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Re: Announce post #3242: Oneiromancers!

Stay classy, Omeiromancers

Re: Announce post #3244: The Future of Mirrors

Wyatt said:
Confirmed: The Carnifex will have an alcohol-based skillset, with the capstone being a molotov.
Spinesreach will see you in court.

Re: Announce post #3244: The Future of Mirrors

Bulrok said:
Sentinel, Praenomen, Shaman, Archivist, Ascendril, Teradrim, Zealot. I think that is the order in which most people find the most egregious of imbalances and would ultimately lead to a better feeling in the community once everyone has access to those skills.
I see what you did there. You didn't even include Sciomancer!

Re: Announce post #3244: The Future of Mirrors

Carnifex get Ascendril. They manipulate the elements by releasing raw killing intent.
> cast fireball
Bulrok wraps a big rock into some oil soaked cloth, before raising a tinderbox to it. In an instant the cloth is engulfed, giving off the appearance of a very large fireball. Bulrok faces Mjoll, rearing back the arm holding the rock. "Abraaaaaa," he starts, his arm lurching forward. "KADABRA!" He screams as he launches the fake fireball at her.

Re: Mildly Irritating: Aetolia's Pet Peeves

Dislike being catchall bountied for an event I wasn't even around for.
bro dw about it, just die. you'll come back, i swear

Re: Announce post #3244: The Future of Mirrors

Dendara-themed fey vampires
Dendara-themed fey vampires
Dendara-themed fey vampires

Also for sanity's sake please be sure to give Shadow their Zealot either before or concurrently with Spirit Sciomancer to ensure they have psi hold monolith to counter labyrinth. Archivist and Sentinel should be released as a pair to make sure one side can't threaten Unravel and Spinecut simultaneously while the other cannot. Teradrim/Sentinel is going to be a bonkers comp and shouldn't exist on one side but not the other. I know it's not a comfortable thought from the workload or narrative perspectives but for team combat balance two sets of four classes (Zealot/Ascendril/Sciomancer/Praenomen, Shaman/Sentinel/Teradrim/Archivist) would be optimal...
Inhibition exists where Labyrinth is concerned.

Hello @Bulrok

Re: Announce post #3244: The Future of Mirrors

If your goal is to spread fun across the game, you should never listen to Toz. If you, on the other hand, enjoy fear, hate, anger, and loathing? Do exactly as Toz says.

Edit: I am not opposed to Toz's way of life.

Re: Announce post #3244: The Future of Mirrors

I want Zealot so much. Purgatory is like deliverance and banish for people who want everyone including their team to suffer, and oh boy do I.

Re: Announce post #3242: Oneiromancers!

So uh, when we go to do Spirit Praenomen, we're going to tie its release into Damariel's Order too, right?
