Accepting the Truth

I thought I would share this - It was a really good day for me yesterday! Thanks for @Benedicto‌ , @Slyphe‌ , @Phoenecia‌, @Edain for making it all possible!

(Laity): You say, "Benedicto. Come to the Hall of Truth if you are able to

(Laity): Benedicto says, "Coming."

Maite takes a few deep breaths. "Father, let him listen."

Benedicto arrives from the east.

The Hall of Truth.
The walls are of white limestone sculpted with geometric patterns, cut through
with mirrors at strange, spiraling intervals to create a chamber that seems far
more vast in scope than it actually is. Writings in languages both new and old
creep like vines across all available surfaces, and three symbols stand out in
particular: a flaming sword cleaving a knotted rope, twin blades crossed against
the background of a double-headed waraxe, and a warhammer and steel horseshoe
set against a quartered field of blue and silver. These, the symbols of Lanos,
Arion, and Damariel, speak to the long history of the hall. A brazier of
blackened iron stands here, inert. Its pure waters glimmering gently, a simple
marble basin is set into the floor here. A woven hand basket sits nearby. A clay
bowl stands near the center of the room, full of fine dust. A sigil in the shape
of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Standing loosely in stance, a
Daru firebrand is constantly scanning her surroundings. A glowing red
flame-shaped sigil has been left here.

Maite is standing near a wide marble basin full of water,
peering down into the water. Her expression is somber, composed.

"You summoned me?" Benedicto asks striding into the hall, his pearl-white eyes
flitting from the you to the basin.

Maite lets two fingers dip down into the water, watching the
ripples move across the surface, until they start slowly fading away. "The year
is half way done. How has it been? No further incidents?"

Benedicto reaches the basin and watches the ripples spread outward from your
fingers. "Nothing so far." He confirms softly.

Maite takes in a deep breath, and lets her gaze move from the
water, to look up at Benedicto. "You asked for my help in removing what
Corruption has done to you."

Benedicto lifts his eyes to look at you. "I did." He confirms again. "I would be
free of the taint."

Maite clasps both hands in front of her loosely, her gaze is
steady, firm. "I researched your problem. Why our cleansings, that have removed
Her corruption before, did not work. How it continues to be an ongoing issue
despite Her adding more influence." A slight tilt to her head, asking, "Do you
trust me, Benedicto?"

"I do." Benedicto answers though there is a faint note of hesitation in his
tone. "You believe you have the answer to what She has done to me?" He asks with
a skeptical look.

Maite takes in a deep breath, letting it expel slowly. "I have.
The question is if you are truly ready to be rid of it. To accept the Truth."

With a look of steely determination, Benedicto nods his head at you. "I want to
be rid of it. I want to go back to leading a normal life, unafraid of my own
emotions. I cannot properly protect people and further the cause of our Father
with this taint inside of me."

Maite's fingers dip into the water again, gesturing towards it.
"Our cleansings are powerful. If there was any physical corruption, Benedicto,
it would have been removed when you did it before. And I believe you have
attempted to more than once." Her jaw is tight now, expression set - determined.
"There is no physical taint to remove." The same hand raises, and taps at her
temple. "It is there. The only one that can rid yourself of it is you. By
accepting that you have been manipulated. By accepting that you can be free of
it by Accepting the Truth."

Benedicto listens to you, growing more and more confused at you words. "I know I
am being manipulated. I know that I am tainted. I know that when I experience
the emotions of anger or grief, it allows the taint to come forth." He responds

Firmly, you say, "The manipulation was that you believe it is not you, when your
emotions effect you. You believe that it is Her, and Her corruption doing it. It
is you, Benedicto. The only person that can stop it from happening again is

Benedicto snorts disdainfully, his irritation coming forth now. "Me?" His
pearl-white eyes glint dangerously. "You think it was me? Me that wanted to kill
my unborn child? That lusts for violence. That attacked my friends? You know
nothing." He sneers finally, turning on his heel and heading towards the exit of
the hall.

