Invisible Quest Items

KerocKeroc A small cupboardAdministrator, Immortal
edited August 2020 in Aetolia Development
Hello folks!

I'm opening a thread here to document quests that involve hidden items that you cannot see. I'm going to be changing a lot of those items so that when you SEARCH it will reveal that item within the room, so that you aren't playing a game of guessing anymore. It's either there or not.

If you know of such quests, list them down here and I'll eventually get around to updating them.



  • I feel like Iviofiyiedu has quite a few of these, "interact with X thing" but I also don't really go there, cause I feel like everytime I have tried quests there, they were broken.

    It's probably been a couple years since I have tried.
  • edited August 2020
    The only ones I can think of offhand is the Village of Rahveir. I can get you the exact vnums and items in those rooms if you need them. The quest is DASAM_WARDS.
    Oh, and Ripabyss_lockedlibrary and all of the iviofiyiedu quests - there's a mixture of in room items and in description items. (iviofiyiedu_ghedha is currently broken - as is iviofiyiedu_trust and probably iviofiyiedu_idols)
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    edited August 2020
    The dome that houses the Creator by Riparium. At least one step to getting to the study/library requires finding a hidden container to get a key from, and it's only barely hinted at in the room's long desc.
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • Ankyrean Containment Lab has loads
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    edited August 2020
    Does this include hidden entrances as well, or just quest items @Keroc ?

  • There is a hidden item in Aerie for a quest.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited August 2020
    Pretty much 60% of the Riparium lab questline has invisible items with obscure oacts.

    Edit: god I need to learn how to read, someone already already mentioned this one.

  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    The beginning of the mirrormaze escape in Azdun has an item that might qualify.
  • I'll probably forget to come back to the forums to list them but if I come across them in game is there something I can add to a bug report to make them easier for you to find @Keroc ?
  • KerocKeroc A small cupboardAdministrator, Immortal
    Teani said:

    Does this include hidden entrances as well, or just quest items @Keroc ?

    Just quest items for now.
    Alix said:

    I'll probably forget to come back to the forums to list them but if I come across them in game is there something I can add to a bug report to make them easier for you to find @Keroc ?

    Throw them up here on the forums rather then as a bug. They'll get lost within the bug queue otherwise.
  • AloliAloli Between Books
    The haunted house has a lot of invisible items.
    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. - Khalil Gibran
  • I want to say the Iviofiyiedu question lines are broken with all their hidden things. I can get the rock for the young boy, the band being placed as absolutely no hints. The idols were near impossible to find, and I'm sure there are more hidden 'objects' you can search but their keywords are probably obscure to me.

    It's a great question line so far! It's just less of a quest and more of a guessing game as to what I can/can't interact with and what can/can't be done to finish a quest.

    Side not, the Idols quest. Has to be broken. Gave him all 6 idols and nothing has happened.
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