Bard is looking more and more like a dex/int class with a focus on an aff kit to kill. It looks very much like it has a lot of good utility to take advantage of, and I'm looking forward to both aspec… (View Post)
Tips on how to kill Nipsy: if he used the godcurse to get out from a fight, he gets teleported to NoT with a pretty severe balance knock. Cleave away! But no one did. (View Post)
After the recent drama over the past few days which put us in Bloodloch against each other, Guild vs Guild vs Guild, this is something of a welcome breather. EDIT: PET PEEVE BY THE WAY CAUSE I AM IN … (View Post)
@Aeryx - What is keeping you from having the wedding? Just host it! Shit/events happen without accounting for what we have schedule, like Galilei's Tanix festival, or Roux's Waterfyre and there's rea… (View Post)