Maite remains calm, despite the negative emotion spilling from
Benedicto. "You allowed yourself to think that those emotions, those thoughts
and feelings, were Her, Her doing. Yes, She influenced you. Not in the way that
you believe." She turns her body, to face Benedicto as he tries to walk away. "I
do not think. I know. It is my job to find the Truth, and reveal it. If you
leave, you are running from the Truth."

Benedicto halts suddenly, just before the exit. His face is hidden from you so
all you can hear is his voice, quiet and dangerous as it echoes around the hall.
"The Truth. You are trying to say that I am a monster. That I wanted those

Maite's voice is calm, direct. "We all have darkness inside of
us, Benedicto. Yes. Part of you wanted it. You allow it to come out, under the
guise that it is Her doing."

"The guise?" Benedicto repeats, a cold note entering his voice, a hint of the
alien. A delicate, almost sickeningly sweet smell pervades the hall.

Withing the blink of an eye Benedicto is there, facing you across the basin,
barely restrained violence visible in his jade tinged eyes. "Guise you say?" He
whispers, leaning towards you, the smell becoming a stench of foetid, decaying
matter, seemingly emanating from Benedicto himself.

Maite lets her fingers rest on the side of the basin, leaning
partially forward to meet Benedicto's look. If she is afraid, it is well hidden.
"Yes. Hear what I am saying, Benedicto. Accept the Truth, and it will free you
of this."

Benedicto's grin twists into something bordering the maniacal. His jade-tinged
eyes remain locked with your as he shifts his pack around, the stench almost
sickening with its intensity. He reaches in draws forth a bunch of pristine
chakra blossoms, holding them between you and himself. "Do you like the flowers?
The perfume of them is something, isn't it?" He turns them this way and that,
his gaze lowering to look at the delicate flowers. "She gave them to me." Then,
without further ado, he drops them into the basin of water.

Maite's voice is a warning, sharp. Direct. Commanding. "Listen
to my words Benedicto. Hear the Truth." The flowers only get a passing glance,
out of the corner of her eye. She is more fixated on Benedicto. "This is all you
right now. You are accountable for every action taken. No more excuses. No more
hiding behind what you want to believe versus the Truth."

"Listen to my words Benedicto." Benedicto makes a mockery of the words as he
gives them a childish, sing-song cadence. He begins to move around the slowly
bubbling basin, the waters within darkening into a sickening, black tar-like

Maite pulls her fingers away from the edge of a wide marble
basin full of water before the substance touches her fingers, but she remains
where she is, standing firm as Benedicto approaches. "Yes. Listen."

Benedicto moves menacingly towards you, his lips twisted into a malevolent grin,
the left side of his face jerking and twitching uncontrollably. "Listen, listen,
listen. Always listen. Why?" He asks you and the empty air with a sigh. "All -I-
can hear is the bleating of sheep." He leans forward. "Baaaaa. Baaaaaa."

The loud crack of a whip resounds through the hall, and the blur of a thorny,
verdant tendril shoots through the air, curling around Benedicto's arm.

Phoenecia emerges from her hiding place.

Maite makes a gesture to show that she is not armed, nor has
defences up. Even her angel is absent. When Phoenecia emerges, she gives her a
sharp look, shaking her head. "I would suggest leaving, before you get hurt."

"I was wondering when this would happen again," Phoenecia mutters, tightening
her hold on the handle of her whip. She shoots an equally sharp look back at
you, replying, "He's already punched me like this before and worse. I'm not
worried about getting hurt."

Benedicto looks down with faint surprise at the whip ensnaring his arm, locking
him into place momentarily. He quickly identifies Phoenecia as she emerges. "Ah
back for more Phoenecia?" He asks sweetly. "I would have thought you had learned
your lesson from last time. But, come. The more the merrier." He lifts his arm
and winds the whip around it once more, securing his hold upon it. Then, he
begins to inexorably pull Phoenecia towards him. "I won't be but a moment, my
dear Cardinal. Stay where you are."

Maite shakes her head towards Phoenecia, only saying, "You
should not have come, especially since this is between Benedicto and myself."

