@Akara are you suffering from the dreaded firstaid vs muddling issue where firstaid tries to cure it and screws up badly each time? If so it is a odd thing as it should not really be curing it but it… (View Post)
Seeing five screens of this to the point it lags you out -sigh- H:6196 M:4906 E:30845 W:21439 B:97% S:100% Mad:0% XP:10% [csdb --] [eax f-r] [t:61%] Tenshyo eats a goldenseal root. [Dragon]: Update: … (View Post)
@Oleis and Co After much consideration I purchased Bombcrafting today with the intention of using it in conjunction with the bombcrafter_artifact. As show below it claims to increase the damage and w… (View Post)
Simply put interchange is a horrendous skill that makes me fume. If it could be fixed to be a one time defensive that allows for instant howl changes from none to three instantly it would be fine. (View Post)