
Deciding to put this up for everyone. I know Killien is a rather new character, but I feel I've interacted with at least a few people here and there.

Let me know what you think. I love feedback and would enjoy improving upon my expressiveness.


  • I'm biased, but I can honestly say that after knowing you for what... eight... nine years now, this is one of the fastest developing characters I've ever seen you create and play. Killien seriously just took off. I love that you take initiative with him, create awesome story arcs, and still manage to throw me curve balls that I don't see coming.

    Killien started a little rough around the edges (silly Knights being all stiff, honestly) but he's become so much more than that - even if he did to go Dhar of all Gods (don't zap me DharDhar).

    I am still laughing though at your becoming the Woody of Enorian (seriously folks, that's a completely clean comment! Read Toy Story Sheriff), golden star and all. You are such a dork, and I love it.
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