Phoenecia digs in her heels and tugs the whip back, the weapon's cord going
taut. "I'm stubborn, remember? But I really don't have the patience to deal with
you this time," she growls at Benedicto, her eyes narrowing in an imperious
glare. "You'll cease and desist at once." As soon as the words leave her lips,
she snaps her fingers. She glances to you, her expression still annoyed.
"Between you and him? Hardly. When I ask him to have dinner with me and responds
how he did, I can't ignore it."

Benedicto sneers at Phoenecia. "You have to be in your right mind to allow for
hypnotism to affect you dear." He states with amusement, fully aware of
Phoenecia's attempt. Despite Phoenecia's effort to remain still, his superior
musculature and size mean that she continues to be reeled towards him. He turns
his head jerkily in your direction. "Such brave words. Words are what you think
will save you. They won't. I've got my own -special- version of the cleansing
ritual planned for you. But only once I've dealt with her." He nods in
Phoenecia's direction.

Maite crosses her arms beneath her chest, gaze direct on
Benedicto. "And you still refuse to accept that no one other than yourself is
doing this right now." Even now, she still is acting on the fact that Benedicto
will listen. That %Benedicto_he is listening, despite the actions.

Benedicto's manic grin dissipates as his face sets. He quickly releases the
whip, allowing it to uncoil sending Phoenecia sprawling backwards at the
release. He quickly moves towards you, easily batting aside any attempts to
defend yourelf. He shifts smoothly behind her, wrapping one of his large arms
around your neck, his forearm tight to you throat. "Doing this, you mean?" He
whispers dangerously into your ear. "Slowly cutting off your air supply?"

You tell Slyphe, "Lord..Slyphe. Father is not around, and I ask...need
assistance with Benedicto, before others get hurt. I know he was close to You,
before. Please, help?"

Phoenecia stumbles back, but manages to regain her balance. Her eyes widen as
Benedicto attempts to strangle you, and she secures her whip, drawing her swords
instead. "Let go of her now, or I swear, I -will- start swinging, Bene. Remember
what I said - I do care about you. Enough that I'll kill you if I have to if you
don't stop this right now."

A torrent of water swirls about the area before dispersing to reveal the form of
Slyphe, the Tempest.

Slyphe grasps Tempest's Wrath tightly, the tines of the weapon pointed towards
the ground with the shaft of the weapon behind His back when He appears. "That
is enough, Benedicto. Let Her go."

Maite's hands reach up, attempting to pull Benedicto's arm from
her neck. Words are not possible, with her air being cut off, there is a look of
gratitude with Slyphe reveals Himself.

Benedicto's jade-tinged eyes widen momentarily as Slyphe appears. "Looks like
your knight in shining armor has arrived, Maite." He hisses, shuffling them both
towards the corrupted water within the basin. "Let her go? No, I think not
Slyphe. I am done with Your commands. You did not care when She touched me.
Tainted me. WHY DO YOU CARE NOW?!" He screams at him.

A war turtle bucks backward, shuffling away from the raw power of Slyphe in
obvious fear and agitation.

Phoenecia glances towards Slyphe, her hands still gripping tightly at the hilts
of her swords. "I guess love isn't enough in the end...figures." she mutters,
edging closer to Benedicto. "I don't want to hurt you, Bene, but I'll kill you
if I have to. Make no mistake of that."

Slyphe's eyes flash with power and he swings his trident around, the head of it
pointed towards Benedicto. "I am not the God I was then," he states, his tone
even despite the tightening of his gasp upon the weapon. His gaze flicks briefly
towards Phoenecia before returning to Benedicto. "Your form is still infused
with My essence. If it comes to it you would not be capable of resisting My
will. So I say again. Release her."

Benedicto grips you more tightly against himself, using you as a shield as he
continues to maneuver her towards the corrupted basin. His efforts seem to come
with greater difficulty though, the presence and proximity of Slyphe clearly
having an effect. He grits his teeth and sweat beads and runs freely down his
brow as he shuffles another step with you in tow. "I-I..." He gasps, his voice
something closer to his normal tone.

