Nexus Question!

I am trying to figure out Nexus, and it is proving to be a pain in my ass.

So far, on this specific script, I am trying to set one of the buttons it gives me for doing my vibrations as a Sciomancer. This is what my script looks like so far:

outc cylinder
spin crystal
qeb embed palpitation
#wait 2500
outc pyramid
spin crystal
qeb embed heat
#wait 2500
outc spiral
spin crystal
qeb embed alarm
#wait 2500
outc egg\outc disc
spin crystal\spin crystal
qeb embed tremors
#wait 2500
outc disc\outc polyhedron
spin cystal\spin crystal
qeb embed adduction
#wait 2500
outc sphere\outc egg
spin crystal\spin crystal
qeb embed harmony
#wait 2500
outc torus
spin crystal
qeb embed creeps
#wait 2500
outc diamond
spin crystal
qeb embed oscillate
#wait 2500
outc spiral
spin crystal
qeb embed disorientation
#wait 2500
outc polyhedron
spin crystal
qeb embed energize
#wait 2500
outc cylinder\outc polyhedron
spin crystal\spin crystal
qeb embed stridulation
#wait 2500
outc sphere\outc cylinder\outc spiral
spin crystal\spin crystal\spin crystal
qeb embed dissonance
#wait 2500
outc torus\outc egg
spin crystal\spin crystal
qeb embed gravity
#wait 2500
outc spiral\outc cube\outc pyramid
spin crystal\spin crystal\spin crystal
qeb embed plague
#wait 2500
outc pyramid
spin crystal
qeb embed lullaby

Unfortunately, it isn't working, and I can't figure out what is going wrong. It isn't showing text sent, so I'm not sure which command is mucking up the whole thing, I believe it to be the '#wait' portion, but I'm not sure where I'd be going wrong.

Any help is appreciated.
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