During exam prep yeaaars ago, some friends of mine and I went to Starbucks to study. They gave me a venti instead of my grande and when I got home my mother swears I was rambling like a chipmunk paci… (View Post)
1. For an option for the shop log to say what shelf something was on in brackets. Example: 2015/05/13 01:39:50 - Neron purchased a draped and wrapped gray hood for 200 gold sovereign. [7] 2. For WARE… (View Post)
Still wrinkly from the saran wrap: Edit: Bees are a long-standing symbol of industry and community and the harmony between the two, which directly ties to my field and its potential. (View Post)
Saw the Weasley Twins today. It was fantastic. James' patronus would be a hedgehog because he likes to go in thinking he can handle things but then he can't and he curls up into a ball. Oliver's woul… (View Post)