Maite manages to pull Benedicto's arm away from her neck long
enough to speak, despite not being able to prevent them from moving towards a
wide marble basin full of water, with black, thick liquid is inside. Water had
been there before. "He needs. To accept the Truth." Her nails dig into
Benedicto's forearm, attempting to get it loosened from around her neck.

Phoenecia shifts closer still, her movements silent and discreet as Benedicto's
attention remains on Slyphe, keeping just off to the side and out of Benedicto's
field of vision to get close enough to pry you away.

"You are allowing Her touch to hold too much sway over you," Slyphe continues.
He presses forward with the trident, the tines touching Benedicto's chest just
hard enough to pierce his clothing and draw a welling of blood from his flesh.

Benedicto lowers his arm from you, in fact it essentially flops lifeless to his
side as the tip of Slyphe's trident enters his flesh. He attempts to back away
but his leg collapses beneath him, bringing him to his knees before Slyphe. "I
had the thoughts." He groans, his voice a mixture of agony and relief. "She said
Her gift would grant my darkest desires. When Moirean told me she was carrying
my child, I did not want it. I have always enjoyed battle, combat. Violence." He
sobs, his hands rising to grip the trident.

Phoenecia takes the opportunity to grasp at your arm and tugs you away from
Benedicto, her expression wary. "I think it's your turn to stay back now," she
mumbles, the grip on her blades still tight, ready to strike at a moment's

Maite lets Phoenecia pull her away, casting her a grateful
look. "Thank you," she offers quietl. She remains near, but out of Benedicto's
grasp, to allow Slyphe and Benedicto the room they would need. Her next words
are spoken towards Benedicto, calm despite what had just happened. "I know. Now
you know it. Truth hurts. It is painful. It is what you needed."

Slyphe pulls his trident back, though it remains in Benedicto's grasp. "You are
better than the imp, Benedicto. Stronger. Do not give in to this." As he pulls
back, wisps of jade and cerulean essence can be seen rising from the bleeding
wounds left by the God's weapon, the jade essence streaming towards the liquid
in the basin.

"When I asked You for help, You ignored me. I had gone to strike a blow against
Her in Your name. But She took me. You did nothing. I felt abandoned and
betrayed. You know what I have done for You. What I have been for You."
Benedicto sobs softly, his words directed at Slyphe. His grip on Slyphe's
trident the only thing keeping him from falling forwards. "I may not have truly
perpetrated the events whilst Her essence was tainting me, but I wished for
them. In the darkest recesses of my soul I wanted them. I provided Her with the
key to my mind."

Phoenecia's body relaxes, but only slightly, and she keeps her swords at the
ready. "I like a good fight too, Bene. I don't like most people either, and for
the longest time I've felt that no one cared, but...I'm trying to be better
about it - trying to move past it." She shoots Benedicto a symphathetic gaze,
managing a faint smile. "If I can do that, I'm sure you can. You're not alone.
Never alone. Just as long as you keep fighting, you'll be alright."

Maite softens, keeping her hands clasped in front of her. She
glances towards Phoenecia, nodding. "There are those that care. I do. I would
see you return to what you were before this. Become more."

"I cannot be everywhere at once," Slyphe states, his tone neutral. "I have
admitted that My priorities were wrong. I cannot simply make this right. But you
are stronger than you are letting yourself appear."

Benedicto gives a faint nod at Slyphe's and he appears to grow stronger, more
like himself as he absorbs Phoenecia's and your reassurances. He gradually gets
to one knee, and whilst maintaining his grip on Slyphe's trident, he pulls
himself unsteadily to his feet. "I was wrong to blame You. It was the situation
within the Order that was the initial catalyst, then as things went on I placed
the blame at Your feet." He clears his throat to steady his voice. "My leaving
the Order left me vulnerable as I was without You for the first time in
centuries. I gave Her essence greater hold by distancing myself."

Maite remains quiet for now, standing near Phoenecia. It is
easy for her to recognize that this was needed between Benedicto and Slyphe, and
her respect for it shows in her silence.

