So you want to make a system! Good for you - writing your own system can be incredibly rewarding and, perhaps far more importantly, you'll learn a lot of intracacies and nuance about combat and its mechanics that a lot of people don't.
As someone who recently completed a system of my own, I found it really difficult to find the resources I needed - no centralized list of information or important components. Plenty of people willing to help, sure, but I rarely knew what questions to ask or where to begin. Composition was a slow, tedious process of guess and check, spotty, half-finished work, and constant revision that could have been easily avoided.
That's why I decided to write up this little guide for future system-builders! Hopefully others will find this useful and informative.
First things first, you should be aware of your options. Creating a new curing system from scratch is an arduous thing. Aetolia has a lot of mechanics all working at once and juggling them all is a big challenge. I spent over a week cloistered into a single spot just writing and writing, and that's really not very fun. You should understand from the beginning what an investment in time and effort you're taking on, and have no delusions about its completion.
In the interim, you have a few tools available to you. There's the in-game firstaid mechanic, which is a reasonably effective system and will definitely get you by. If nothing else, you should use this initially just to get a feel for how things work - how quickly combats goes and how many moving parts there is. Firstaid has a few caveats, however. It won't handle many of the class-specific defenses, for example, and is rigid in method priority (it will always use herbs before tree tattoo). It also won't make use of skill-based extras you may have, like fitness.
Second, there's a free system available called Source. It has some of the same minor flaws firstaid does, but is easier to adapt, especially for someone ambitious enough to undertake a totally new system. It does, however, come without the gratification of creating something yourself. Consider getting Source for inspiration, or even just to extract trigger lines.
If you're reading this, though, you're probably ready to move past these initial tools and come up with your own work. So let's move on to that!
Before starting, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind as you consider design and structure, before actually creating anything at all. Those include, but may not be limited to:
- Aeon. This is an affliction that delays all actions taken by 1.5 seconds. It won't prevent the actions, but you'll need to do some research to handle this well, without duplicating or complicating things.
- Stupidity, and concussion. Both of these afflictions can cause actions to 'fumble' and be 'eaten', canceling their effects. You'll want to track what you attempt to send, so you can re-send it if this occurs.
- Concoctions vs reanimation. Aetolia features two parallel but distinct sets of curatives, one for living, and one for the undead. Consider making a toggle and associating the related curatives in a table somewhere, or simple making your system specifically for either type.
- Illusions. These may not be terribly common, but keep their existence in the back of your mind as you write. Small, structural checks can prevent a lot of tedium later on as you learn what to watch for. Use color triggers when possible, and multi-line captures when they make sense.
- Use toggles. Not just one, but many. Several things, such as waking/standing, clotting bleeding, and maintaining certain defenses, may be situational. Better to have more toggles than you use than fewer than you need.
- GMCP. It's this awesome thing that silently delivers a ton of information between your client and the game. If you're not familiar with GMCP, look it up! It's definitely worth reading up on.
With these things in mind, here's a largely comprehensive list of features you'll want to work on.
- Curing afflictions. Obviously, this is the primary objective. You'll probably want to account for:
o Eating herbs/organs.
o Smoking (and lighting) pipes or flicking and injecting tinctures.
o Applying salves/poultices.
o Sipping affliction-curing elixirs/serums (like immunity/calmatiive).
o Touching a tree tattoo.
o Using the FOCUS ability.
o Consider CONFIG AFFLICTION_VIEW ON to dramatically simplify tracking what you have and don't.
o Consider CONFIG SIMPLE_DIAG as well.
o AFFLICT LIST is an excellent resource, as is AFFLICT VIEW.
- Handling other conditions. These will include:
o Waking and standing if asleep or prone.
o Writhing from entanglements.
o Pulling out thorns.
o Handling limb damage - this really requires its own sub-section!
o Sipping health or mana elixirs.
o Eating moss as needed.
o Clotting to reduce bleeding (with attention to your mana level).
- Raising and maintaining defenses. A number of these can be gotten from non-specific sources, like concoctions (or organs, etc, if undead) or tattoos.
o The cloak and mindseye tattoos are fairly mandatory to maintain.
o The deafness and blindness defenses require and consume herb/organ balance to raise.
o The thirdeye, instawake, deathsight, and insomnia defenses are granted by herbs/organs that don't take herb balance.
o The hardened skin defense is gained by applying the sileris herb or bone.
o The insulation defense is gained by applying caloric salve/fumeae poultice.
o The venom, temperance, speed, and levitation defenses are gained from elixirs/poultices.
o You may also have other defenses from various skills, both general and class-specific.
