Player blessings, via EXALT! Much like Esteem, you can EXALT one person a day. However, it takes 3 exaltations to receive one real day of blessing. This blessing would stack with other blessings as normal, including divine blessings and milestone boons.
This would serve a similar purpose as Esteem, except for non-roleplay things. I know I like to congratulate people on winning an arena event or getting 99/ascending, but I'd love if people could show a little more love for those sorts of things!
Honestly, as far as abuse mitigation goes, I'd say that it could just be something that has really strict penalties for abuse. Take the Artie away (or temporary time outs from using it) if people violate the rules, and police it through issues like anything else. Kinda like how Tetchta isn't allowed to do marriage ceremonies anymore. Abuse it, lose it. Though I also think there should be some window for forgiveness for folks making mistakes. I mean emotes are similarly abusable but we very rarely see anything go wrong with them, and when they do, they get issued (correctly). Accounting for abuse is good, but I also think it might be a little bit of worrying over nothing in this case.
Also folk should at least be able to make them into sex toys in private, but turning them into nipple rings should be met with a permaban no matter where it's done.
I get you're tilted and this is a pet peeve, but c'mon, like. Snarky reply, yeah. Flagging the post as 'off-topic' when it's literally about vampirism, praenomen and the Dominion just because you disagree with it is pretty dumb. This is off-topic though, so feel free to toss your super downvotes here instead.
Just because I have a differing opinion than you and others, does not make the opinion invalid. You being angry about my opinion doesn't change that either.
I stand firm in my post about IC actions having IC consequences in terms of sanctions, regardless of Sanction or not. If you want sanction, be chill with the orgs that have them. If you don't want sanction, cause trouble with the orgs.
To put it in the same perspective.... The gods bless the cities fairly often. Rhyot does not receive these blessings from most of these gods because his very dismissive and disrespectful viewpoint against them. Blessings have a very real advantage in PVP. Should my character continue to get blessed by the gods despite his antagonistic viewpoints against them? No!! Good heavens no!!
And trust me, Godblessings are a hell of a lot more detrimental in PVP than a bloody sanction is. Accept your consequences for lack of sanction or figure out why you're not sanctioned and fix it. Either way, it's great RP.