Slyphe pulls His weapon away fully, then, His gaze remaining centered on
Benedicto. "I was truthful when I said you were missed. You will need to decide
where it is You wish to be. Service for My Brother is a noble pursuit, if that
is the path You choose to walk. Otherwise, you would be welcome amongst Mine
once more."

Phoenecia sheathes her swords once the danger seems to have passed. She says
nothing, simply allowing Benedicto and Slyphe to speak.

"I think that I need some time to think about that, my Lord." Benedicto grunts,
placing a hand over the three equally spaced wounds within his chest. "I am a
Kelki, my people will always be Your children. I also have Your essence within
me, making me who I am. But, Your Brother has helped me greatly and I value His
goals equally as much. It will be a difficult decision." He finishes.

Maite opens her hands in an open gesture. "And whatever you
decide, Benedicto, know there is no hard feelings if you choose to return to
Lord Slyphe. I was well aware of your service to Him before." A brief glance,
and smile is given towards Slyphe. "I thank You, Lord, for coming when I asked
for it."

"Think carefully on it," Slyphe says easily. He turns, then, towards you. "I was
happy to be of assistance. Your Lord asked Me to look in if requested, as His
attention was required elsewhere."

After a while, Phoenecia shuffles over to Benedicto's side, wrapping her arms
around one of his in a loose hug. "I won't try to convince you to come back and
serve Lord Slyphe with me. That's something you'll have to decide for yourself -
what is home to you. But regardless of which you choose, I'll keep stubbornly
trying to keep you from falling. Just like I did before."

Benedicto allows Phoenecia to support him, leaning heavily upon her as he keeps
one hand pressed to his wounds. "I am lucky to be surrounded by such people." He
says to you and Phoenecia. "I thank You as well, my Lord and I ask Your
forgiveness." He bows his head humbly towards Slyphe.

Maite steps around Slyphe and %Benedicto, peering into a wide
marble basin full of water with a considering look. This is only after she dips
her head towards %Benedicto. "I only wished to help you."

"It is granted," Slyphe states, as if it were no great matter. His gaze drifts
briefly towards Phoenecia and he says, "Your assistance in this matter is
appreciated." He pauses a moment, then before saying to you, "Take care in
disposing of the contents of that basin. My Sister's essence is

Benedicto looks towards the basin with a wince. "I hope Lord Damariel will
forgive me for that. I have no idea what those blooms contained, nor what they
have done to the waters within the basin."

Phoenecia nods her head at Slyphe. "A long time ago, I promised I would look
after him." She glances to Benedicto with a smile, but grimaces under his
weight. "I intend on following through with that as best as I can."

Nodding towards Slyphe, you say, "I will close the doors here, and make sure it
is protected until Father is able to return. I would not risk causing further

With a satisfied nod, Slyphe, the Tempest says, "If any of you should need My
assistance again, simply ask it. I must take My leave."

Slyphe's form bursts into a torrent of water that washes over the area violently
until it disperses and He is gone.

Benedicto breathes heavily, clearly in pain from his wound. He turns his tired,
pearl-white gaze towards you. "I cannot apologize enough. For the corruption of
the basin and what I did to you. I hope I did not injure you?" He asks

Maite reaches up to touch at her neck, where it is merely sore.
"It will bruise, but it was nothing. I know you are regretful of it, and that is
enough. But know that Whoever you choose to serve, I would allow you entrance to
the Order now." Her fingers grasp the edge of the basin. "I will have Edain come
help me with this part. " She glances towards Phoenecia, nodding towards the
woman. "Thank you again for pulling me away, and you should see him home. Make
sure he recovers from the wound, yes?"

"I need to go to my rest actually. The time will serve to heal my wounds, though
with all things Divine, it will likely leave a lasting mark." Benedicto says
with a faint grin. "It will serve as a reminder to me for the future."

Benedicto Silverain says, "I will likely see you both next month."

Phoenecia's antennae droop noticeably, her expression glum. "And here I thought
you'd finally be able to spend time with me..."

Phoenecia sighs and runs a hand through her hair, her footsteps barely making a
sound as she strides towards the exit.

-Some time later-

Edain's smile is warm, but weary as he approaches.

