Templar Knighting, with added Omei for lulz.

AlistaireAlistaire Las Vegas, Nevada
The Chapel of the Radiant Heart. (Enorian.)
This serene chapel surrounds one with austere alabaster marble. An altar at the end has been draped in white silk, and a great sword stands embedded within it. The steel of the honed blade is stained through with deep azure veins, and the silver hilt is a masterwork of gleaming design. The altar stands upon a small dais, the front end worn into two distinct dips, where Knight after Knight has knelt in prayer and thought before their formal ceremonies. Flickering candles lit by the faithful surround a large golden bowl, comfortably set in an opulent ruby pedestal. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry is here. He wields a steel rapier with a sweeping guard in his left hand and a steel rapier with a sweeping guard in his right. Azure Rose, Lady Phoenecia Sinclair is here. Knight Areka Morrog is here. She wields a rugged pounamu warhammer in her hands. Knight-Aspirant Ayaeva is here. She wields an ornate, wing-hilted shortsword in her left hand and an azure and white chevron buckler shield in her right.

Areka gives the world a smart salute.

Glancing to each of you, you say, "Weapons down, Knights. This is a call for celebration, not arms."

Ayaeva offers Areka a sharp salute in return, struggling to draw her girlish grin down into something more appropriate.

-lots of weapon putting away-

Doffing his hat cordially to everyone, Izlude folds his nimble arms across his chest after securing his weapons. "Aye Pentarch, will do." he says with a quick nod.

Ayaeva folds her arms neatly behind her back, turning her full attention towards you.

Demion enters from the south, riding a desert camel.

Flatly, you say, "Your weapon and that creature you ride, Sir Demion."

-More disarming, and camel removal!-

You have emoted: Alistaire gives a barely perceptible nod. "Lady Provost," he intones, glancing to the Knight addressed before adding. "Light it."

Phoenecia pulls a pouch of incense out of her pocket and empties a bit of it into a censer set at the front of the room before lighting it, allowing the scent to diffuse throughout the room before wandering back to her previous position.

Wisps of pale white smoke rise from the burning incense, filling the air with a heavy, meditative perfume.

You have emoted: Alistaire lifts the Ceremonial Sword of the Templar until the cross-guard is level with his face in a Knight's salute to all those gathered. As the blade lowers, the Pentarch speaks. "Knight-Aspirant Ayaeva. You have proven yourself capable, intelligent and brave. You are young yet, but each day you serve the Light without hesitation. Those virtues are the reasoning we gather here today, to raise a new member of the Order of the Radiant Heart. It is customary that you swear an oath upon earning your shield. Have you one prepared?"

Ayaeva nods solemnly, though her eyes are bright with excitement and there's a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "I have, Pentarch."

You have emoted: "Step forward, then, and speak." Alistaire commands, a proud look on his face as he regards the young Aspirant.

Ayaeva moves closer towards you, turning so that she might address all gathered as she speaks. "I pledge from this day forward to serve unfailingly in my duties within this proud Order. Through my actions I will serve as a beacon of hope in the night, striving always to light the path to righteousness with each step I take. I pledge to boldly rise up up and stand firm against tyranny and injustice, with passion speak truth to justice, and with a loving heart hear the plight of others and offer my aide. I serve from this day forward as a Templar Knight."

Izlude's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.

You have emoted: Alistaire lifts the sword again and, after glancing toward Izlude, nods. "Take a knee, Ayaeva."

Ayaeva turns back towards you and sinks fluidly to one knee before you.

Izlude lowers his hat, pulling the brim down past his eyes to hide his vast pride in Ayaeva.

You have emoted: Alistaire brings the ceremonial blade to lightly tap the kneeling aspirant on the shoulder. "Each time we gather here, to raise a new Knight into our Order, it is a monumental happening. In these brief moments, the darkness that threatens our world weakens considerably, for each Templar Knight is a force for the Light that cannot be ignored, nor belittled by any." The sword lifts, mirroring the previous motion on the other shoulder. "Ayaeva has chosen to stand for the Light. For Truth and for Justice. She has chosen to do so without hesitation, and without expecting reward for her efforts." For the final time, the Pentarch lifts the sword and lightly touches Ayaeva upon the head with it. "You knelt before us as a mere woman, but now you rise as something more. Something that has no equal upon Sapience. It is my honour, and pleasure, to name you Lady Ayaeva, Knight of the Templarate. Rise."

Ayaeva slowly loses the battle for solemnity, her grin breaks through at the final tap. By the time she is rising to her feet, she is radiating happiness with a broad, infectious smile. "Thank you, Pentarch," she says in a soft voice.

You see Izlude shout, "Huuuuzzah and another Knight rises!"

Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry says, "Let someone shout something stupid."

You look up into the air for divine inspiration.

