Small shop idea, but would it be possible to have a toggle or something for listing the shop shelf next to the shop name? At least while in the stockroom? IE: Proprietor: Knight Areka Morrog. -------… (View Post)
It's the Areka show! While it would be a bit more of a project, the racial help files could use with some updating and fleshing out. Things like clearer references for where communities of those race… (View Post)
You say that, but then continue in the same pattern and don't seem to consider the play of those outside of your order. It's a bit like jocks asking other jocks if they want to go pick on the nerds a… (View Post)
Can this thing be added to GUILD PRIVS please? CLAN RESET clan name TO new head - For city/guild leaders. Instates a new clan head of a clan pledged to the city or guild." (View Post)
Since it's not super CombattyTM Would it be considered for Templar to have a syntax/syntax addition to clear auras/blessings in one go? Right now we can clean both off individually, but it's two synt… (View Post)