Relic pieces needed. ( Caves )

I need cave amulet pieces.

Hit me up, I will buy or trade well.


  • Of note - I will pay three hundred credits per for them, and I still need two.
  • MoireanMoirean Chairmander Portland
    I wonder what happens when this promo ends and people are stuck holding like...5 pieces of a 7 piece set.
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    We either sell them or hold onto them until the next time this promo turns up on the promation-rotation (yes, promation, because I like the sound of the two together). Promotion-Rototion? Something.
  • I'll be trading mine in, but at 300 per I'm hoping two people want to make that +75 difference and sell them. Hate to waste 4 good pieces.
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