Edain gives you a peck on the cheek.

Maite is standing near a wide marble basin full of water, where
once there had been water. Instead, a thick, black and green tainted mixture is
now, her fingers on the edge of the broad object. The kiss is received, but not
immediately returned. "Hey," she offers. Her voice is raspy, hoarse, as if
either talking too much, or from another reason.

Edain's nose wrinkles, and his pierced face twists into a grimace as he looks to
a wide marble basin full of water. He mumbles something under his breath, then a
bit louder.

Flatly, Edain Tenor says, "Damn me."

Maite reaches up, absently rubbing at her neck. "A result of
doing what Benedicto asked. That. That is because of him. Although, it was
merely corrupted at first. Slyphe helped finish what needed done, and now it is
not only corrupted, but with Her essence."

His face screwing up, Edain Tenor says to you, "Helped?"

Reluctantly, you say, "When I tried to show Benedicto the Truth. That it was in
his mind, it went badly. I was..He nearly got me into the basin, and did a damn
good job of choking me before hand. I asked Lord Slyphe for help. He came and
helped. Benedicto can start healing now. Be free. He accepted the truth."

Edain's brow furrows, and he leans close. One hand rises beneath your chin, and
he squints as he leans close to study your throat.

Maite lets her head be tilted - dark marks starting to form
around her throat. It would be nastily bruised, later. "Don't hold it against
him, Edain. He was still under Her influence when it happened."

After a long pause, Edain Tenor says, "I don't. I just, uh..."

Edain Tenor says, "Don't like to see you hurt."

Edain's gaze is drawn to the reeking basin, and he turns his head aside to spit.

Maite's expression softens. "I know. It was a risk I took when
I chose to tell him the Truth. But it was removed. I did it." Even with that
victory, it is a grim acceptance.

Edain's attention turns more fully to a wide marble basin full of water. "So...
what in sight of Hell are you planning on doing with... this?"

Maite steps back from the basin, nearer to Edain. "I am not
sure. What exactly are we supposed to do with the Lady Chakrasul's essence and
Her corruption?"

Matter-of-factly, Edain Tenor says, "Burn it. Cleanse it. Paint the walls of Her
temple with it."

Maite's jaw clenches, staring down at the substance. "Together,
then. We both burn it. Cleanse it."

Maite takes in a deep breath. "This is going to take both of us
to do it, I think."

Edain utters a series of whispered words and drowns the Hall in brilliant,
near-blinding light.

As he taps his burning mace against his shield, Edain Tenor says to you,
"Haven't ever really done anything like this before."

Maite moves to stand near the basin, her wings carefully tucked
against her back, to be out of the way. Her darker skin and wings offer a stark
contrast to the brilliant white of the light in the room. As she rubs her hands
together, and then opens them, a flame appears in her palm. While she works on
shaping it, growing it, she looks over to Edain. "This is a holy place. I will
cleanse this with fire, for it can purify. Make new. Unless there is further
influence, I believe it will work. Then we will see about casting it across Her

Edain nods firmly, and casts the brilliantly shining figure of his angel a sad
smile. She floats quietly at his side as he approaches, and places his hands
beneath your own. The heat intensifies, and the angel hovers nearby, her slender
hands clasped before her.

Maite nods towards Edain, and then braces herself with sure
footing, using Edain to keep herself steady. Raising their hands together, palms
turn, facing a wide marble basin full of water. With a grunt, she shoves, fire
arcing out from her palms in a steady stream into the basin. There is a tortured
around as the flames hit the tainted substance, the heat starting to bring it to
a boil.

Edain forces his hands directly into the heart of the stream of fire. His
pierced face twists into a grimace, and he utters a harsh series of words under
his breath as the light pouring from his skin intensifies.

Maite's pain contorts with concentration and pain while she
directs the flames into the basin. The sickengly sweet smell that can only be
Corruption fills the air, as the boiling substance is slowly purified with heat
and fire. Sweat dots her forehead, lips pulled back into a grimace.