- Optional additions - lots of other neat little things frequently included in curing systems.
o A GUI! Consider at least a window to capture chat and one to display the map.
o Some form of targeting and aliases for PvP, as much or little automated as you like.
o Affliction or limb damage tracking, or both - for your target, not yourself.
o Bashing, something that picks out NPC targets and uses your basic attacks on them.
o Echoes, colors, and alerts. Tons of things that are important to spot quickly. You might even consider replacing much of the text you see in combat with easier to read lines, perhaps even coded by color for quick skimming. Fights can move so fast.
There are tons of other things you might include in your dream system, like tracking or announcing important events to your web, handling some trade-related complexities like brewing concoctions, or anything else you can think of. This guide is only intended to compile all the essentials in one place for easy viewing, to get people started and aware of what questions to ask as they get to work.
Hopefully it's helpful!
I just wanted to invite any characters of Nazetu or Arqeshi descent to join the racial clan that I've started up, tentatively named the Siblings of Corruption.
My intention is to start it as an OOC clan to help characters comb through the mountains of lore about the Nazedha and the Nazetu/Arqeshi race. I'm relatively new to Aetolia myself and have been compiling some of the information I've gathered from IC texts, events posts, the mythos, etc. to help flesh out my own character, so any contribution that you would like to make would be greatly appreciated.
If, in the near future, it seems as if the Nazetu/Arqeshi playerbase want to organize themselves in a more in-character way, we'll probably switch from being OOC and instead focus on our role as descendants of the Nazedha.
I also realize that the name of the clan could be polarizing for any Arqeshi that would want to join. I'm open to suggestions about that as well. Chakrasul's Order seems to have already staked a claim to the Children of Corruption, so this was the best I could come up with on an admittedly quick timeline.
CLANHELP NAZ is currently being worked on, but you can contact me with a message or tell to request an invitation. For those of you who aren't of the race but have started to see some of us popping up in-game, please spread the word! I wouldn't even mind inducting a few "historians" or scholars who might want to help us.
Date: 11/2/2015 at 11:21
From: Razmael, the Synthesist
To : Everyone
Subj: November promotion
October is now over, and giftbags have left us. The arena lottery will be drawn in one week, so all of you that still have tickets floating around have a chance to turn them in.
For November, our promotion is antiquated artifacts! For every 100 credits you purchase (excluding No-Brainer credits), you'll received 1x antiquated artifact salvage. What's that, you ask? Keep reading!
Antiquated artifacts are old artifacts once utilized by the Ankyrean Order and rediscovered in recent times. Unlike the modern artifacts Qeddwyn makes, antiquated artifacts contain levels of power beyond the standard artifacts, using techniques now lost to time.
Antiquated artifact salvage can be taken to Qeddwyn in Esterport, who will either work the salvage into an antiquated artifact, or will upgrade the level of an existing antiquated artifact you own. When at Qeddwyn's shop in Esterport, use the commands ASK QEDDWYN EXCHANGE GAUNTLET to create your level 1 gauntlet, and ASK QEDDWYN UPGRADE GAUNTLET to upgrade it another level. Only the owner of the salvage can exchange it for the artifact, but salvage can be traded and used for upgrading by anyone who owns one of the antiquated artifacts.
This month's antiquated artifact is: "an ornate venantium-chased gauntlet". I am also grandfathering in the riding crop artifact (announce post #2357) into this system, so you can also choose to put your salvage towards that as well.
The ornate venantium-chased gauntlet functions like the currently available ylem-binding gauntlets and contains the following powers at each level. The gauntlet must be worn in order for its powers to work.
There is a 10% chance that you'll gain two mists instead of one when using ABSORB YLEM.
You can now ABSORB YLEM while off balance/equilibrium, and it'll no longer take any equilibrium to use.
The Refining Irradiance passive skill now refills your ylem reserves 50% more than it normally does.
Your damage done against elds is increased by 15%.
You can now GRAB ELD with your gauntlet to instantly kill it, once every three hours. The eld will turn into three random mists that you can absorb on death. Some stronger eld may be immune to this (generally ones that can't be shackled).
