Nobody attacked, that I saw, Aeryx for what he did. If anything it is commendable. What WAS said is that people shouldn't have to save up for over a rl year for a single promotion and still be able be outbid by someone with a credit card. What was said is that auctions are not a game wide event. That in the end, they benefit only a few whales. What was said is it would be nice if the promotion was made into something that everyone could enjoy. If you have a problem with that concept, you are likely one of the handful of players that can participate in this promotion and do not want the competition.Those are all personal problems surrounding personal choices. If people want to throw thousands of dollars of their disposable income away on a game because they don't have children to take care of, they should. They shouldn't feel bad because "Oh this person has kids to take care of therefore I shouldn't buy the thing in the game that I want." That's just purely insane.
"Just do what Aeryx did." 90% of my time is on mobile. Not conceivable.
"People should not be punished for being successful." No. They shouldn't. But neither should other players be punished because they do not have the same amount of disposable income. I could easily drop a couple thousand every few months. But I also have two autistic children and doing that would mean not seeing to their needs.
Nobody is saying do away with auctions. What would be liked is an auction like promotion that people who can't drop a starting bid of 2000 credits can participate in.
Preach. What sorta crybaby stuff is this. Nobody stopped anyone else from grinding up and saving milestones and gold, and if you do not have the time to commit to acquiring that, then the person who does commit their time to it should.Naos said:The fact that Aeryx had to defend his choice to put the majority of his focus into accumulating wealth in preparation for this auction is unicorns stupid. If you didn’t focus on making money, or doing your milestones, and instead chose to invest your time and effort into PvP or roleplay or idling, get bent. The ‘iT iSnT fAiR’ is actually mind blowing.
I guess you missed all the posts that got edited to say nothing.I dunno, man. I read that as you laughing at her having autistic children and since I read it that way, it must be true. Isn't that what's been stated previously in this post? "I choose to read this in my own way and won't listen to explanations, therefor I am triggered and offended." I'm just saying I can play that game too. Ayastia is trying to explain, you won't listen. If you don't want to see reason, why should I? I mean, you could always try to prove me wrong, right?
Now, as for you and @Oba trying to twist my words...
@Illidan Oh, I'm a nobody. I have read the comments that has been edited to say nothing. I don't fully agree with them, but I also don't agree at all with what you are saying and how you are behaving. I am sure there are options and I think @Ayastia has tried to explain that to you. I'm with Ayastia on this one though. You are obviously not worth my breath, or fingers in this case. You have fun laughing at people. I will be over here feeling sorry for your pitiful existence.Thanks, I will. Just as I said, you're coming in from an uninformed and partial perspective. So please, stay over there.
I dunno, man. I read that as you laughing at her having autistic children and since I read it that way, it must be true. Isn't that what's been stated previously in this post? "I choose to read this in my own way and won't listen to explanations, therefor I am triggered and offended." I'm just saying I can play that game too. Ayastia is trying to explain, you won't listen. If you don't want to see reason, why should I? I mean, you could always try to prove me wrong, right?
Now, as for you and @Oba trying to twist my words...
Are you thick man? I will say this as plainly as I can. Children are a choice. Autism is not. Autism causes things to be exponentially more expensive. Texture issues so they only eat certain foods. Therapies so they will not fall behind their classmates. Doctor visits. Jesus Christ your awareness of the world is just non existant, isn't it? But that is besides the point. Again, nobody is saying doing away with auctions. I will say it again because you seem to read what you want and ignore the rest.Nobody is saying do away with auctions. Nobody is saying do away with auctions. Nobody is saying do away with auctions. Nobody is saying do away with auctions. Did you get it that time? We are asking for an auction like event for fun artifacts that we can participate in and have a chance of winning, even if it is slim, because slim is better than none.Those sorts of promotions already exist, and happen. Yet you're continually complaining about an auction being unfair.
I never asked for a 'newbie only' auction. The examples Konnorn and I gave were raffles or a lottery like promotion.
Edit: You seem to have misunderstood a lot of what was said, so let me try again.
No, you are not punished for losing an auction. However, when in the first 10 minutes of the auction we are at 2000 credit bids, 300 IC, the punishment is you do not even get to participate. It is a promotion that is pretty much exclusive to whales
And I did say likely. I understand some players will defend it regardless.