The process proves painfully slow to progress, then seems to grind to a halt.
The disgusting mixture of water and filth in a wide marble basin full of water
churns and begins to boil, loosing clouds of noxious gas into the Hall. Slime
splashes the immaculately-clean floors as it sloshes over the edge of the
vessel, and the water remains black and stained with the foreign essence. Edain
visibly grits his teeth in a rictus snarl, and his hands clench into fists as he
pours more life into the stream of fire aimed at a wide marble basin full of

Maite chokes on the fumes, and then the glow around them
brightens as she shoves more of herself into the process. Pulse after pulse of
flames and light down into the bowl, attempting to remove it, purify it. She was
not one to give up easily, even when it looks as if this may not work.

Even as water and oily blood spill over the basin's edge beneath the raw force
of the stream of fire, the water remains a sickening hue. Edain swears aloud and
opens his hands again, his contribution to the arc fizzling out after a final,
intense burst. His hands smoke when he pulls them away, and his shoulders are
hunched with the aftermath of the effort. "It isn't working," he announces.

Maite's shoulders slump, and her strength gives out, knees
hitting the floor, right into part of that substance that had spilled over. She
doesn't notice, hanging her head down. " ask Father to deal with it."

Shaking his head, Edain Tenor says, "No. It just needs... weakening, I think.
Burning only solves part of the problem, like with most things."

Edain casts you a wry grin at the grim joke.

Tiredly, you say, "Like with what?"

As Edain speaks, the filth in a wide marble basin full of water bubbles quietly,
and occasionally a sinuous wisp of noxious smoke ekes from its surface.

Frowning, Edain Tenor says to you, "Doesn't the Rite cleanse someone, if they've
broken a Fetter or let a bit of the Bad Stuff in?"

You say, "Yes?"

Nodding, Edain Tenor says to you, "Cleanse me."

Maite backs away, kneeling on the floor. "No Edain. It would
touch you. It would seep into you. I can't take that risk."

Edain sucks thoughtfully on the stud through his lower lip and stares at the
disgusting pool. "I can control it. Keep it weak enough to purge. Who the hell
knows what it'll do if it stays like this?"

Maite pushes up from her knees, standing and attempting to
brush herself off. "I have never done much wrong, nor had a time when I was
tempted to want to do it. If anyone could withstand it, I could. Shut the doors,

Edain looks hard at you for a long moment. After a moment, he nods, and moves
stiffly to the Hall's entryway. The doors creak loudly as he drags them closed,
and the sound of the latch echoes over the quiet burbling of the disgusting mess
that fills a wide marble basin full of water.

Without a word, Edain moves back to a wide marble basin full of water's edge,
collects the ewer placed nearby, and scoops a small bit from the slimy surface
of the pool.

Maite moves over towards the basket on the floor, and when she
begins to strip, there is no sense of shyness now. Even in this place, the light
blazing around the Hall. "As soon as I leave the pool, and place my hand in the
fire, start trying again. I will help once the ritual is complete. You can
strike the moment weakness enters."

The corner of Edain's mouth twitches down at that. "You're going to..." after a
moment, he huffs a breath and finishes, "fuck it. Alright, let's get this done

Edain drops to one knee, lifts a curled hand to his forehead, and again begins
to glow intensely. His angel, with a sad smile, mimics the motion, and soon the
details of the Hall are washed away in the blinding light.

Maite is now bare, wings draped around her as if in protection.
Bare feet take her across the floor, towards a clay bowl full of dust. "It is
the strongest thing we have to use. The power here - the fact that it is meant
to cleanse, will weaken it. I should be able to resist whatever the touch brings
to me."

Edain moves to your side and tucks his burning weapon carefully under one arm.
Without a word, he scoops his hand into a clay bowl full of dust and dusts your
naked form liberally before reaching in for another handful.

Maite brings forth a flame in her hands again, reaching over to
light a burning brazier of blackened iron while Edain covers her form with the
dust from the bowl. Deep breaths, in and out, taking it for the sobering
experience that this is.

Edain takes a final handful from a clay bowl full of dust and sprinkles it over
your head. Gently taking your arm, he walks with you back to a wide marble basin
full of water and collects the ewer in both hands.