Sir Demion Ikari says, "Kids these days."

Sir Demion Ikari says to Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry, "I like the spirit."

Ayaeva peers at Izlude, shaking her head. "Thank you, Sir Sarraski."

The corners of Demion's mouth turn up as he grins mischievously.

Phoenecia smiles cheerily, clapping her hands as Ayaeva rises to her feet. "Congratulations. We'll be expecting great things from you."

Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry says to Sir Demion Ikari, "Psh, Sir!"

Izlude grins mischievously at Demion.

You have emoted: Alistaire clears his throat and casts an almost baleful look upon each of the gathered Knights. "We are not yet finished, Templar."

Lady Ayaeva smiles and says, "I will do my best to meet your expectations, Lady Sinclair."

Omei, the Artist manifests in a blaze of moths and violet light, stirring the wind around Her with Her spontaneous arrival.

Omei coils Her arms covetously around Ayaeva, turning Her snout and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Izlude pulls a steel rapier with a sweeping guard from his weaponbelt fluidly.

Izlude ceases to wield a steel rapier with a sweeping guard, securing it to his weaponbelt.

Ayaeva grins mischievously at Omei.

Areka gives Omei a respectful salute.

Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry says, "Oh right divine."

You incline your head politely to Omei.

Glancing up dangerously, Omei, the Artist says to Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry, "Your kind already killed one of My servants. Don't try Me."

Lady Ayaeva says to Omei, the Artist, "Glad to see You, my Lady."

You ask, "To what do we owe the honour, Lady Artist?"

You say to Izlude, "Enough."

Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry says, "Aye Pentarch."

Omei disengages from Ayaeva - briefly disassembling into a cloud of moths, She swarms away from the altar and manifests, once more, near the back of the Chapel.

Calling out, Omei, the Artist asks you, "As for Me, I have come to see one of My first Templar congregants in quite some time. Is a Mother not allowed to be proud?"

Izlude pulls the brim of his hat entirely low, his eyes completely concealed behind them as he folds his arms across his chest, standing quietly.

In a grim tone, you say, "You may do as you wish, Artist. All Gods of Light are welcome within the Templarate's fortress. You are just in time to see us raise Lady Ayaeva's shield upon our wall."

Ayaeva claps her hands together joyfully, "A memorable ceremony, this," she giggles. "Worth the wait, I think."

Phoenecia tilts her head slightly to one side, grinning. "We have another rose in the knighthood now. Lady Ayaeva, Knight of the Crimson Rose. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

-Loooong pause-

You say to Omei, "Would You like to accompany the Lady to the wall, Artist? If not, I am certain my Knights have things to attend to, once our ceremony is completed."

Her grin never once relenting, Omei responds to you, Her claws folded across Her arms: "It would be My privilege. I am inestimably proud of her. I may even make her My Lady Knight. I've never had a Lady Knight before. It sounds delightful."

Biting his lower lip tightly, Izlude remains quiet his eyes fixed in a thousand yard stare.

You have emoted: "Knight of the Artist," Alistaire muses, flashing Ayaeva a small grin. "We may have to repaint your roses purple, Lady."

Ayaeva lifts up on her heels, her grin near to cracking her face. She dips into a curtsey towards Omei, "I would certainly be quite happy to serve, my Lady." With a glance towards you, she shakes her head, "Perhaps. I think we should make my Lady a purple shield, and I will carry my red."

You have emoted: Walking slowly away from the altar and toward the Goddess, Alistaire adopts his usual stoic expression. "Those who wish to see the shield raised, follow. The rest of you are dismissed."

Omei takes a careless swig from a twisted darkwood drinking vial with traces of absinthe, Her purple eyes turning between you and Ayaeva

Demion raises the hood of a cloak of obscurity, concealing his identity.

Izlude tells you, "I'll go but it's to show pride for Lady Ayaeva.."

A cloaked figure says to Lady Ayaeva, "Congrats young one."

Demion leaves to the south.

You have emoted: Alistaire stops abruptly, his glowing gaze fixed intently upon the Goddess. "Lady Omei." he intones in a clipped tone and inclines his head politely.

-To the Hall of History-

You carefully affix a crimson rose-emblazoned buckler to its proper place upon a towering wall of shields.

You smile and say to Ayaeva, "Congratulations and welcome to the Order of the Radiant Heart, Lady Ayaeva."

Ayaeva gazes up at the wall of shields, admiring hers in its rightful place. She sighs in deep contentment. "Thank you, Pentarch."

Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry says to Lady Ayaeva, "Congratulations my Lady, if I can be of any service do let me know. I'll leave you to celebrate with your, Radiant Divine Mother."

Sir Izlude Sarraski, of the Cavalry says to you, "If ya need anything Pentarch."

Izlude leaves to the south.

You say, "You're all excused, except the Provost."



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