The time to fully bring a focus under your control with Refining Control when contesting an active extraction is decreased by 20%.
You will gain 1 free Manipulation transmute charge, which will be used in place of the normal gold cost. Charges will replenish six hours after it is used.
Your chance to gain two mists instead of one has been increased to 25% when using ABSORB YLEM.
You can now DRAIN GAUNTLET once every 24 hours to instantly gain back 50% of your ylem reserves.
You can now INFUSE PYLON when at your city's pylon to give your city 1,000 ylem. Can only be done once per Howling.
The CITY PORTALS command no longer costs equilibrium. Additionally, CITY PORTALS can now be used outside of your city, but has a 4 second channel.
New Manipulation: MANIPULATE YLEM FOR SCATTERING. For the next five minutes, mobs have a 100% chance to spawn ylem mist on death. Costs 30% ylem reserves.
The cooldown on GRAB ELD is decreased to one hour.
You gain another free Manipulation transmute charge, for a total of 2. Each charge will replenish on a separate timer.
New Manipulation: MANIPULATE YLEM FOR SHACKLING. Instantly shackles all restrainable eld in room. Costs 15% ylem reserves.
New Manipulation: MANIPULATE YLEM FOR FREEDOM. Instantly frees all shackled eld in room. Costs 15% ylem reserves.
The time to fully bring a focus under your control with Refining Control when contesting an active extraction is decreased by another 20%, for a 40% total reduction in time.
Your damage done against elds is now increased by another 25%, for a total bonus of 40%.
You gain another free Manipulation transmute charge, for a total of 3. Each charge will replenish on a separate timer.
New Manipulation: MANIPULATE YLEM FOR ELEMENT . Increases your resistance against that element (excluding shadow/spirit) by 10% for one hour. Costs 40% ylem reserves.
The cooldown on DRAIN GAUNTLET is reduced to five hours, and will now refill your reserves to 100%.
Some standard ability restrictions and balance/equilibrium costs may apply to some of the powers. Information contained in this post will be later found in HELP ANTIQUATED ARTIFACTS.
Hey folks,
Just updating you on a couple of policy changes. One is to do with internal Pools policy, the other is a refresh of the forum rules.
Firstly, the internal Pools policy change:I've removed almost all the commands that Gods could use to observe a player's communication. This includes, notably, their 'omniscience' which alerted them when someone said a specific word, such as their name. So those of you that like to drop a God's name to initiate some roleplay will have to explore other avenues of getting their attention. Some Gods may decide to assist with that by creating items you can use to get their attention.
Secondly, a couple of updates to our forum rules, which I'll admit I've stolen from Achaea's rules.I've updated Rule #1: "No posting confidential materials" to also include the following points:
* Confidential guild/city/other org information such as help files or private posts.
* Disclosing, discussing, speculating on, or hinting at alternate characters of any other player without his or her strict permission.
* Posting, or paraphrasing, the text of another person's issue or issue reply without his or her explicit consent.
And a new rule has been added, shamelessly copy/pasted from Achaea:
The Gods
Aetolia attempts to foster a roleplaying atmosphere, but we can't do it alone. We need the help of volunteers (almost all of the Gods are volunteers) and the players to help nurture an RP atmosphere. One of the things that we've been told by many players is that interaction with Gods is very welcome and a big reason they like Aetolia.
That's great! But one of the reasons that Gods sometimes hold back on interaction with players is that they know they're going to get harrassed for it on the forums. Further, it's difficult for Gods to retain any sense of mystery or allure for players when they're reading the forums and seeing Gods discussed like they're (the Gods) waiters at a restaurant. We also discourage Gods from arguing with players on the forums, as it's not Godly, which takes away the only legitimate way for a God to respond to a player who is using the forums to attack Him or Her.
For all these reasons, from now on, criticism of the Gods on the forums that we deem inappropriate will result in post deletion or, in the case of those who insist on continuing after being warned, forum banning. This is at our complete discretion.
However! Nobody on our end is looking to forum ban people, and it's the kind of thing that would only be employed for extreme cases - either from an individual post that's way over the top, or a series of poisonous posts. We don't want to squash discussion amongst Aetolians of good will at all.
If you have constructive criticism to offer about a God that might be the sort that's too blunt to post to the forums, the appropriate thing to do is email Aetolia's producer. razmael -at- aetolia -dot- com
Full forum rules can be found at as always.