Grimly, Edain Tenor says to you, "I'm ready."

Both hands reach out for the ewer that is being brought towards
her, and Maite keeps her eyes locked on Edain's as it is brought to her lips.
"Pray this works, Edain." With that, a sip is taken, the cloyingly sweet taste
sweeping through her mouth, and then traveling down when she swallows. It is
with a wince that it is pushed back into your hands, her feet bringing her to
the edge of a wide marble basin full of water.

Edain can only manage a quiet nod, and stands close against a wide marble basin
full of water's edge.

Maite takes a deep breath, and then steps into the basin,
steeling herself for what she would feel. Nothing painful, just that same overly
sweet scent surrounding her. Standing in the middle, she glances towards Edain,
nods, and then dips below the surface to go through the rites of the ritual.

Just as you steps dripping from a wide marble basin full of water, Edain utters
a sharp word under his breath and tilts the ewer in his hands. What pours forth
is molten slag that hisses violently as it touches the surface of the filth
beneath. Heat radiates from it as it catches flame, and with a sworn word, he
thrusts the ewer - and both hands - into the writhing muck.

Maite steps from the water, now clearer, although no where near
clean. The substance tries to cling to her form, to her wings, but for the most
part, drips off. She can not avoid some seeping in, disappearing into her skin.
Easily removed later by cleansing again. Still dripping, she walks towards the
brazier, looking to catching Edain's look for clarification. "Ready? This is it?
The final step."

Edain spares you a glance and a pained grimace. He manages a nod, then hisses as
he forces his hands deeper into the steaming, tortured slime. It sloshes from a
wide marble basin full of water beneath his attention, and the flame spreads
across the surface, soon catching along the rim and leaving the whole vessel a
veritable torch.

Maite steels herself again, and then thrusts her hands into the
brazier, with a blinding light that surround the room, as the ritual is brought
to completion. The basin that is now a torch responds violently, as power thrums
through the hall, aiding Edain's efforts.

Edain and the angel behind him blaze with light now, and a keening whine rises
from his throat. It intensifies to a brief, harsh scream, and the contents of a
wide marble basin full of water explode out and upward, spattering him and the
floor in boiling bile. When he pulls the ewer up in both hands, it glows
fiercely, and his hands smoke to touch it. With a grim, pained expression, he
pours the clean, boiling water from it in liberaly splashes, washing the stains
from the floor and walls with each movement.

Maite is breathing heavily now, water dripping from her form.
She watches Edain, watches as the substance in the basin is cleaned, and then
used to wipe clear the the remainder of the taint on the ground that had

Edain finally drops the glowing ewer to the floor with a loud clatter, his
breathing coming in ragged gasps. Smoke rises from his hands, which glisten with
fresh, wet burn wounds.

Maite moves from the brazier, towards Edain with swift, but
tired steps. Her hands reach for his wrists, turning palms up so she can look at
the wounds. "Want me to heal these for you?"

Edain clenches his fists, and a short cry rips itself from his throat. He holds
them out towards you and nods repeatedly, his face screwing up.

Maite has to calm herself, seeing Edain in pain. It only takes
a moment, and a white glow suffuses her hands, sliding from Edain's wrists, over
the palms, the healing magic starting to work its way through the burned flesh.
"It will be over soon. Then we will go home, yes? Recover."

Edain hisses another breath through gritted teeth, and his fingers curl tighter.
The wet, raw wounds halfway mend, then sizzle as they harden into glossy, white
scars. "You did good," he says hoarsely.

Maite leans up, brushing a brief kiss to Edain's cheek. "As did
you. I will see that Father knows of your aid to me. I could not have done it
without you."

Shaking his head, Edain Tenor says to you, "I just did what needed doing. Let's
go take a bath."

Maite drops her hands from Edain's, moving to grab her clothes.
Only the cloak is thrown on, easily wrapping around her and keeping her modest.
"Home. Yes. Let's go."


  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    I enjoyed it! I was having real difficulty concentrating throughout that as I was watching Jay Cutler throw away a Bears victory to the Packers >.>
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