That's why I noted the merchant's stall - if people want a stockroom they can buy one and loosen up space for everyone else. Stalls are also something that can't be taken away from you by an outside … (View Post)
I do wish that the merchant stall was a regular artifact, or that we could buy proper shops for housing - I would give up my Delos shop for that (and have housing looked at overall with the prices - … (View Post)
I always took it that Xorani was the plural/of the species, IE: I am a Xoran = I am a Troll I am Xorani = I am Trollish I am of the Xorani people = I am of the Trollish people That is a Xorani design… (View Post)
I have to say, I like the flexibility of harvesting in DA3, and that you can grow things in the garden, but I really liked the 'capture node' approach from DA2 so you weren't constantly having to pic… (View Post)