I don't care what anyone says.... Palatine is a Star Wars reference and you damn well know it.
While Blackguard is a Skyrim reference.
Congrats though? I'm not sure what all the promotions mean, but good on you!
I would like to call out the most important part of this log:Bees can perceive time your argument is invalid.To which I have to say:
(Web): Illidan says, "It's okay I usually dunk on wasps but i'll give you a pass this time buddy
(Web): Alela says, "... what is happening in here lmfao."
(Web): Bulrok says, "MESS WITH THE BULL, GET THE HORN."
(Web): Wjoltyr says, "YOU CAN'T MILK THOSE!"
(Web): Bulrok says, "Set warcry you can't milk those."
(Web): Bulrok says, "Yes."
(Web): Bulrok says, "He gets it."
(Web): Illidan says, "You don't even play alistar stop."
(Web): Bulrok says, "Illidan is 100% an unicorn and deserves every bit of flak sent his way. Stupid unicorns bee."