Best Of
Hey folks,
Just going to copy/paste/sticky a post I've just made on the Leaders news board, as the information is relevant to all players, not just leaders.
Date: 8/19/2014 at 18:11
From: Razmael, the Synthesist
To : Everyone
Subj: Guild requirements (GR1 - GR3)
Hey folks,
This isn't going to be a popular post for some of you, but is something we've been needing to crack
down on for a long time. This post is about the maximum requirements for someone to reach GR3 that
you guys are allowed to impose on players. You'll find below a template of example requirements.
This is what we consider to be the 'ceiling' for difficulty on requirements to get GR3. Your
requirements can be easier than what I've listed, but should be no harder.
Also, forget about any kind of essays, they're terrible. You can include essays in your optional
GR3+ requirements if you want, but they should never be used for the GR1 to GR3 requirements.
Please remember that choosing to progress through the guild IS ENTIRELY OPTIONAL. I don't care if
someone sits at whatever guildrank they are all day, that's their prerogative as a player of a GAME.
If you guys have any concerns or questions about your requirements in relation to this post, please
bring it up during our meeting with you.
Novicehood -> GR1
Nothing, this is what the GRADUATE FROM NOVICEHOOD command is for.
GR1 -> GR2
- May be advised to find a sponsor within a guild. Not required, but advised.
- Level 35
- Have a description
- Be fully clothed (if you have a guild uniform/armor/weapons, get those)
- Graduate from a city's academy
- Familiarize yourself with the TASKS system and complete as many as you'd like
- Familiarize yourself with HELP LAWS
- Be able to find the post office, bank, and guild hall
- Be prepared to answer an open-ended question such as, "Why are you here/what's your goal/etc."
GR2 -> GR3
- Obtain 5 health and mana vials, along with 2 vials of every salve and remaining elixirs.
- Obtain 100 of each herbal curative. (HELP CURES)
- Obtain 25 rations.
- Obtain a tinderbox and three pipes and know how to properly smoke a pipe.
- Level 60
- Attend 3 lessers
- Read NO MORE THAN 1 book (of appropriate length) on guild history, and be prepared to summarize it
in an interview, no essays
- Be able to talk about the tenets of one similarly-aligned god
- Know how to find 3 bashing areas
- Donate 5000 gold
- Know basic curing (how to turn firstaid on)
GR3 and beyond
Whatever you like.
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Lleian, in the year 427 MA.
Date: 8/19/2014 at 18:14
From: Razmael, the Synthesist
To : Everyone
Subj: Experienced players
Someone just asked me if they're allowed to impose harder requirements on experienced players.
Simple answer: no.
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Lleian, in the year 427 MA.
Date: 8/19/2014 at 18:27
From: Razmael, the Synthesist
To : Everyone
Subj: Re: Houses and these requirements
Another good question about how this applies to houses. Obviously the system you guys have is a bit
different to guilds, but you can consider these requirements as the requirements necessary for
someone to get full class in any organization. In the case of houses, this means getting embraced.
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Lleian, in the year 427 MA.