So, back in the Ye Olde Times, I didn't actually interact with the events much myself. It seemed like something that mostly happened to other people. I was generally more focused on interpersonal RP;… (View Post)
Yeah I'm really hyped to test out the new areas after I come down from the bashing burnout I got from destroying everyone in the Bloodloch Essence contest XD (View Post)
Thongs I've def seen; but I am reasonably (like 60%) sure I haven't seen g-strings. I thought they got scrubbed away in some of the de-modernizing that went down years ago. (View Post)
I'm way too tired to scroll all through this. At the end of the day, there's very little even IRE can do to make auctions less...auctiony. Do I wish, personally, that lil dolphins and tiny fish could… (View Post)
Part of me thinks raffles, without a consolation prize of some sort, would possibly piss more people off than auctions, just because, like...idk if I dropped, say, 1000 credits on tickets...phew boy … (View Post)