fair to devalue those who -cannot- spend hours a day Questing, Farming, Merchantry, Fishing, Ylem Mists, Bashing? Not everyone Can or Want to spend that amount of time in the game daily to earn gold to -perhaps- win an auction item. Some people have lives. Some people have illnesses that make it so they cannot sit at the computer lengthy hours daily. Some people play the game for fun, but still want a chance to do something with a bit more flair. Those people are players just as much as those who Do those things, and those who simply throw in hundreds of dollars worth of credits without blinking. I am simply trying to find an option that will not be completely overrun by Whales.
Despite you obviously attempting to go around and troll me repeatedly, I'm gonna respond to this and say that first off, I haven't saved up credits for this auction, if you'd actually read anything I write or say you'd know I am talking about gold. Secondly, yes, someone coming on the forums and being like 'I cant participate in this system, so we should just make a different one instead' attempts to devalue people's efforts for saving up any of the currencies, gold included, that get spent in the Auction. The point of the auction is is to incentivize WHOEVER IS WILLING TO SPEND THE MOST to drain that currency out of the system. It is not stated anywhere to be some mandatory thing everyone has to be able to participate in.If I'm being honest, framing work you put in game to save gold and credits as being "devalued" because you didn't get an auction is a bit silly. It's fungible in-game currency, you've lost nothing. None of us are promised auctions or the like, so I don't think it's fair to claim that someone wanting a system that looks different and might be more available to more people is "devaluing" something you did. You still have the gold and credits.
I guess I'm surprised that people have 4500 cr laying about.
Date: 3/9/2020 at 0:53
From: Razmael, the Synthesist
To : Everyone
Subj: Credit milestones
You can now earn credits each day in Aetolia through the milestones system!
Using the new credit milestones, you can earn up to twenty platinum keystones each day which can be exchanged in the milestone shop for a single bound credit each. You can earn keys by completing a list of tasks outlined under MILESTONES CREDITS, and then claiming them. But, WARNING: you can only lay claim to TEN credit milestone rewards each day! That means if you only complete and claim the milestones that reward 1 key each, you won't be able to reach the daily maximum of 20 platinum keystones received.
Do you think it's fair to devalue my effort because other people didn't make this a priority to themselves?
Ok, I wasn't going to comment, but good Gods Iesid.It is called Selarnia and squelched - include it in your venom routing for groups.
"I shouldn't need to say this, but I will: 'hoping that the bad items retire' indicates to me that people are reluctant to address balancing items."
People throw a -riot- every time anything they paid money for is touched, even if it's to tune something completely out of line. Every single time an artifact has been nerfed, players throw a unicornsing fit.
Of course they're going to be reluctant to nerf things players paid money for. We're a bunch of unicorns-heads every time they do, even if it needs to happen.
Speaking of, re: Saidenn, delete golden translocator or make the relic that blocks magical movement trivially common.
@Iesid Why would I look at the auctions or previous auctions of other games? I don't care about the other games. I'm not and we aren't playing the other games. We're playing Aetolia.I am convinced that you are only in this thread to be obtuse, based on the way you are phrasing your responses. It feels like a waste of time to have a good faith argument with you about anything; be that as it may, this is a lot like asking me why studying other brands of the same product is so important for a company...
If you choose to play the other games and prefer those auctions better, good on you. But that's not really an apt discussion to have when it's not the game we're playing.
But ok. :thumbsup: