People buy them out because they figure better their org gets a trickle than anyone else buys them out first. I used to know who the culprit is, if they're still doing it like 6-7 years later that's … (View Post)
Lycanthropy track is super powerful for group movement used to be much more common in pk for lycans to lead everyone in. IIRC woodlore track doesn't bring followers like lycanthropy does? Avoiding sc… (View Post)
Mr Frog always puts up with my annoying questions and when he worked at Starbucks he always tried making the experimental drinks I came up with. (View Post)
How come the Aechrian Vape Coil isn't for sale any more?! Did the Albedos folk decide our people were not ready for vaping yet? Wouldn't vaping let us save precious herbs and stop us from all dying o… (View Post)